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Started by Simon Rajnus, November 10, 2006, 06:47:30 PM

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Bran Tragare

<cadet Tragare enters the holodeck and aproaches the captains desk,and stands besides cadet black and awaits to be acknoledged by the captain observant of some possible tesion between cadet black and the captain>
Ship: U.S.S Rivendell
Name: Bran Tragare
Rank: Ensign
Position: Tactical

Richard Brown

<Obersavation Room>

"Noted, I'll Try to make it not to Hard"

*Richard gets up walks over to the Control Station,and Inputs some added situations*

"Also, I will be in the Situation for some Added Tests"

*Then Richard entered a Site to Site Transport command and Picked up a Hand Phaser before dissaperering in the Transporter Effect*


*Richard appered in the Transporter effect 3 Km North of the Group, taken out his Tricorder and modfiyed to the Block his Lifesigns*

"Okay, Now to give this Cadets a  Test"

*Presses Communcator*

==^== Computer Actvate BrownAlpha2==^==

*Richard Starts walking toward the Group in Full Stelth Mode*

*Then a Small Probe Flew Over the Group, then Fired two Tags on Swift then Self Destructs*
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy


"Nice to meet you Lieutennent, I'm glad I got to train with you," He replied, smiling at the man. Well, it felt nice to be told that he did a good job by a man who is a CTO.

He turned and looked at Swift, he HAD done something wrong, and so have he. Swift took too many risks and was reckless, though he would make a good marine in Mark's opinion. Mark himself has done some mistakes, such as taking much too long to find a good solution to a problem.

Mark was a bit surprised when the Admiral walked in. Though not as much, today was his fourth week and he was told it might be his last. The admiral confirmed it when he spoke.

"Admiral, sir?" He smilled at him, a kind of smile that most guys have when they're about to do something crazy, "If your considering letting me out of the acadamy today, I'd like to tell you I want to stay another week. I haven't learned enough to be able to survive yet, I want to stay."
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">


A bit stunned, but happy at the same time. He crawled through the hole. "Well, that was convientent, I didn't think of that.." He glanced at Alexia, than at Swifts. "Okay, let's get the hell out of here," He said, checking his phaser rifle once more.

No doubt the Captain has more in store for them, there was no way they could walk out right now. Of course, that's the excitment of it, you never know what you can expect in the holodeck- Unless your in control.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">


Mark pondered for a second, well again with the questions!

"I learned to respect any authority higher than mine and never to talk back. I also learned more about the equitment I'll be using when I'm on a away team. Another thing is that I must look at a situtation at ANY angle.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

"Which is where stealth comes into play.  Now with that in mind.  Now tell me the weakness and strengths, of Andorian, Klingons, Droids, Ferengi, Romulan, Borg.  Tell me there normal tactics as well."
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

tiber frederik

tiber Frederik reporting for duty sir

Garrisson Grey

After clearing his throat Garrisson said: "Well, I grew up on earth. First near Dublin. We moved to Wellington when I was 13 years old. I wanted to become a diplomat as my grandfather was, but that didn't turn out to be that easy, so I'm here now, trying something else."

Garrisson picks up a rifle, charges it and starts practicing.

"I guess I need some more practice." he says to Kyle as he sees that Kyle has a higher skill.


"Computer, emit a high level sound pulse now!"Galli ordered as he heard the bridge begin to fill sounds, he then saw the Jemhadar falling. Galli put in a command Security Teams proceed directly to the bridge
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f132/Startrekdude1992/betazoid22.jpg" border="0">
Cadet Kyle Galli

Steven Black

*Cadet Black enters the Captain's office after gaining permission and stands to attention in front of Captain Rajnus' desk*

Cadet Steven Black, reporting in for tactical and security training. I am ready and eager to begin immediately, sir.
Ensign Steven Black


OOC: Hang on a sec, what if the Captain wanted to put something in there; i am expecting him to make it harder. That is why i finished the post with [cptn?] to ask him to continue. He is basically a GM for this training program.

*Watching the corridor for any sign of movement* looks like it is still all clear. *He turned after the door had been sealed and... [cptn?]

OOC: Please note this is the captain next. Thanks.
Luke Peters
Security Officer
USS Rivendell

Simon Rajnus

"Be quiet, Cadet Ipeters.  Is everyone here, I know im missing atleast 2 or 3 cadets."
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

<Looks over to Black>

"Bored, Cadet?.  Why are you bored?" Simon asked with a stern look on his face.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Richard Brown


*Richard Walked though the Tunnels and Stoped at a Divided Portion of the Tunnels*

"Now, its time to Show these Cadets what Search and Resuce in a unknown  Envirorment Really is"

*Richard Pointed the Phaser at the Wall and Fired at a Certian Freqencey and then entered though the Wall*

*20 Feet From the Group*

*Richard Jumps out of the Wall Grabs Lois and Pulls him though the Wall*

"Have Fun Mr.Swift"

*Then Richard Fired the Phaser Sealing the Wall*

*Richard Tied Lois put Him in a Chair*

"Now start Talking tell me how many men do you have?, and Tell me your Rank and Name?"

*Then Richard Pointed the Phaser at Lois*
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy

Apodae Swift

Swift noticed his tricorder pick up some life signs, they were emanating form the other side of the wall. It was either Lois of the guy hunting them, though he doubted it was the hunter as that guy could go through walls. Now there were two ways to get through a big old wall of rock, blow it apart or go round it. There was no way of getting round it and an explosion might make the ceiling collapse unless he could get a directed blast at the wall and down away from the ceiling.
"Hmm..." Swift mused as he stood there, then got a eureka moment. As hard as he could use banged against the wall in Morse code, telling Lois to back away from the wall. Swift then rose his phaser rifle and fired a heavily concentrated burst on a single spot. When he was done there was a hole big enough for a hand to fit through. Swift got out his MkII phaser, set it to overload, put it in the gap, grabbed Alexia and got to a safe distance. The phaser exploded in a shower of rock, the hole in the rock had slanted downwards directing the blast in that direction. There was no ceiling damage and the rock wall had a gap big enough to crawl through.
"Lois come through, we can get out of here the way I came." Swift called.
Apodae Swift
Lieutenant J.G.
Acting Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Iroquois
http://www.expansionfleet.com/cgi-bin/fleet/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=171;t=16" target="_blank">Apodae Swift's Personnel Profile
"Either you come in peace or we blow you to pieces, your choice." - Swift