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Vor'Cha Kahless

Started by KHa Var, November 01, 2004, 05:20:29 PM

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KHa Var

=^=KHa'Var to Kor=^=
You honour us with your decision.  The Vor'Cha Kahless is at Dockingport 5.  We are willing to oblige your request for transport to the ship.  We have a lock on you, and await your signal Kor.
=^=KHa'Var out.=^=

*KHa'Var turns to one of the officers and instructs a guest room to be prepared for Kor.*

-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">

KHa Var

*KHa'Var is on her way to the Vor'Cha Kahless when she remembers something.*

"Hermes, send a list of all persons who have misteriously dissapeared from the station at the time before the battle with the Loxian Govenment."

*She enters the Kahless and heads for her bridge.*

-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">


Off: Oh finally finally, you can get me off this damm ship http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>
Mischief is my name, Mischief is my game.
http://users.bigpond.net.au/Avaon/Vorlok.JPG" border="0">

*Dernok's voice resounds over the comm system.*
"Our ship is ready and in position, sir. We are on board now, to assist in maneuvring the ship into your shuttlebay. You may begin when ready. Dernok out."

(Edited by Dernok at 2:24 am on Feb. 12, 2005)


"Mr. Montrell, my apologies for the sudden decision, but it is not illogical. An urgent matter has come up that requires my immediate attention, but I shall return as soon as the matter is resolved. Vorak out."
*Vorak turns around to face Kha'Var.*
"I have informed my officers of my absence. We may depart."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

KHa Var

*KHa'Var enters the bridge.  She sits down in her seat.*


*Immediately reports come poring in from a crew that is eager to be underway.*

"Open a channel."

Ops officer Ta'qua: "Channel open, madam."

=^=Vor'Cha Kahless to Kor=^=

Greetings old warrior,  I was just wondering If you would be interested in joining me.  We will have a victorious battle on our return trip to this Federation outpost.  Will you honour us with your presence Kor?  Contact me to let me know if you will be joining us or not.
=^=KHa'Var out=^=

*She turns to her ops officer.*

"Get me the Station Avalon."

Ta'qua: "awaiting message to send, madam."

=^=KHa'Var to S.S. Avalon=^=

Vor'Cha Kahless requesting permission to undock.  Vorak, we will be under way in a matter of hours.  I will contact you to let you know when we will head out.  I would also advise that you keep a close eye on our son.  He seems to attract trouble to himself.

=^=KHa'Var out=^=

-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">


            =A= OPS to KHa'var =A=
"Miss KHa'Var, your ship can undock when it's ready. You have hereby been given permission to undock and we don't need a check-list report. I wish you good luck and hope to see you back in one piece!"
                 =A= Montrell out =A=
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-montrell.jpg" border="0">


"List of missing people coming up...
- Embries, Major, CO of Avalon science department
- Enoch, human, store owner
- Zayan, Loxian general
- Avelsa, Nigillian ambassador
- Emrodel, species undetermined
- Vorlok, male Klingon-Vulcan child
- Sarnae, female Klingon-Betazoid child
- Peter Svensson, no data available."
Hardware Extended Remote Multi-functional Embedded System
Information is useful to manage tasks. Please, clarify your demands.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hermes.gif" border="0">

KHa Var

" It is good to know that you are good for something!"

*KHa'Var turns to her husband.*

"I see you have made it.  Contact those two from the bar, and ask if they are ready to move their ship into the main cargo bay."

*She nods at the ops officer to alow Vorak access to the comm panel.*

-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">


OFF: Yes but what I mean is; where is Sarnae, that she hasn't posted for so long? Is she still going to post?

*Vorak walks toward the comm panel and taps a button to open a channel.*
"Vorak to Dernok and Jasad. Are you ready to have your ship pulled aboard?"

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


*Montrell was still facing a dark screen and with a surprised face he leaves the communications console and walks towards a window in OPS. He could see the Klingon Warship, and awaited her departure. Montrell wasn't sure and satisfied about the "orders" Admiral Vorak had given him, but as always he followed his commanding officer and would await his return. He quickly turned to one of the OPS officers and spoke*

"Ensign, tell the Vor'Cha Kahless that they have clearance to leave spacedock and wish them a safe journey."

*Montrell then turned to the window again and awaited her departure*

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-montrell.jpg" border="0">


=^= Kor to Vor'Cha Kahless =^=

It would be an honour to join you on your voyage!  I shall shut down my shop for the time being and prepare to transport aboard!

=^= Kor out =^=

KHa Var

=^=KHa'Var to Montrell=^=

Thank you Mr. Montrell.  I am awaiting a signal from Kor, to beam him up.  He has agreed to join us on our quest.  I intend to stay in one piece, sir.  I would not miss fighting beside such stubborn and duty bound officers such as your-self.

=^=KHa'Var out=^=

-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">


*Vorak enters the bridge shortly thereafter.*
"My apologies for the delay, I required an injection against a Vulcan virus, it appeared. However, all is well now and ready for departure. I have already sent a confirmation of the departure request before coming on board, so we may proceed."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Off: I dont think Lauren likes me, as for sarnae she's exploring somewhere and I"m watching Peter.  I dont think he likes me either http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>

Odd thing is tho, I dont think their really trying ot keep me away from things.... http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>

Mischief is my name, Mischief is my game.
http://users.bigpond.net.au/Avaon/Vorlok.JPG" border="0">