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Ops Communications

Started by Nocturnus, May 21, 2003, 10:42:50 PM

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-- Posted by Sarah Parker on 6:48 pm on June 24, 2004

*Meanwhile, in Avalon Ops, a console beeps in the quite slow paced operations room.*
Ensign: "Commander Janeway, a subspace message from Starphoenix."
Janeway: "On screen."
*The starphoenix operations room appears on screen. Several people move around frantically, orders are shouted here and there; Admiral Sullivan, the head of the station, is seen in the background, giving orders to Captains and Commanders present in the room. Parker stands up front facing the screen, looking quite fatigued.*
"Space Station Avalon, this is Vice Admiral Sarah Parker. We recently received warning from the USS Evolution of an approaching force known as the Na'jigat. From what we have here, we'll not be able to withstand an attack alone for very long. I request that all ships available for combat be sent here immediately."


-- Posted by Kathryn Janeway on 9:09 pm on June 24, 2004

=/\= understood sir im dispatching all ships avaliable=/\=


-- Posted by Montrell on 10:50 am on June 25, 2004

*Admiral Montrell walks out of his office and towards Commander Janeway, reading a padd that an ensign had just given him*
"What is it Commander? I overheared you about dispatching all ships? Did we receive a disturbing message?"


-- Posted by Kathryn Janeway on 12:57 pm on June 27, 2004

*tunrs to admiral montrell*
"sir straphoenix is under attack by the Na'jigat i just informed the tolians in the embasy to see if they could help us i was on my way to tell captain sanchez."


-- Posted by Paris Love on 10:37 pm on July 9, 2004

*Enters Avalon Station's ops after taking her week's vacation. She hands Janeway a PADD containing data coming from other stations and Vorak's orders while away.*
"Commander, I may remind you, the Skytoucher is due here in a couple of days, should I plan a dinner for them? I'm sure they'd appreciate a warm welcome after battle like that..."


-- Posted by Kathryn Janeway on 12:18 pm on July 10, 2004

*Takes the padd.*
"well every thing looks ok welcome back and yes that would be a good idea."


-- Posted by Malcom Reed on 11:44 pm on July 10, 2004

*Reed enters.*
"I heard the Skytoucher just arrived. Quite fast. Could you tell Commander Skon to meet me in the Celtic Corner. I need to speak with him."


-- Posted by Paris Love on 1:19 am on July 11, 2004

"The Skytoucher, here? That's not possible, they weren't due for a couple of days..."
*Love is struck with a terrible thought.*
"Who knows about their arrival, exactly.....?"
Reed: "Word gets around the station fast, so, Everyone, naturally..."
*She turns to Janeway with a troubled expression*
"After what they've been through, the reporters would tear the crew apart for a story...not to mention what they'll do to the captain. I think it best if security were sent there should they become rabid...I should probably go down there myself, representing the Admiral as he is away, and all. What do you think, Ma'am?"


-- Posted by Kathryn Janeway on 11:09 am on July 11, 2004

"yes, you're right i'll send security down there on the double."

=/\=Janeway to security teams alfa and beta report to the skytoucher and meet me there=/\=

*heads for the turbolift*


-- Posted by Malcom Reed on 5:11 pm on July 11, 2004

"I didn't mean to bring security alert. But never the less i need to speak with Commander Skon. I will await him in the Pub."


-- Posted by Paris Love on 6:30 pm on July 11, 2004

"Don't be disappointed if he's unable to see you immediately, he is a busy man."
*She follows Janeway into the Turbo lift.*
"I'll be joining you, Commander."


-- Posted by Malcom Reed on 8:26 pm on July 11, 2004

"He will just have to make time. Its rather urgent i speak with him. Time is of the essence Ms. Love."


-- Posted by Paris Love on 11:38 pm on July 11, 2004

*Flashes a smile to him as the turbo lift doors close*
"I'll personally relay the message, Mr. Reed."


-- Posted by Thomas Jackson on 5:43 am on Aug. 23, 2004

=A= Evolution to Avalon =A=
Lt. Commander Thomas Jackson reporting. Requesting permission to dock. We're back, although I'll be d*mned if I know how we did it.
=A= Evolution out =A=


-- Posted by Sirius Black on 12:45 am on Sep. 12, 2004

*Shortly thereafter, Black runs into Avalon Station's ops with a phase rifle.*
"Someone has taken over the Skytoucher! I believe its Vakin the person we were holding for trial."


