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Mission 1

Started by Zack Mannion, April 05, 2003, 11:11:31 AM

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Waik Ryder

Waik looks at the data and taps on the control panel...

"This signature I know." pointing too one of the two distinct patterns "It's Cardassian. That's easy. But this one doesn't match any known signatures." Pointing at the second pattern "However..." Waik  squints  his eyes in concentration and taps a few more times...

"yup there it is..." Waik points to the screen. "the reason it doesn't match any weapon signatures is because it's not a weapon. It's a com signal embedded into the particle stream. Very subtle though and short. I think COMM might have better chance of deciphering it then I would."

OFF: sorry been working two jobs...will try to post more often....

OFF2: Do we have a COMM Officer?


OFF: I suppose I could take the CO position.
FIS Blackfire CO
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Drex.gif" border="0">
"Every once in a while, declare peace; it confuses the #### out of your enemies." -- Rule 76, Rules Of Acquisitions

YJ beams aboard the Blackfire. All was silent until he heard a sound and turned around

"Who's there?" he growled.

Then he saw who the person was. It was the Major.

"Sorry, sir. I didn't see you just now." he quickly apologised. "YJ Chuan reporting, sir. I'm the new security officer here."


*Gunnar takes 3 steps and turns away from Chaun*

"Ofcourse you can.." *he almost whispers*

*And a wink of an eye Gunnar spins around and throws himself at Chaun. As he flies thru the air he flips out his blade and thrusts out at Chaun's other shoulder, as he cries out in a loud 'ki'.*


FSS Captain Gunnar
Tactical/Security Chief
FIS Blackfire

Hello, i am Nailo,
ah T'leo i am a vulcan too..
i heard you resigned...

anyway i have a suggestion, there is a small matter brewing at a secret cardassian planet, there are slaves on board and a Star fleet inteligence ship is enroute...

OFF: they are very active, we could do a joint mission with them...

William Jones

Reporting In as the XO of this Fine vessel!

Jonathan Mason

2 days ago we recieved a secret transmission of a possible terrorist threat on the Starphoenix Base.

Your mission will be to investigate this transmission source and see if there really is a terrorist cell waiting to strike on the Base.

The Blackfire is more than capable of handling any threat there may be. Keep in mind that this is a hidden area where they are hiding.

We do not know what race they are but they do possess ships and reports indicate they have ground warriors, whether or not they are on planet Dantor is yet to be seen.

I will give the order to ship out once we get a new tactical officer, then you will be on your way.

EDIT: the ship will have a temporary tactical officer in Mr. Drex, since his services are not needed on the base.

http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">

Mike Donaldson

Helm, Give me A Status Report.
Captain Mike Donaldson
CO Of FIS Blackfire

Mike Donaldson

Hm...Anyone want to join me in the Messhall?
Captain Mike Donaldson
CO Of FIS Blackfire


"I suppose I'll take over the bridge sir?"

(Edited by Drex at 4:40 pm on Sep. 6, 2003)

FIS Blackfire CO
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Drex.gif" border="0">
"Every once in a while, declare peace; it confuses the #### out of your enemies." -- Rule 76, Rules Of Acquisitions

William Jones

OFF: lol its ok :P, I think i sounded a bit erm serious that i had intended in my off post..... lol

Thank you Sven

William Jones

"Alright, keep an eye on the cloack and Helm bring us in transporterrange of the planet. We may need to conduct some scans of the vicinity first, we don't know were these terrorists are hidding..."

William Jones

(OFF: Ok this is the Real William jones and I am back, I would love to thank Hedford for posting for me in my absence and yes I will take command of the FIS Blackfire... Sorry for the slow reply i have been back a couple days and now just settling down.. I will get caught up with what is going on http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> )

Stephanie Monroe

(OFF: we need to get the story progressing)
Agent Stephanie Monroe
Tactical/Security Chief
FIS Blackfire

Nailo Tpolish

OFF: http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> good job...
Nailo Tpolish
Head of Black Ops
FSS Division