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Celtic Corner - Have a drink, or a snack!

Started by Vorak, October 29, 2004, 09:37:17 PM

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OOC**HAHAHA!! Swift!, that cracked me up.


"Captain, Sit down!.  ALF is under the protection of the Marines for as long as his species lives and resides on Dantor.  There for you are to treat him with respect.  If not Ill make sure your cleaning the latrines for the next 5 YEARS!, do I make myself clear!, Captain." Balkazar said in his authority voice.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Mathew Moriarty

After being on the station for a few hours I have been cleaned up with a haircut and a shave and a new cut of clothes.

I had made my way to a favourite place on the station. The Celtic Corner establishment. I was standing outside deciding weather to go in or not.

As I was about to decide a cocky young Ensign in Starfleet gold came over.
"Excuse me sir but on a stargfleet station you just move infront of the door of a general entry area for it to open sir."

A moment later slightly embarrased I entered the corner and made my way to the Bar. After turning toward the windows I say a face staring at me and talking with him another two old friends.
Former Chief Tactical Officer USS Aztec
Former XO USS Discovery
Former XO/CO Uss Excalibur

Out there Second Star to the right and straight on till morning (Star Trek Wrath of Khan.)

Doctor Who

Bored with Captain Taurik, the Doctor teleported them all back to the Celtic Corner, by manipulating his Statenheim.

As the white flash dissipated, the Doctor stated matter-of-factly.

"Well it is yours if you want it my friends, I shall be on the TARDIS with your decision, if not I shall send it out to self destruct, up to you."

The Doctor smiled at them all and teleported back to the TARDIS.
Name: the Doctor
Title: Chronarch
Position: Gallifreyan Order Master
Home world: Gallifrey

Hal 2000

Hal leaned in one of the chairs, his massive metal body relaxed as much as could be done.  He was looking into the bowl in front of him, analyzing every inch of it.  He had no need to eat, but still came here to talk, for company.  Yet few ever gave him any.  He looked strangely wolflike, his mask shining with bright metal as he sat there, turning his head to view things.  He had lasers in his eyes, a phaser and a laser gun in his retracted hip holsters, and the want for adventure.
I Am Hal!  Hal 4700, that is!

I have received my latest Upgrade!!!

Ayala Mirez

"Hmm, I don't really have a favorite dish. :cP I'm sure whatever you feel like preparing will be fine"
Ayala Mirez
Let your life flow free.


"By, Captain."

<Kassie finishes off her drink and heads for classroom 5>
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Kassie.jpg" border="0">

Joe Braxton

"That's what I thought. I do, however, know where his quarters are. Maybe I will drop by him tomorrow, if I have time for it."
Joe Braxton
J.A.G. Cadet
Engineering Cadet

Valen StarChaser

<Presses the other button and changes into his normal uniform and goes up to Cook>

"I wouldnt hurt another sentient life form, cmon, you know me better then that, why would I eat a cat ? so furry and the captain would rip up my gullet, Riiiiiight!? <Giggles> Besides that cat is funny in his own right like me.  I just take it to the extreme." <Giggles>

<Pets the cat as he ate the cheese cake crumbs>

Valen StarChaser

*Bounces down from Cooks arms and grabs a bunch of empty glasses and started to juggle them in midair while catching them deftly as they went in somewhat of a circle as he juggled them into the air*

"You may wish to get ahold of Brian Higgins hes in charge of intel aspects of things.  I think I heard he was down on Dantor in one of the earlier news waves." Valen said as he juggled.

Valen StarChaser

<Gets up and starts talking to the chair he had knocked over>

"Oh yes yes, he sure is a good medico, oh wait, I am the good medico.  Oh ummmm, im not sure which but we both must be good medico's.  Oh Cook just said he was being transfered to the Evolution, we best not tell him the good news.  Nope nope nope." he said as he chattered on with the chair.

Jason Patric

"Interesting history.  I think Simon was Captain of the USS Newyork and the Unity till the decommission.  For the good old days again, Sometimes it sorta sucks being old." he had finished talking as he swallowed the remainder of his beer.

"WAITER! MORE BEER!" he said rather drunk.
http://bigcovers.dvd-world.at/images/casts/cast_7823/image.jpg" border="0">

Clyde Eastwood

<Eastwood sat back down>

"Roger that sir, oh and also who is that fella over there who tryed to give me advice ive never seen him before at all"
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

William Wallace

With my back to the door as I spoke with Captain Titan and Commander Cook I didn't see Mathew walk in and so I was completely unaware of his entrance until I looked up and saw the strange look on his face.

"Captain What is it? Was it something you ate sir.."
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588

William Wallace

Jake come running over to me so I picked him up and gave a quick pat.

"Alf this is a dog. I think a lick would be okay but no biting he is a pet to the Captain that just arrived."

"Good evening Captain, it is good to see you again sir."
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588

Doctor Who

The Doctor moved over to Givrillian,

"Yes we designed it specifically with Star Fleet in mind, for easy understanding of the all the Radiant Thunder's operations."

The Doctor continued,

"There are no turbolifts on board the Radiant Thunder though, the chambers you step into are voice or LCARS destination controls for dedicated transporters, each site to site transport chamber has it's own power supply that is separate from the main grid."

The Doctor moved to the Transport Chamber and urged them to follow, "come, I'll show you."

The Doctor, T'lana, Taurik and Givrillian moved inside the C&C's Transport Chamber, as the door closed the Doctor pointed out a panel that had a glowing map of the entire vessel with specific areas having a glowing white icon.

"As you can see, every Transport Chamber in the Radiant Thunder has a touch pad icon, we didn't bother designing this in LCARS, because it is a simple matter touching  the destination icon, or asking the Operating System."

The Doctor touched the destination icon for the Transport Chamber in Engineering.
Moments later, after white light of the Gallifreyan Transporter system had enveloped them, they were in Engineering.

What they walked out into would be easily recognized by Givrillian, who has already seen the Vortex Drive on board the TARDIS, but to the virgins of the group the Doctor explained the underlying principle.

In front of them, in engineering, was the Vortex Drive, that appeared as a tunnel beyond the single engineering console, at the back of the open chamber they had beamed to.

A long crystalline tube with many relays took over the tube, golden energy arced from the crystalline tube to the outer relay points that lined the tunnel.

"This my friends, is the Hyperdimensional Oscillator, also known as the Spacetime Vortex Drive, or just Vortex Drive, is the Radiant Thunder's Faster Than Light Engine."
Name: the Doctor
Title: Chronarch
Position: Gallifreyan Order Master
Home world: Gallifrey