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The Battle of Avalon

Started by Vorak, November 08, 2005, 01:40:53 PM

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Ardeth Wildcat

Ardeth happened to be climbing silently along the ceiling, and ever so quietly into the medical bay.  He dropped to the floor with a metallic thud, and extended his claws quietly, growling softly.  His razor sharp fangs glinted in the light.  His tail twitched, and his eyes gleamed.  Those fierce claws protruded from his leather gloves, and Ardeth looked peeved.  Growling softly, he sprang to the ceiling, and sank his claws into it, 10 curved claws, made of pure titanium, dug in, as did 10 more in his feet.  He stuck in there so tightly that you couldn't merely pull him out of the ceiling.


Alright, Ill sit down.

Now Rogue 2, what would you like to talk about ?

*Balkazar then chuckled at the antics of the Rogue units*

*Balkazar to Cadets Kawolsky, Dotson, and manach*
Stand Down, Thats an order, they shouldnt come near you.  Me and Ardeth are talking.

*Balkazar to ops*
Things are settled down, and its being taken care of Diplomatic style.  Still working on it but things look good, Balkazar out*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Ardeth Wildcat

"Ardeth doesn't.  I do.  You left that knucklehead in here with a weapon capable of killing someone.  He damaged me, ruined the FR unit, and shot at Ardeth!  I'm holding you responsible for leaving that knucklehead you call a cadet in here." Rogue 2 snapped, sounding very much like an angry person.  "I'm fully capable of independant thought, and I don't like you doing that, Ardeth.  Quit trying to switch off my Personality unit!"

Ardeth Wildcat

Rogue 2 started to go wild, printing page after page after page of typed words.  Ardeth laughed, saying, "He didn't mean you!" and unplugged the portable printer from Rogue 2.  Rogue 2 asked, "Can I be called Hal?" and spun in circles, waiting for Ardeth's response.  Ardeth said, "Only if Balkazar agrees, Rogue 2.  If he says yes, than you will be called Hal."


*Reynolds turns to Lurado and awaits his orders*
Ensign Christopher Reynolds


OOC**I need some admiral to post weather or not I can take the Security Cadets to Dantor or not.  Prefferably soon, seeing as how I just left a child in charge of the classroom, and hes messing up his responsibility of the classroom up!!, so would you please have some admiral, post weather or not I can take the cadets to Dantor for hands on training ?
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


=^= Avalon Station to the Fleet =^=
This is Flag Admiral Vorak speaking. I would like to thank all those who have answered our distress call so swiftly, for your presence here at Avalon Station. It takes courage to stand at the frontline, facing an enemy that apparently cannot be defeated, but we cannot stand by and face our own destruction without defending ourselves.

The battle to come may appear hopeless, but it is not. The Gallifreyans have left us with valuable information regarding some weaknesses of the Na'jigat. Since the Na'jigat is unable to travel through space at a speed faster than light, anything related to warp speed can make it a little more difficult for them. But do not misunderstand me here, for any kind of explosions or anti-matter bombs will only fuel the Na'jigat, and make them stronger. They are able to feed of any energy in existence. But light speed can be used to our advantage.

Gather warp particles, which are emmitted by your starships while travelling at warp speed, and use these particles in your shielding and station's structural integrity. I am aware that this is not easy to do, but if your scientists and engineers work together, it may be possible.

Another option is the Soliton Wave, a subspace wave of energy that does not diminish and obtains warp speeds... This could be used to drive back the Na'jigat, and though it will not damage them, it may cause the Na'jigat cloud to disperse and become separate clouds that are therefore less powerful and don't have the ability to communicate with one another.

We have two agents among our ranks of the Order of Gallifrey, including captain Taurik of the U.S.S. Rivendell, who are the only ones able to defeat - though not destroy - the Na'jigat. If we are able to disperse the Na'jigat clouds, making them less powerful, we give Taurik and ambassador Vurak the ability to defeat them more easily.

These are the only options available to fight the Na'jigat. Abandon your phasers, torpedoes or shields. They will be useless to you, and worse, make the enemy even stronger.

Here are my final orders. All the ships will take a battle formation, surrounding Avalon Station. You MUST hold that position as long as possible, and prevent the Na'jigat from breaking through the lines. I appoint three people on Avalon Station to be in charge of the entire operation. Those three people are admiral Montrell, admiral Karelia and Major Embries. Furthermore, I appoint captain Taurik as captain of the fleet, commanding the fleet from space. If communications with Avalon Station break down, you will follow his orders first.

