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New Bartender

Started by Ayala Mirez, October 06, 2002, 01:08:07 AM

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http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.. so what brings you to this quaint little busy station of ever lasting turmoil and headaches? http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
"To whom do you fear the most.  THe person who says they will kill you? Or the person who's still thinking about it."

Ayala Mirez

Hello Admiral Vorak..everything is ok i presume?
Ayala Mirez
Let your life flow free.

Ayala Mirez

maybe when you can control yourself n fido down there you can talk to me
Ayala Mirez
Let your life flow free.


"Okay, if you don't like whiskey.. I brought you a Vodka Martini Shaken, not stired. See?" *points at the glass* "I love it when you pay me that attention.." *glances in disgust*

Leonid Pushkin

My dear i'm old and i think he could make a good boyfriend.
come and sit down with my.

Tell my all about it.

Zukovsky: Can't you just say "hello" like a normal person?


Ambassador Tamok Shirr
Romulan Ambassador SS Avalon
You can run from the Shirr brothers,  but you´ll only die tired


Tired.  I must be getting old. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> and how has life on the station beeen treating you finding your way aorund all right?
"To whom do you fear the most.  THe person who says they will kill you? Or the person who's still thinking about it."

The Torrans

forgive my for not being polite mr. ambassador.

The Torrans

K'tol pushed a button on this tricorder and Hawkeye beamed in to space.

K'tol stunned Hawkeye.

Somebody get a doctor fast he orderd.

Mike D Rockwell

thank you, I'm fine ... I have much time at the moment, there is not much to do at the academy all the cadets are on a Mission with the USS Lhasa. I have time now to write some poems ... here I think is a good atmosphere to do it.

*takes a sip of the coffee*

and you? how are you?

(Edited by Mike D Rockwell at 5:17 pm on Dec. 19, 2002)

Division 3 supervisor - S.F. Intelligence
3rd in command of Deep Space Academy


Im not sure Mr HHH. Hi Tamok. Please join me an Mr HHH for a drink. We are waiting for Enoch to come back.Miss Shakira,  can i have a Budweiser please?
<still thinking of one>


Or what!? are you killing me!? Or are u ordering me to shut up!? Well, guess what, you are a cadett, and I am a Ambassador! SURPRISE!! I outrank you 20 to 1!!!

(OFF: No hard feelings. just for fun. =P)

Ambassador Tamok Shirr
Romulan Ambassador SS Avalon
You can run from the Shirr brothers,  but you´ll only die tired


=^= Vorak to all sections of the station =^=

"People, what's up with you all? Fell asleep or something? The doors to station Ops are OPEN FOR PARTYYYY!!! The 10 first people to enter get 10 bottles of Romulain ale for free!"

=^= End transmission =^=

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Vonter Nek Gente

" Hmmm well that is a tough one, why did I? i could say that i love to help people but everyone says that. I guess i just was driven to it. i have always has a skill at helping people as do most of my people. i have always had a passion for owning my own little ship and trading/been a hired arm but i have never had enough money to buy a ship. But life is nice here on this station so i am going to stay a while"
"Becides i cant leave my mates to soon can I."
Dr Vonter Nek Gente [Fleet Captain] Chief Medical Officer on Space Station Avalon


"I am doing well, thank you. But something is on my mind... and I really need to find a solution for it. You know, I have a medieval store here, where I sell a variety of things, but I want to expand my possibilities, and establish more trade on the universal medieval market, but for that I can't stay on this station alone. I would have to travel the universe, make new contacts, and trade. Something tells me that this opportunity is on its way to here, though I don't know how and why yet, but it means that until I get back the store would be closed, so I'm looking for... well, kind of a co-manager who could keep it open for me while I'm gone. Since you work in this bar, and many people come in this bar obviously, I was wondering if you could perhaps give me some ideas of who would be suitable?"
Enoch, Camelot Medieval Store
Drop by, you may find something you never knew you wanted, and remember... if we don't have it, surely we can find someone who does!
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Enoch.jpg" border="0">