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The Battle of Avalon

Started by Vorak, November 08, 2005, 01:40:53 PM

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*turns after noticing Ardeth picking up his supplies turning to check the dark psi warriors locations while snickering to himself*

*moves back towards ardeth*
Alright, Push this button your combat suit.......it will make you go all stealthy........Ill activate mine and lets get to work planting these suckers.........

*Balkazar and ardeth goes stealth mode, and plants the interesting mine fied on upper prominade*

Lets get back.....

*Balkazar to Ops*..........Your about to hear a large explosion.............Ardeth made some land mines for use........and well........Landmine Gauntlet comes to mind........Balkazar out*

"Everyone Stealth mode, I want them to think no one is here.........Stay in teh shadows"

*Balkazar takes a grenade and standing on the turbolift side of the mine field.......throws one of Ardeths Stun grenades into the midst of the dark psi warriors.........Taking out the mob of 10 for a few seconds.........Then as expected they sent up 20 Psi warriors to check out the noise........*

OOC**You 2 cadets post what happens next http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*chuckles* interesting, I will have to work with them at a later time alright Ardeth ?

*turns to see Peter Brown*

You shouldnt be down here Admiral, This place isnt fully secured and I cant guarentee your safety.

Yes I remember you admiral, My friend Admiral Bailey told me of you in one of his latest Transmissions, Welcome........Tho Dont mind the mess.......I see youll be in command I guess thats good, Just be warned that if I think your orders are unwise theres a chance I wont do them, BUT! then again theres a chance I will, Nothing personal Admiral, I never take too kindly to people I just met, I rather gain your trust first then take your orders instead of the other way around, Bad Experience with Command people in the past........Hope you understand.......But then again im a nice one, just rough around the edges if you catch me drift *smiles*

Ummm, Dont mind the droid, hes well, im unsure what hes doing atm........

*then the admiral and Balkazar heads over to the cadets to see what there up too*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Chris Newberry

OCC: I'm gone HK47. Even if you disable the weapon which you couldn't in the first place, the transporter already beamed myself and the team away.


*Embries watches on the viewscreen how the Na'jigat and Heraan suddenly disappears from the battlefield.*
"That is strange... What caused them to do this so sudden? I've never seen this behaviour in them before... And I can't sense anything that could be the cause for this..."
Major Embries
Chief Science Officer Avalon Station
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/id-embries.jpg" border="0">

Ardeth Wildcat

Ardeth calmed down, baring fang-like teeth at Balkazar.  "What happened was I tried to stun the object, and used a high energy burst through my Cybernetic arms.  I had obviously been rendered unconscious, and on waking back up, I was in severe pain.  I kicked by accident, and apparently dropped a cadet by mistake.  As for any other anomalies with me, such as those fangs, I've had those for many years.  Now you know why I never smile!" Ardeth said, trying to move, but finding it nearly impossible.  "What did you do to me!" Ardeth roared, causing an echo to rattle through the corridors.  The Flying Robot hovered around Ardeth and Balkazar, unable to find them.  Ardeth tried extending his claws, moving his arms and legs, and even trying to move his head, but was unable to.  "What did you do to me?" Ardeth whispered, feeling bad, considering this was the first time he had been unable to move since that day he faced that Android a few years back.


"Yes there certainly is something to do for you. I would like you to take a security team throughout the whole station and make sure that there are no threats anymore. Maybe they left devices or even bodies that can be examined. Internal sensor's are down so we are not completely sure that all threats have retreated from this station.
Also check the vital areas of this station for critical damage."

*As Admiral Montrell saw Balkazar leaving he looked back at Lurado*

"Maybe you could take Balkazar and his team of cadets with you. They have been down there before and would be a valuable asset."
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-montrell.jpg" border="0">


Aonarin sets his Phase Compression Rifle to setting 12 and aims for one of the Rogue units.  One shot was all it needed.  Another blast and the flying robot is just a trace of smoke.  He drops to his knee and fires a shot at Ardeth.
--Aonarin Manach.

Ardeth Wildcat

Rogue 2 growled angrily at Rogue 1, telling his sister to stand down.  He then faced Balkazar, "I'd like to see them try.  Ardeth would be able to repair me.  He built me!" Rogue 2 said.  There was a hint of synthesized fear in that computerized voice.  To a robot, disassembly meant what Death meant to humans.  "As for Ardeth being mad at Starfleet in general, that was because a foolish cadet tried to destroy his creation.  As for the Wer'Wolf, it's design is intriguing.  It can move in any direction, with wheels.  As for me, I prefer rattling around on tracks.  I also prefer sending text messages to every person in Starfleet while Ardeth's asleep.  That way, neither one of us is suspected.  Oops!  I shouldn't have said that!" Rogue 2 rambled, "And Ardeth's angry at you for revealing his being 75% Cybernetic because He never wanted to remember why.  As for me, I think I'm gonna have a nice recharge later."

Jeff Keach

"Last time I heard that Rear Admiral Detrell was in charge of engineering on the station, but I have been couped up on the Tiberon for a while, so that may have changed."

Jeff stepped down from the science station

"There could be several engineers scattered about"
Avalon Division
Executive Officer,
Second in Command


=/\= Kawolsky to Balkazar =/\=

"Sir, we've got activity out here. Two of the Rogue units have backed off. WAIT! I'm detecting something on my tricorder....its big...wait...oh my god........"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


"That would be great, I would love to come...er...I mean...with your permission, sir?"  Reynolds said, looking at Lurado
Ensign Christopher Reynolds


OFF: I'm sorry for my absence, but I have been working on schoolprojects.


*Montrell receives the padd from Lt Balkazar and nods. He was pleased that the Commander had understood his remarks. Montrell then heared the voice of Captain Lurado*

"Captain Lurado, very well. But at this moment I have no real important assignments. It seems that the repairs are going well, we finally received power for all workstations so OPS will be back in full operation in 2 or 3 hours. What is the condition of the security/tactical department by the way?"
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-montrell.jpg" border="0">


This is Cmdr. Hodson on the Essex repeat mission complete where would you like us to go now


OCC**Shakes fist at ardeth* lol, there your robots sheeesh


"Rogue 1,2,3: *Zips threw the upper Prominade and takes the turbolift down to the lower Prominade*, Rogue one heads for there right flank, As rogue 2 heads for there left, and Rogue 3 heads for the Center, Starts to lay waste to there rear guard*"

Ardeth, Hotson, Kawolsky, You 3 are with me, The rest of you circle around and start Firing, As the robots hit from the rear, and the Templars and the marines got them busy at there front, we will assist from up here........

Move........You 3 cadets your with me........

*Balkazar then hands them several Grenades and orders them to threw them in the midst of the largest Groups of Dark Psi warrior's*

We need to get them to be confused.......Ardeth, Are your robots armed Phasers ?, As in Cutting Torches ?....Order them to start cutting at the Dark psi warriors........Alright you got your orders, lets move....

OOC2**I got confused :?
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Ardeth Wildcat

Ardeth came to, screaming in pain.  A burst of energy like that would cost him.  He kicked out, hitting another cadet's knees, sending Aonarin to the ground.  Ardeth's mind felt like it was on fire.