The Na'jigat will most likely be here within a few hours. I want all ships and crew to be prepared. Live long and prosper.
=^= Vorak out =^=
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


*turns to ardeth and leans in and whispers*

Its not, This is what you could be doing someday, See the veiw screen, See those Golden Colored ships ?, Well They may board us, Or attempt too, and thats where We will come in at, We may have to repel them, But if you pick up a phaser make sure your ready to use it, Because if your not tell me now?,

I brought you up here so you could get a first hand look of what could be possible in your future, I have dealt with this threat before, They will try to suck the energy out of the station, which will cause mass Chaos, people may get hurt in the confusion, so we have to keep the peace, Understand ?,

Heres a Question for you Mr Ardeth, If you had to move the admirality elsewhere and they ordered you to leave them alone, and you knew that there life was in danger what would you do ??
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Lewis Dotson

No disrespect sir but I don't know the answer to that question. Thats why I'm the cadet and your the teacher.
Cadet Lewis L Dotson                                                  
'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.' - Spock

Lewis Dotson

Cadet Dotson seen Wildcat after saving him for a brief second and now invisible to the naked eye or infared which seemed to be strange. As Dotson moved from cover a weird feeling came over him like nothing he felt before. Like an strange ability is trying to come out that been surpressed since childhood. I can almost make it out but ah no use. As the feeling over came him he seen another Dark Psi Warrior. Still to far away to signal to the SEC/TEC officer, so Dotson lines up his aim steady and careful and fired. Direct hit he shouted to himself two down, happy that he's doing his part but wondering if it's enough to stop this evil force thats trying to take over the station. Thinking to himself I'm going on a long vacation on the holdeck when this is over that is if I'm still alive that is, as he goes back into cover.
Cadet Lewis L Dotson                                                  
'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.' - Spock


You dont have to tell me twice, *then motions for his men to procceed forward to finish the sweep of the deck before it seals and arms*........

**Balkazar to Ops**, Techerahk got down here with a cadre of his men, We are proceed forward moving to Secondary Operations........Balkazar out*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Ardeth Wildcat

"I'd absolutely prefer to upgrade these things."  Rogue 1 got hit by a grenade, but kept moving, even with the com system in shambles.  It couldn't speak to us, but was fully able to send programs and receive because of an internal antenna.  "Could you 2 please watch your aim!?  You knocked out Rogue 1's communications with us!" Wildcat snapped, as Rogue 2 lobbed a grenade into a group of Warriors, then turned, and rattled onward, repairing the other 2 robots.

Ardeth Wildcat

"I just got nicked.  Just burned off some fur.  The robots, well, I build them in the free time I get.  I could train them, and you, to respond to each other.  First thing you'd need is one of these." Wildcat said, tapping his little communications watch, "Then you would need to spend at least a day, total, with the robots.  That way, you can teach, and therefore learn what they can do.  The FR Group requires constant maintenance.  The Rogue Units are a simple enough design.  The worst is cleaning the tracks, but the CU (Control Unit) can be removed and placed in another robot body.  Though I only have 3 CU's right now, I have 8 bodies.  2 are search and rescue, 4 are battle, and the last 2 are repair work."  Ardeth laughed, knowing that the CU was such a small and rather trivial item.  About the size of a soda can, and the shape, it required lots of diagnostic checks.

Peter Brown

*walks toward balkazar and the cadet*
*he then looks at the cadet*

Nice Prank Cadet in my Acdemey Days I done some supid day like oh I better not tell but you luck my Uncle did;nt see you he is al;l fun and games and when it comes to cadets showing off on duty he gets a bit  mad I promise I whont tell him
* turns to balazar*

I see that youy are not head of secuitey which is to bad and that being you are Exective officer now with that has a lot of expections which iam sure you can handle and i see that you are a good instucture for these cadets now mr. Balazar you are out on Unfiorm

*Balazar looks confused*

Lt.Commander Balazar with your service though this battle and what you have done effectivy Immitley you are here by Promoted to Full Commander with all the rights that go with that rank as well as being XO for station Secuitey I have an other postion to offer you Division Secuitey you check the Secuitey in the Division. hoe dose that sound Commander?.
Rank:  Vice Admiral Peter  Brown
Postion: Avalon Division 3rd In command
Ship/Station:Avalon Division


Aonarin reaches into the medical kit and fumbles around for a moment.  

"Yes Sir, Found it, Sir."

He holds it to Ardeth's neck and injects.
--Aonarin Manach.