-- Posted by Taurik on 1:48 am on Sep. 12, 2004

*Captain Taurik, standing nearby conversing with a young officer, hears Mr. Black's statement. He turns and walks to him.*
"Please follow me to the Rivendell, Commander. I will need your help."


-- Posted by Montrell on 3:54 pm on Sep. 12, 2004

*The turboliftdoors slide open and Admiral Montrell runs out. He quickly runs to the closest station and begins to tap several controls. He suddenly stops and turns to the rest of the OPS officers.*
"Red Alert people! One of the prisoners has escaped and also took a hostage. I don't want him to take any ship or escape pod, so first of all close the dockingbay doors! Second, make sure that a tractor beam is fully charged and ready for usage!
Third," *Montrell points at an ensign standing in front of him* "get me some coffee! Now to work people!."
*Every officer in OPS began to work on their consoles. To provent Vakin of leaving Station Avalon and escape justice.*


-- Posted by Skon on 6:04 am on Sep. 26, 2004

=A= Skon to Ops =A=
What is the situation of the Skytoucher? I was just beamed off the bridge into a closet in Celtic Corner. What is happening to the ship?
=A= Skon out =A=


-- Posted by Hermes on 6:02 pm on Sep. 26, 2004

"Greetings, captain Skon. The Skytoucher is currently captured by a Loxian named Vakin. However, it appears that he did not know that commander Rasmain is still on board the ship. He is attempting, with my assistance, to deploy a particular device in sickbay, that may be Loxian technology."


-- Posted by Skon on 6:21 pm on Sep. 26, 2004

"Understood. Tell Commander Rasmain to be careful...we have no idea what that object is. What is the present location of the Skytoucher crew?"

=A= Skon to Rivendell =A=
Greetings, Captain Taurik. Apparently, Vakin has beamed me to Celtic Corner. Regardless, Hermes has informed me that Commander Rasmain is still onboard the Skytoucher, and he is currently working with an alien device that Vakin planted on the ship. We have made some limited studies of the device, but we do not know what it is, othen than that it can emit high levels of radiation. I do not know your plans, but I thought you should know that Mr. Rasmain is on the ship and he is also working to capture Vakin.
=A= Skon out =A=


-- Posted by Taurik on 8:07 pm on Sep. 26, 2004

=/\= Thank you, Captain. I will keep that in mind. Taurik out. =/\=


-- Posted by Skon on 3:18 am on Oct. 4, 2004

=A= Skon to Ops =A=
I transmitted the Loxian code to Mr. Rasmain, but we cannot be certain that he received it before Hermes lost contact with the Skytoucher when it entered the nebula. Therefore...logically...I must take a shuttle and attempt to deliver the code in person.
=A= Skon out =A=

*From JAG, Skon rushes to the shuttlebay and requests a shuttle. His request is granted and he launches immediately. He sets course for the nebula.*


-- Posted by Thomas Jackson on 4:10 am on Oct. 6, 2004

=A= Evolution to Avalon =A=
We are approaching your position. Request permission to dock. Our Captain sends his commplements and requests to meet with Admiral Montrell as soon as possible.
=A= Evolution out =A=


-- Posted by Montrell on 5:54 pm on Oct. 6, 2004

                         =A= SS Avalon to USS Evolution =A=
Understood, you are cleared for docking at dockingring 5 and I will await Captain Sanchez in my readyroom.
                              =A= Admiral Montrell out =A=


-- Posted by Thomas Jackson on 2:48 am on Oct. 7, 2004

=A= Evolution to Avalon =A=
Thank you, sir. We will dock within the hour.
=A= Evolution out =A=

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Understood sir.

<Nofftz to Detrell>

Admiral, please report to the Ops for a breifing.

<Nofftz Out>

John Casden

*An unmarked ship drops out of warp at the fringe of the system and hails the station.*

From: ~scrambled~
To: Space Station Avalon

Admiral Montrell, your presence is "requested" in your office in 30 standard minutes. There is vital information intended for you only. Federation Craft out.


