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Mission 3: Request of Assistence.

Started by Andrew Yates, January 03, 2005, 11:32:44 PM

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Keith Rinon

*Runs infront of the captain and prevents him from leaving*

"SIR ARE YOU MAD! You can't let him onthis ship, he is from a differant time and exposing him to this kind of technology will mess things up. I suggest as soon as he walks onboard we shut down the lighting and beam them to the holodeck to make it appear he is on a differant ship from his time so that he does not see things he shouldn't."

Aron Wanner

Yes commander right away..

*Turns to the doctor*
I think you can take care of our guest..

*runs out of sickbay*

*To MACO team*
Meet me at docking port 2, I need four men..

*Runs to docking port 2 and meets his men and Commander Bode and also the captain*
Sorry captain...no time to chat..

Come on men lets go..

*Gives Bode a weapon and boards the Ariane*

Commander, do you know were the aliens are...

Major General Aron Wanner
Executive Officer, Dantor: Starphoenix Planetary Base

Jeroen Bode

Captain, the zombies boarded the Ariane!
http://www.jeybe.nl/images/jeroenbode.jpg" border="0">

Event Horizon

http://www.rpg-insignias.co.uk/graphic-files/insignia-images-fga/star-trek/ambassadors/federation/Ambas-5-Bar-Ambassador.jpg" border="0"> Vulcan Ambassador S'Lok:
That is classified captain, I would like to return to Vulcan as soon as possible..

John Kerry

OCC: I am Chief of Special Operations to be exact. More on Intell then anything. But I been doing security/tactical, science, some engineering and my favorite Operations for you.
Cmdr. John Kerry
Commanding Officer
Frontier Station

Simon Rajnus

*walks out of his ready room and heads over to the captains chair*

Alright set course Maxium warp for Kennedy..............

Helm:  Yes sir ETA 20 hours........

http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

John Kerry

About 4 minutes away sir as John reach the ops counsole.
Cmdr. John Kerry
Commanding Officer
Frontier Station

Tobias Bashir

While all this is going on I am quietly getting ready as all Doctors do in sickbay everytime there is an away mission.

Simon Rajnus

OOC**Nice It reminds me of Resident Evil......and Resident Evil: Apolcolypse...........LOL..........

ON**The sensors are detecting weapons fire from the Away team...........

*Simon to the transporter room*..........Beam the away team back!.......

*the Away team materializes back aboard the Newyork*

*medical teams comes rushing in to asist with the wounded*

*simon to away team*.......go to the medical bay and get cleared then I want you up here asap and give me a report.........

OOC2:  Just be nice and say they were beamed back........Altho I dont know if I want that body of that undead thing on my ship tho.........but it would be an interesting story line tho.........Aim for the HEAD!Q!!!!.......hehehe

http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Jeroen Bode

*Suddenly the ships shakes*

*To the Captain*
Sir! I think you need to het up here! You won't believe waht just happened....Another ship got trough the Vortex....and it is pretty old! I saw this ship before, but that was at the ACADEMY!...I think it is a Venus class!

http://www.jeybe.nl/images/jeroenbode.jpg" border="0">

Tobias Bashir

=/\= Captain thier Captain Thomas Johnson is well enough to travel now sir. He may even be in a condition to return to command. but as I doctor I would not suggest it four another day or two sir.

Jeroen Bode

occ: It was getting boring :P

I think the zombies boarded the Ariane, I'm sending aron and his team and I'll go with him, I think we need the explain why we help them and their weapons are useless against them...And the zombies can come to us, because we are still docked with them...

*Hail the Ariane*

Channel open sir,

This commander Bode of the New York, we noticed you are under attack, we are coming on board..

Ronin, you have the bridge..

*To Aron, meet me with a MACO team at docking port 2, we are going to the Ariane*

(Edited by Jeroen Bode at 6:45 pm on Jan. 17, 2005)

http://www.jeybe.nl/images/jeroenbode.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

*heads out of the docking bay as his MACO guards follow and seals the door from the docking bay to the rest of the ship............*

*insutructs the MACO guards to keep an eye on all docking bay doors on this lvl and heads back to the bridge where Bode is awaiting*

*enters the bridge a few minutes later and hurries to his seat*

Bode what is going on!..........RONIN! On my mark destroy that ship

((Not the Ariane the one with all the inected vulcans on it))......

http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Tobias Bashir

=/\= Yes Captain but we still need to get it into their Environmental Control system sir because it an airborn antiviral agent. I have been building the stocks and I am trying to make it a viable compound for hyposprays for innoculating All Vulcans but at the moment it isn't working. I will get it done though sir. =/\=

Andrew Yates

Oh yes, Lt. brown here will be replacing Lt. Rinon. Lt Rinon will be transfered to the station..
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1322/yatesprofile2ah.jpg" border="0">
Admiral Andrew Yates
Avalon Division
Executive Officer
Member of the Starfleet Command