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USS Sequoia - "...And Into the Fire"

Started by Gordon Freeman, October 04, 2003, 09:01:55 PM

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Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

John Casden

=A= Incoming Hail to USS Sequoia =A=

Federation Starship, this is the MEV Paladin. Do you require assistance?


"I believe we are in position to halt the fleet, and have one ship cloaked near the station, and drop off me and the other officers in the infiltration team."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Vorak overlooks if everything goes well according to procedure, as the infiltration team takes place on the transporter room. When all is to his satisfaction, he takes place on the transporter room as the last one, and takes a deep breath.


Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Jeff Keach

=^= Fleet Captain Keach to DS12 convoy group =^=

I believe all ships are in position, so keep a look out for the Romulan Coalition's ships. We are recieving technical data from the infiltration team and it shows that we are almost ready for the ships to enter within weapons range. Although I hope  we never have to fire upon the station, I remind you that you only shoot when fired on. Good luck to us all and see you on the other side

=^= Keach out =^=

Avalon Division
Executive Officer,
Second in Command

Gordon Freeman

"Lieutenant Harfield, open fire, all weapons! Shields to maximum, take energy from any unnecessary systems if needed!"

(OFF: I'm not back yet, but I am posting from my aunts house and using her sattellite connection.)

(Edited by Gordon Freeman at 11:17 pm on Nov. 2, 2003)

Captain Gordon Freeman
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Twelve

Gordon Freeman

The Sequoia shakes violently as a bulkhead falls from the ceiling, missing Freeman by inches.

"Alright, that's it..."

=/\= All hands, report to the escape pods, I repeat, all hands, report to the escape pods and abandon ship! =/\=

"That means all you too..." Freeman says to his senior officers.

As the final escape pod is launched, Gordon contemplates what he is about to do. After entering several manual and verbal commands, the Sequoia swings around to face the lead last Norexan-Class ship, the Coalition flagship. The Sabre-Class escort routes all she can muster into the impulse engines, and in a brilliant display of light, the Sequoia rams the flagship head-first, giving all it had left in a fiery death for both the Coalition ship and herself.

The Sequoia was gone.

Captain Gordon Freeman
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Twelve

Gordon Freeman

"Welcome to the Bridge, Admiral, and thank you. Ensign, signal the fleet to depart."
Captain Gordon Freeman
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Twelve


uh sir, it's only been and hour since we left, I'd say about  6 maybe 7 hours till rendezvous.

OFF: did someone edit my earlier post? I swear it looks like someone did.

"If we don't get more power to the warp drive we're all going to have to get out and push!" -- Paris

Will Karelia

Will whispers back to Commander Nismos.

"No, I'm not really having any trouble with it..."

Name: Karelia, William Michael
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Assignment: Commanding Officer, Avalon Division
                        Executive Officer, Expansion Task Force

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/meritoriousservice.gif" border="0">
"I'm glad that Karelia always understands the things, which I don't..." - Fleet Admiral Montrell


"Oh nice hint :P, sounds cool to use when...."


"Never mind, I was just thinking out loud :S"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">


OFF: we really should get this mission going. The fleet is already quite long under way. Soon the USS Phoenix will join the fleet as well.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

John Casden

Very well, moving into position.
*The Paladin moves into formation and activates its Phase Cloak.*

James Walker

Walker let a lieutenant take over tactical.

"Lets go kick some Romulan scum out of are nest."

The infiltration team headed for Transporter Room 2, taking a detour to the Armory.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Walker.jpg" border="0">
"Keep it moving, keep it moving, get the lead out of your pants." -- Tom Paris

Randall Sanchez

As the fleet moves into the battle zone, the USS Skytoucher arms weapons and follows...
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">