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Celtic Corner - Have a drink, or a snack!

Started by Vorak, October 29, 2004, 09:37:17 PM

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Julia Rellek

**Rellek gave Captain Rajnus a slight nod back** "Captain, Rajnus" She said acknowledging him.

**When she had seen Will enter the room she was quite glad to see him. It had been a long while since they had talked; outside of a few staff meetings. She was hoping to catch up but she wanted to give the Captain and Will a few moments to discuss the report. So she retreated back into her reports to give them some privacy.**
Name: Rellek, Julia Marie
Rank: Admiral
Position: Member of High Command

"Fortune favors the bold"


*Jarron turns to the bar*

"A drink? Just coming here for a drink? Aren't you able to appear just around everywhere in this Galaxy? And you are getting your drink here, is this time for me to jump around?"

*Jarron walks behind the bar and stands in front of Tyn*

"I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself. I am Jarron, your bartender and what can I do for Miss Galaxy? Maybe some Aldorian Ale or maybe a normal Human Beer?"

Believe those who are seeking the truth, but doubt those who find it.


"Mr. Enoch was beamed from the location of his store, to a ship, along with Zayan, major Embries and a few other unidentified individuals including Vorlok and another Klingon child.  Apparently, the transporter lock was not targetting Vorlok and the other child, but they appear to have been accidentally caught in the transporter beam. The location they were beamed to is unclear, however it can be determined that this would not be elsewhere on the station, nor on any of the ships that were in the vicinity at that time. It may possibly be a highly advanced cloaked ship, that was beaming them up. From what communication sensors can tell, there was contact with this unidentified vessel and one of the individuals present at Enoch's store at that time, making it reasonable to assume that the beam-out was done by request, rather than a kidnapping."
Hardware Extended Remote Multi-functional Embedded System
Information is useful to manage tasks. Please, clarify your demands.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hermes.gif" border="0">

Mike Nickerson

The waitress goes to fetch the drinks. Mike turns back to Paris. "So, what's it like to be back?"
Fleet Captain Michael Nickerson
Chief Medical Officer,
Avalon Station
"Far be it for me to turn up the chance to be a hero..."


Some spring water please, I still want to be fit when i return to my job, as well as a nice plate of Haggis, you do know how to cook haggis right?


"Me? a Lt. I doubt that sir, but thank you for the compliment.  I was doing my job.  The real thanks should go to Freeman, he was the one who helped out when we needed it and took command when I wasnt able to find the problem.  Mann as well, he did more then me.  I just ordered them all around, I suppose it was my experience aboard the Evolution and the Rivendell that made me feel compelled to take command like that.  Personally, I wouldnt want to take command unless I had no other choice."

"Hello, Admiral.  You seen Mann ?"
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Kassie.jpg" border="0">

Eugene Archer

*After having emptied his glass of bourbon, Archer stood up and went straight to the conference rooms to meet with Julian and the marines.*
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Archer.jpg" border="0">


<Giggles> "Im half human and half Vulcan, tho I have embraced my vulcan to an certain point I preffer the human side of things.  My father is pure Vulcan, infact he serves as Sanchez CEO."

"Yes, I realize we will be needing alot of supplies and materials to pull off 3 bases but I believe if we can get the materials ourselves, theres a large asteroid field on in sector 9J we can try to get the ore we need from.  Also I think we can get some of the major resources ourselves."

"As far as power is concerned, I realize it will be alot of power and we do need an infinate amount of power to maintain all 3 bases but at the same time secure enough to not be triffled with or sabotaged as well.  So I suggest we try and dig a seperate chamber thats still underground or inside a mountain and dig down, then get within a safe distances to where we can still draw power from the planets core while at the same time not destroying the planet in the process, get it ?"

<Wipes the sauce off her face and asks a waiter to bring 2 glasses of rootbeers, as the waiter came back with them, Kassie begins to blow bubbles in her rootbeer then drinks it>

"I think this project for the power supply from the core may require a experience engineer, got anyone in mind?"
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Kassie.jpg" border="0">

Weasly Cook

Cook blinked and looked and Enoch. "I don't drink, but thank you kindly, also, talk to a doctor, my CO was alergic to cats, but he lived as well." Cook laughed at how Captain Smith now looked at Enoch with a sad look in his eyes and whiskers.