The Sylesi huh? The galaxy is indeed such a big place. Good to have you onboard miss Vil'iata.

Unfortunately, you have come to the statoin at the wrong time. We currently have another species we just met in our conference room signeing a treaty to join our United Federation of Planets. I'm sure our Ambassador would be really happy to be getting all this attention. *chuckles*

OFF: time to bring the new dantor mission into play :P


Ensign: uh sir? Sorry to interupt but long range scanners have picked up what seems to be a small fleet of ships heading towards the planet. Most seem to be the size of a conventional runabout, 2 or three are the size of a defiant claass ship. There 15 no wait 25 ships in total. (the ensign hoped he wouldnt get into trouble for the miscalculation)

Julian: Sorry miss Vil'iata. *turns to the ensign* Hail them.

Ensign: they aren't reponding sir? Lifesign readings are in the hundreds sir, it seems to be a ground attack force of some sort.

Julian: Balkazar, i'll give you one guess as to who they could be.. The felians. Computer Yellow alert.

=^=Julian to nesbitt, please have Mr Alf join me in ops asap.=^=
=^Julian to Janeway, your about to have some company.=^=

OFF: will finish when i get home, must leave for work now :P
EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.

Jeff Keach

*Jeff is still on the floor when he feels the shuttle shake from the tractor beam, he wakes up from his groggy daze.

The shuttle is then tied into the station pylon, but Jeff doesnt know where he is*

*He tries to get up and go for the replicator and asks it to make him a glass of water........

......The computer responded that the replicator systems have been damaged*
Avalon Division
Executive Officer,
Second in Command


"Tara, you have any suggestions on opening a sealed door that has been jammed shut.  If not we will resort to the good ole fashioned way.  Forcefully make an entrance." Balkazar told Tara.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


(OFF: i dunno what the borg are doing here, i havent been reading the Rivendell missions incase its come from there, but the U.S.S Iroquois is on an anti-borg mission so it doesnt really make sense...)
EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.


This is the forum for the Departure and dockingrequests of starships and shuttles.
This way it's easier to notice and handeling the OPS-forum
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">


OFF: All senior station personell of the departments (engineering, science, security, ...) are to report in the topic "Repairing Avalon Station" on this forum, to assist the Corporation officers with the repairs at once. Thank you.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Avaon Ops, this is Nocturnus requesting docking clearance.

Damm it's good to be home.

Permission to come aboard Vorak Sir.

"To whom do you fear the most.  THe person who says they will kill you? Or the person who's still thinking about it."


"Well, if I'm not needed here any longer, I think I'll go have a look at the shipyards where they are constructing a new ship, so I heard."
*He strides toward a turbolift and leaves Ops.*
Major Embries
Chief Science Officer Avalon Station
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/id-embries.jpg" border="0">


OFF: I was modifying this topic in order to filter out some posts into a new topic. While I was deleting specific posts that I had copied elsewhere, the system decided it be more funny to just delete this entire topic. Therefore, the entire topic is now lost. This is only an old update up to may 15. All I can copy back here, is what I had for the second and third yearbook. I hope it helps. Sorry about it, but my computer has had to suffer quite a beating as retaliation.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


"All right, the Rivendell should be a number one priority. Commander Noffty, please contact Admiral Detrell and ask him if he has time to come by OPS."

*Hedford turns towards Admiral Montrell's office*

"If anyone seeks me, I will be with Admiral Montrell to report. Don't forget to ask Admiral Detrell to come by OPS so you can tell him about the plans of the Rivendell. I expect it to be dealth with after I return http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>"

*Hedford was already infront of the Admiral's office and a chime could be heared. After he heared a confirming voice Hedford entered the office*

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">


*Hedford had returned from the dockingbay and received the two messages. The second message was adressed to Admiral Montrell, so he relayed the message to his office. But the first one was a dockingrequest so it had to be answered*

                =A= SS Avalon for shuttlecraft Yukon =A=
"Welcome at Station Avalon, shuttlebay 41 is ready for your arrival and you will be awaited in OPS"
                            =A= SS Avalon out =A=

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">


Commodore another message is coming in from the USS Wayward Wanderer.......ITs on repeat and Pylon 2 is available....Activating tractor beam to bring her in.....Sending Medical teams to assist....
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">