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The Battle of Avalon

Started by Vorak, November 08, 2005, 01:40:53 PM

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Lewis Dotson

I'm sorry sir I have no clue where to start.
Cadet Lewis L Dotson                                                  
'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.' - Spock

Ardeth Wildcat

Ardeth grabbed a phaser and extended his claws.  He also checked to see if he still had a dagger in his boot.  He did.  Suddenly the room went dark, and Wildcat felt at home.  "Just the way I like it, dark and easy to see."

Ardeth Wildcat

"Basic materials.  Some metal, fiberglass, rubber or metal for the tracks and tires, and a mess of wiring.  Why do you ask?" Wildcat said, as Rogue 2 destroyed a warrior with that bowling ball like mass.


Not problable, Well not this intense anyways, Did any of you cadets get hurt ?....

We usually dont get attacked this bad this often, *as there walking across what was once Noticable as the prominade Balkazar talks to his cadets*, yeah see this is what we try to avoid, With a war on a station theres bound to be well, a bulk head destroyed, or a panel out of place, But We will have alot of work ahead of us soon, With the wounded and the repairing the station, and such, But soon, Ill probly haveta go to the infirmery which I wont go just yet, but anyways, How did you 3 like your first intense battle such as this ?
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*Kawolsky turns to Ardeth*

"Ardeth, what were you thinking? You assaulted a superior officer!"

*Kawolsky then turns to Commander Balkazar*

"What do we do now sir?"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Lewis Dotson

You should check them all. You'll never know when we'll need them again.  And by the way I think I should check into medical to see whats wrong with me.  What do you think comannder?
Cadet Lewis L Dotson                                                  
'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.' - Spock


*HK47 hands ardeth of how he can better improve his robot rogue units then disappears as he dematerializes and enter warp*
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">


*HK47 materializes inside the medical bay and goes over to taurik to take a scan of him*

Your vitals are dropping Captian......You have 2 choices, I can attach a Cybernetic arm, or a Syntheitic arm, Your choice......
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">

Lewis Dotson

Aye, sir at that moment the strange feeling that cadet Dotson felt before was so strong that he passes out cold.
Cadet Lewis L Dotson                                                  
'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.' - Spock

Ardeth Wildcat

"I'll call them off.  Just one surprise for you.  Turn around." Ardeth said, waving to a robot which had crawled up silently.  Rogue 2 glinted in the light, raising a grabber arm to tap Balkazar's leg.  "And the RFR 1, or Resurrected Flying Robot 1 is hovering just over head.  It'll get a little cramped if you turn off the force field, but that's why I called the robots.  Don't mind them unless they bite." Ardeth said, motioning for Balkazar to sit in front of Rogue 2.  "You can also have a realistic conversation with all of my robots." he said, sitting on the Wer'wolf, and gliding up to Balkazar, sliding off.  "Rogue 2, this is Balkazar." Ardeth said, pointing at Balkazar.  The Wer'wolf chirped out a melody, and then tried to lift up Rogue 2, unsuccessfully; Rogue 2 whomped the Wer'wolf with his metallic grabbing arm.  "Hey! Settle down!" Ardeth said angrily, wielding his half of the broken wrench at the 2 robots.  Rogue 2 chirped, "Yeah, Wer'wolf, back off, or I'll whomp ya a good one!" and thwacked it with a chunk of the compression rifle.

Peter Brown

*enters Operations*

Ahh Jeff, I was going to see you do we have an Enginer at all at the station

COmputer:Generators 1 thu 7 off-line powering up Secondary Generators

*Peter goes to the Enginering Station*

This its'nt good the Generators ca'nt matain current station power the generators were damaged in the Attack the Power that we have is down to 52% Iam going to power down all non Critcle Systems

Computer power down all Secuitey force feilds in place station wide and seal those decks

Computer: ForceFeild in Medical Bay errected only Commander Balkazar can disengege

Computer open a Communcation to him

==^== This is Vice Admiral Brown, Commander what is going on down there I need to power down the Secuitey force feilds until we can get the generators fixed is there a reason those a level 12 force feild in the Medical bay Brown out==^==

Computer do my last order execpt Medical bay

Computer: Confirmed
Rank:  Vice Admiral Peter  Brown
Postion: Avalon Division 3rd In command
Ship/Station:Avalon Division

Will Karelia

"In fact, we do have a a mission for you all, Lieutenant. Tell Captain Taurik to take the Rivendell around the perimeter of the battle, to search the debris. Survivors, salvagable ships, whatever. Bring it all back here."
Name: Karelia, William Michael
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Assignment: Commanding Officer, Avalon Division
                        Executive Officer, Expansion Task Force

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/meritoriousservice.gif" border="0">
"I'm glad that Karelia always understands the things, which I don't..." - Fleet Admiral Montrell


Aonarin lowers his rifle, still keeping a ready finger on the trigger of his phaser.  

Just in case.
--Aonarin Manach.

Brian Higgins

*without lil Notice, Brian Beams himself onto Ops deck and walks over to Montrel*

"Admiral, My apologies for coming to you like this, *looks around*, Ummmm I will send some engineers to assist in the repair of the station if you would like ?"

*Shakes head*, "Oh sorry, why im here, I need to talk to you and Admiral Vorak, Immediately, if hes around ?, Its Quite Important and I think that Sanchez should be part of this little meeting, with your permission, Admiral Montrel?.  Its Concerning the Threat from the Nijgat, Intel has been working on a project and I think you should know about it sense to my best guess, The Evolution has ran into them more often then any other starfleet vessel."


"Very well Captain Lurado, keep an eye on communications. We still haven't heared a word from the USS Evolution, if contact is made, please report it to Admiral Montrell."

*Hedford and rasmain walked to the nearest turbolift and entered The doors closed and they were on their way to the dockingbay*
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">