"I do remember that, but I did some research from my family lines and I seem to have been unable to find anyone that could be a telepath... but I could have overlooked some people.... But I ask agian, why the intrest? I have to ask this because I am unsure as to take this news. Could it be related to my nightmares? They have indeed become much more frequent." Cook was indeed worried about this, but he was trying his best to hide it.
For the twentith time Captain Smith, you are not to dart into the hallway.
http://archive.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/charpics/madden.jpg" border="0">


<Balkazar and his men were enjoying time off when the power went out>

"Oh crap.  Alright, lets get to the marine section of the station and suit up." Balkazar called out to his 30 men who was off duty at the time.

<As they walked to the doors, the doors usually opened but they didnt for the lack of power.  Only way was to manually open them.  After a good 5 minutes the doors were forced open.  Then the marines went to the marine section of the station where they found several spare combat suits>

<Marine section of Avalon Base>

"Alright, unpack the generators and hook them up to the replicators and start replicating extra gear.  I want this section locked down, no one gets in or out." Balkazar had ordered as he buckled on his backpack and combat suit.

"Alright, from the reports power has been lost on several decks and we have to get to the section where the life support is.  If we cant get that system back online we will have to evacuate the station.  Now, I will take 10 men and head up to command, Johnson you take 10 and head to engineering, and Lorence you take the remainder and try to get the life support system back online.  Grab an engineer on your way." Balkazar had said as he put on his helmet, then he had ordered everyone to switch to nightvision.

<As the Marines seperated they went slowly to there destinations.  With comm silence being ordered as they broke up into 3 groups.  Balkazar and his team quickly made there way to command deck threw the most expedient ways possible>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


Lilque looked at the stunned Marines, and spoke in a most confused and sarcastic voice.

" I am just wondering if you men were confused over the free drinks or over  your commanding officer talking to a woman, becuase if it is the later, then I must ask him why he doens't get out much. "

*Some of the Marines turned away and continued to drink and others ordered thier new drinks that were now on Lilque's Tab. Lilque turned back to the mysterious stranger she was involved with now.*

" I know this may seem awkward, but I mean you no harm, just a drink. My name is Lilque, and I saw you sitting there and I couldn't help but notice that you were not a fresh out of bootcamp Marine, and wanted to offer you a chance to spend a moment in the company of a new friend. "

~what she didn't say was a friend that she was atttracted to but still on the offensive to say anything.~

* Lilque put her hand out and extended a greeting the stanger*

"what is your name?"
Lt. Cmdr Lilque
-Resistance is Optional-

Simon Rajnus

(((Stop skipping everywhere, Will lol)))

<Simon had left the Admirals office to find him in Celtic corner.  So he made his way there.  Upon entering the Celtic corner he made his way to where Karellia sat and ordered himself a beer>

"Admiral Rellek." he said nodding at her direction.  "Admiral Karellia, we need to talk.  Heres a mission report on our mission.  It includes the capture of a Heraan vessel named Swift Retribution and the unfortunate crash landing of the Lothlorien, she was unsalvageable for the most part.  I will take any responsibilty there is for a destruction of a starship.  But we had too in order to keep a omega molecule out of the hands of the Heraan.  Yes, they tried to get their hands on the molecule and failed.  But the marines paid a heavy price for it and so did the marines who were protecting us and the General.  Also im regretful to report that General Powell and Admiral Yates have both been wounded and are currently recovering in sickbay." Simon reported as he finished half of his beer in one gulp and handed him the PADD.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


Cadet Oak and Captain Lurado both walk into the Celtic Corner pub, and take a seat at one of the center square tables.
"I'll have a Raktajino, and old earth Shrimp" he spoke to a waiter who had come to the table as they seated".
Captain Fred Lurado
U.S.S. Iroquois
Commanding Officer

http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6444/luradoxm9.jpg" border="0">
http://stborderland.proboards47.com/index.cgi" target="_blank">Star Trek: Borderland

Tara Lollock

No captain, feel free.

Sounds like things have been interesting for you. Both of my parents are dead. My mom died, many years ago, in her quarters while serving on the Jackson due to a radiation leak. My father used to be the head of Starfleet Medical, but he was murdered in 76 while on a diplomatic mission.
Name: Lollock, Tara
Rank: Captain
Position: Commanding Officer
Vessel: USS Iroquois

"Act and you shall have dinner. Think and you shall be dinner." - Klingon Proverb
"You never know when Starfleet may call upon you to perform outside your comfort zone." -Commander Tara Lollock
"Die well!"
"Today is a good day to die"

Jason Patric

"Yes I heard of the marine teachers.  The cadets who wish to have marine training will have there hands full thats for sure.  Well if any of you wish, you may join me and the men." he said as he picked up a tray full of drinks and took it to there table and sat down then began to drink and talk to his marine buddies.
http://bigcovers.dvd-world.at/images/casts/cast_7823/image.jpg" border="0">