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The Storming of DS12

Started by Huw, November 21, 2003, 01:09:52 PM

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Will Karelia

Karelia materializes face to face with the Romulan Admiral. Will raises his phaser to meet with the bridge of the Romulan's nose.

"You've invaded our space, and we've tolerated it. You've attacked our vessels, and we've tolerated it. But enough is enough!"

Will's thumb slowly descends toward the trigger of the phaser. He hesitates for several seconds before lowering the weapon.

"And if I ever see you in this area of space again, I will not hesitate have your vessels destroyed on sight. With a disgusted tone: Now get off my station..."

Name: Karelia, William Michael
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Assignment: Commanding Officer, Avalon Division
                        Executive Officer, Expansion Task Force

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/meritoriousservice.gif" border="0">
"I'm glad that Karelia always understands the things, which I don't..." - Fleet Admiral Montrell



An unknown, large grey ship comes out of nowhere intercepting the USS Evolution and cutting off her retreat from the Quantum Singularity Network, as the ship intends to enter a collision course with a Romulan warbird.
The Evolution stops, the romulan ship begins to attack the new ship, the ship returns fire with extreme power, the romulan ship explodes in a hailstorm of fire.

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


"The romulan must have been making a bluff or is very confident.Do you think they have more cloaked ships?"

(Edited by Nismos at 8:08 am on Dec. 2, 2003)

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Nismos.jpg" border="0">
"Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepair for ramming speed RAMING SPEED!"-Worf


Vorak, i believe he has taken the Romulan commander,
My scans cant find him, oh wait, hes... back?

Michaels is gone

I will resume my defensive position

*A small thud sounds*

*A scurrying noise can be heard from the geffreys tube*
Here they come

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


Oh crap... Well we wont lose if i have something to do with it!

*A romulan appears in the geffreys tube, Huw fires a stun blast at the romulan and he drops unconcious*

Thatll teach you, wait! i have an idea

*Huw manually closes the geffreys tube and sets his rifle to maximum and begins to weld the geffreys tube shut*

Get through that Romulans!

We will be safe for now sir, but if help doesnt get here soon, we may be in trouble

OFF: *cough*ASC Revox *cough*

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


*Looks at Admiral Vorak*

"Admiral, what will our next step be?"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">


*Vorak looks at Hedford and wants to respond, just as Karelia's intercom message resounds. And Vorak almost seems to smile. Almost.*
"Mr. Hedford, I believe it is logical to join the formalities... and a "drink"... in the lounge."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


OFF: good to see you can post more often again Karelia http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> And we assumed you were on the boarding team all this time so that fits perfectly http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

"Permission granted, Mr. Karelia. We must do all we can, as it appears that our vessels are losing the battle."

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


OFF: Yep, except i dont have the whole armour thing, this is http://www.treknology.org/marine-armour.jpg" target="_blank">what i look like click there...

The Romulans have stopped attacking us sir, so patch him up and get him into cover

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


*Vorak transmits a message to Starphoenix Base.*

=^= Incoming transmission from Deep Space 12 =^=
This is Flag Admiral Vorak. We are currently at Deep Space 12, where we just finished a battle against the Romulan Coalition to retrieve control over our station. Our Task Force Fleet has 5 Starfleet vessels left, that may be in need of repairs. Since Starphoenix is the closest base to DS12, please send the U.S.S. Lancelot immediately to bring cargo necessary for the repairs of the ships and the station.
=^= Vorak out =^=

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Will Karelia

Will turns around to see a large glowing light move it's way down the door's seam. The Romulans were cutting down the door!

"Alright, it will have to wait. Take firing positions."

The officers take strategic positions all over ther Armory. The bright orb subsides as the cut is finished, and after a strange silence, the door crashes inward with a deafening noise.


Name: Karelia, William Michael
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Assignment: Commanding Officer, Avalon Division
                        Executive Officer, Expansion Task Force

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/meritoriousservice.gif" border="0">
"I'm glad that Karelia always understands the things, which I don't..." - Fleet Admiral Montrell


OFF: LOL, the shady FSS is at it again...

Hmmm.... Shall i track him for you...

(The only way out at the mo is thru the geffreys tubes i am guarding)


Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


OFF: this is Vorak posting with the Hedford character, he requested me to keep his chars going until he can be back after his school exams. And since nobody's going to  give the ASC Revox permission to dock, I'll do it or this mission will never be completed.

=^= DS12 to Revox =^=
You have permission to dock, Mr. Ardwyad. Welcome aboard our station, in name of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets.
=^= Hedford out =^=

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">

Marco Diaz

OFF: sorry Vorak, I didn't read the request. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>
Captain Marco Diaz,
Commanding Officer DSA

Gordon Freeman

The infil. team is working in engineering, when Walker sees a panel on the wall with a live feed from the battle outside the station.

"Look!" he says.

The team look at the screen just long enough to see the Sequoia ram a Romulan ship, destroying herself in the process. As they take a second to ponder what they just saw, a noise is heard behind them. They turn around to see a severly injured Captain Freeman materialize on the Engineering floor. He quickly collapses into unconsciousness.

Captain Gordon Freeman
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Twelve