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Mission 2: The Unknwon Nebula

Started by Sirius Kos'ur, March 03, 2004, 09:23:48 PM

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Irene Jamsen

The Beam is Ready I will activate on your command.
Commander Irene Jamsen
Chief Medical Officer

Bruce D'Armien

Captain! The starboard shield emitter is offline, and the port side is down to 60% efficiency....suggest we alter course slightly to compensate, and hope the flyer gets the job done soon...
Lt. Bruce D' Armien
Chief Science Officer
USS Endurance

Bruce D'Armien

Captain, The Kazon ship is about to fire again...the ship will be able to withstand perhaps one more blast after this....even then with massive damage to her.....
Lt. Bruce D' Armien
Chief Science Officer
USS Endurance

Bruce D'Armien

Commander,  both forward shield emitters are now offline, and we have hull breaches on decks 6, 11, and 12...no reports of casualties and the areas have been sealed, but we have NO shielding capability at the present
Lt. Bruce D' Armien
Chief Science Officer
USS Endurance

Cherie Fu

"hello, im the new CMO and ill send some security teams down their, Commander!"
Cherie Fu

Bruce D'Armien

Hm....yes, sir....we can possibly rig a torpedo with a counter-energy charge that is opposite that of the energy emitted by the wormhole, and detonate it as it reaches the edge of it.  I should be able to make the adjustments at my console here. It should be ready in a moment, if you so wish it.
Lt. Bruce D' Armien
Chief Science Officer
USS Endurance

Doug Oneal

*The Captain and Commander grant permission for the flyer to dock.*

"Jamsen lock onto the ship Mr. He Detected and see that it finds its way back into the worm hole. Then see if you can use the beam as a shield to cap off the exit to the wormhole. D'Armien how's that torpedo coming along?"

Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance

Sirius Kos'ur

The ship get repelled back to the worm hole
kos'ur- "Fire the torpedo ."
Bruce- "yes sir"

the tropdeo explodes and the worm hole is blocked off

Kos'ur- "head back to DS-18 for repairs and some much need rest and relaxation"

OCC: good work everyone now comes the fun part we have no mission so now you can start devolp sub-plots with the other crew enjoy and have fun

Sirius Kos'ur

"Lets head out commander"

The endurance headed out to the nebula

Tucker walked out of the turbolift

"Charles Tucker here as an advisor. Any place you need me?"

"Is there a tactical duty needed? Being more of a tactical advisor i could serve best there."

Sirius Kos'ur

the kazon ship stops right in front of our ship

"dont fire intill they fire first"

Time passes

"why are they just standing there"

Ensign-"SIR, Two more kazon shiips comming up to the port bow"

"Irene Jamsen  if you still think you can do the trick you told me earlier. then do it"

A kazon torpedo hit the bow of the ship


*shawn he uses comm*
 "sorry to disturb you captain, but is it possible to have quantum slipstream drive? It alows ships to  travel 100 times the speed of light!. I read it in a holo novel. This would increase our exploration by a lot and we could have new crew and possibily a new ship." *not that im saying ur a bad captain, in fact ur the best one i have seen! http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
shawn he

Irene Jamsen

Arriving at Deflector Control Jamsen removes the access

panel. She starts modifing the Deflector to admit a

wide beam capable of pushing The Kerzon Ship

through the Wormhole.

Commander Irene Jamsen
Chief Medical Officer


shes emitting some sort of beam,like a tractor beam...should we tractr it and fire pahsers sir?
shawn he