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Started by Simon Rajnus, November 10, 2006, 06:47:30 PM

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Mark just caught a glimpse of a man in a starfleet uniform as Alexia grabbed his collar and threw him back. The gap collapsed, he stared at it for a few seconds before looking up at Alexia.

"That hurts you know," He said, picking up his falled hand phaser.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

OOC**Very good history Swift, not bad, not bad at all.


"Computer activate Rajnus246."

*Then out of thin air several targets appeared on the holodeck.  There was a mixture of Klingon, Romulan, Droids, robots, Andorian, Zindi, Borg, and Kazon*

"Now with this course I want you to explain the differences in each races tactics, then explain to me each races strength's and weaknesses.  Then explain to me which settings would you use for each? Remember some of these races adapt or are immune to certain settings and its your job to figure out which ones." he said knowing this one would be a hard one for him.

"Understand Cadet Swift?"
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

"Decide whos in charge and you have 10 minutes to get out."

*Then there was banging at the door as the creatures threw the defense droids smashing into the engineering door, then they started to claw at the door trying to rip threw it*
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

"Well go over there and pick up a phaser and start shooting those targets down there."
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


*Alexia crawled threw the Gap onto the find that she was rushing back as the Gap became unstable*

"LOIS! get back here, its unstable in there!" she yelled at Lois.
http://www.cinematografo.it/cinematografo/allegati/2870/jessica_alba_2_230.jpg" border="0">

Apodae Swift

"I understand perfectly sir." Swift said and looked at the species, of course his memory and brain held these answers already. For him it was deciding how much of the information to put across. "Well Klingons are hard to put down, we had a klingon officer on the USS farsight who could take phasers on higher settings then humans could so for him it would be a phaser set on high. Fighting hand to hand with a klingon is difficult at best." Not for you a small voice in his head said. Swift suppressed it. "They are also quicker to anger, anger makes people make mistakes. So if I was in a hand to hand combat position I would probably called his mother a Targ in order to get him angry enough to make mistakes. Though it is important to know they are a proud and honourable people. They would sooner stab themselves then stab someone in the back, well most anyway. Hence there strategies are most frontal assaults, or maneuvers they think are brave.
"Romulans wont attack you strait away, they like to sit in safety and plan. Even when they do attack they will want you to make the first move and slowly manipulate you. They key there, in a tactical sense, is to take the initiative and make them respond to you. They can wait an age, so you have to attack and be aggressive and stick to your battle plan." He had almost mentioned about them looking the same as Vulcans but being weaker, however he felt that was too much information.
"I don't know about the robots Sir, that is a tricky one. I don't know much about technology but the thing with machines is they lack inventiveness. The way to defeat them would be too do something illogical I suppose. Something they would not expect an ordered mind to do.
"Andorians are fierce warriors with a keen tactical sense they are very disciplined. Calling ones mother a Targ will get little response." Swift mused. "They have no special attributes, the only way to defeat them is how you would a human. Tactics, good aim, and luck are all that can really help you.
"Xindi are a strange lot, though I am afraid I know little about them Sir. Some are peaceful, some are war like. I don't know anymore then that. Though I think its the Reptilians and Aquatics that are the aggressive ones.
"Borg you need to shoot with your phaser set to a modulating frequency, I have had first hand experience with that." Swift said remembering an incident a few years back. "Or failing that I once was caught by a borg. Once they have grabbed you then you are inside their shield, you just fire away like you normally would with your phaser set on maximum. There tactics are to just walk strait at you, in a way they are very arrogant which can be used to your advantage. Setting traps is very easy. Also a phaser on wide burst means you can take down a lot before they adapt.
"And finally Kazon. They are not as technologically advanced as us, they are arrogant, and they will sell out anyone to get ahead. Well most will anyway. If I had to face a Kazon I think federation technology and battle tactics would outclass them in every sense, they are rash and as such would easily fall in to any traps. Hand to hand is a different matter, they would be as tough as any opponent. In this case I would probably offer the enemy technology or something in trade. Then when he goes to take it I would knock him out with an elbow in the face." Swift finished and stood waiting for a reply. A couple of things were slightly unorthodox but he felt they were apt.

((OOC: Thank you very much))
Apodae Swift
Lieutenant J.G.
Acting Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Iroquois
http://www.expansionfleet.com/cgi-bin/fleet/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=171;t=16" target="_blank">Apodae Swift's Personnel Profile
"Either you come in peace or we blow you to pieces, your choice." - Swift


*There was some noise from the corridor outside as some of the creatures hit it as they ran.* We've got company! Vox, protect that thing with your life!
Luke Peters
Security Officer
USS Rivendell

NCC 1701B

Picard: as soon as we clear the debris field engage warp engins. Picard ordered

Apodae Swift

OOC: Firstly it's in character, so correct my character not me. I have decided that my character will have a bit of an attitude, though will always get the job done and act serious when it counts. Secondly if you were in that situation with an ambassador you would order them around for their safety. It is taking command of the situation, an ambassador probably wouldn't know about battle tactics.
Apodae Swift
Lieutenant J.G.
Acting Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Iroquois
http://www.expansionfleet.com/cgi-bin/fleet/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=171;t=16" target="_blank">Apodae Swift's Personnel Profile
"Either you come in peace or we blow you to pieces, your choice." - Swift


<Slaps Lois>

"DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!.  I am not going to get undressed and use this situation just for you to please yourself.  Now think of something else that doesnt require declothing you sick man." she protested.
http://www.cinematografo.it/cinematografo/allegati/2870/jessica_alba_2_230.jpg" border="0">


OOC: We're going to have to post-pone this. I'm grounded from the computer. So.. Yea, let's just set my training on hold untill I post again than I'd have one day left.

Mark felt something move in his pocket. He reached into it and withdrew a mesanger, a few words flashed across the small text. He turned on his heels quickly and left the room.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

*While the cadets were squabbling over who was in charge the engineering door started to become shredded metal as the creatures tore threw the door and in mere seconds would have enough of an opening to charge the cadets*
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Garrisson Grey

"Thanks, you too.", he said with a smile on his face. "And I'll teach you how to drink it." Now they both were laughing.


"You are my body guard not my mother.  Lets go." she said as she continued to move forwards.
http://www.cinematografo.it/cinematografo/allegati/2870/jessica_alba_2_230.jpg" border="0">


"Alexia, switch clothes with me and go hide behind those crates with Swift. I want both of you to get ready to shoot once I give the signal," He said, putting on the top and adjusting his hair.

His plan was simple, he was going to pose as the Ambassador's daughter, than when they're off gaurd he's going to have Swift blast them open. Okay fine, this isn't the best plan but they don't have time to sit around and brainstorm.

He threw on Alexia's clothes, "Hide, both of you- and don't come out untill I say 'Peanuts',"
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">