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Celtic Corner - Have a drink, or a snack!

Started by Vorak, October 29, 2004, 09:37:17 PM

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"Ahh, yes. This is Martin, my new store assistant! For me, one Kilkenny please. What do you want to drink, Martin?"
Enoch, Camelot Medieval Store
Drop by, you may find something you never knew you wanted, and remember... if we don't have it, surely we can find someone who does!
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Enoch.jpg" border="0">

Hal 2000

Hal decided now would be the perfect time to show his prowess at hovering.  with a soft whoosh, 4 pods came out and activated, lifting Hal up off the table.  He then made a soft whistling sound, levitating about 6 inches from any surfaces that could hold him up.  grinning, Hal floated around before landing softly on the table again.
I Am Hal!  Hal 4700, that is!

I have received my latest Upgrade!!!


<Takes the napkin and wipes her face>

"Thank you, now where was I, Oh thats right, Now after we did all this, and sense we alredy have the building and I believe the neccessary space, we can get to work on a underground civilian evacuation place.  This underground facility will be set there incase the station is under attack and we can get civilians and the Admiralty off the station with lil trouble.  Meaning this seperate 3rd outpost will be big enough to house millions of people with Several large transporter rooms to mass beam everyone onto or off of the station, I believe starfleet has some new prototype of transporter technology that can cut threw radiation to beam people off the ships or stations in orbit.  This underground place will be set up for civilian use with a few security stations to help maintain order and law and such.  There would be no clear access cept for those who have access to this civilian base.  Whatcha think ? any idea's ?" Kassie said as she licked heer lips of tomatoe sauce and noodles.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Kassie.jpg" border="0">


"Waiter, 2 cheese cakes with strawberries and sauce on top, please."

*The waiter brought out the cheese cakes*

"Dive in, I believe you would know it from earth ?, one of my favorites from when I was on earth, my mother wanted me to learn something about human cullinary.  So I got a taste for rootbeers, spaghetti and meatballs, and CHEESE CAKE!!.  YUM!!"
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Kassie.jpg" border="0">



"I know its hard to accept, Cook.  But your mother is afraid to come out into space for the fact that we too have our own enemy, the chronastines.  They constantly hound our every move, everywhere we go.  That may be the reason why your mother doesnt want to come out into space because she may fear it.  I doubt your father knew of his wife's true purpose.  Who or what her true origins were.  She probly hid this fact from you because she wanted to protect you from her life, but unfortunately we cant get everything we want in life.  We can only deal with what life throws at us.  I have learned that lesson the hard way many times.  Sooner you accept your true heritage the easier life will be.  You deserve to know where you REALLY! come from.  Its your choice to accept it or to reject it.  But in time you cannot deny where you really come from.  You are a Chronasion.  Thats the bottom line.  Thats your true heritage.  Are you willing to accept it or to reject it ?, the choice is yours."

((OOC: Having fun?))
http://www.cinematografo.it/cinematografo/allegati/2870/jessica_alba_2_230.jpg" border="0">

Kirby Oak

"Well, the only goal I really have right now is to eventually be a Chief of Engineering. Who knows, though, I may want to achieve something else as time goes on.

"Oh, and I'm sorry about your ship."
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/jigj119/other/STKirby.jpg" border="0">
-Ensign Kirby D. Oak

Weasly Cook

Cook cleared his throat. "Well, no, I felt that since your were arguing with Eastwood. I thought I would use that moment to ask where Captain Smith was. I was actually worried  you would yell at me for interupting a meeting, so I was taking a risk for me." Cook then looked around, "You haven't seen Starchasher have you?"

Cook unfortantly at that time realized that Captain Smith was sending a mental picture of being fed from the Cat. He turned around and looked at him, "NO, you are feed in another hour not now." Of course he realized that Balkizar was close enough to hear his hissed whisper. But their was nothing he could do about it now.
For the twentith time Captain Smith, you are not to dart into the hallway.
http://archive.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/charpics/madden.jpg" border="0">


Not personally yet no. All i know is they are Marines, and they are the best marine  teachers Starfleet has to offer. They will arrive soon
Captain Janeway
Starfleet Liason on Dantor


"Oh your arm would taste much better.  Though I think some parsnip and catnip added for seasoning but it could be rather tasty.  So who are you? I havent seen you around here before?" ALF asked eyeing Swifts arm and imagining it with catnip on it, then smacking his lips together as if he was going to eat it.
Gordon Shrumway

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i104/Balkazar/ALF11.jpg" border="0">

Doctor Who

The Doctor stood and took Givrillian's hand, shaking it he smiled and motioned to the seat next to him.

"Please take a seat, I remember you from the Rivendell. You must be here for the same thing same thing as me, good food and good company, the universe can  be a lonely place."

The Doctor sat down, "I was impressed at how your people took the Fortress from the Heraani, the tylium is what I wanted your  people to have, the Fortress was secondary.
But enough of that rubbish, tell me about Givrillian Sarpedon?"
Name: the Doctor
Title: Chronarch
Position: Gallifreyan Order Master
Home world: Gallifrey


Looks around, seeing his friends gone. Glances at his watch, then walks briskly over to pay for his drink and leaves
Nick Hsiao


*suddenly the power in the station cuts out. Backup power takes over but after about 5 seconds it also kicks out.*

(OFF: this is for a well planned mission a few months in the making pls go along with it. thnx )
EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.


*Even though she was shocked, she kissed him back and just looked into his eyes as he held her face in his hands*

"I'm not sure how you knew what I wanted but if your not a telepath then you are surely just good at reading a girls feelings. Would you like to get out of here and maybe have some wine with me? In my quarters?"
Lt. Cmdr Lilque
-Resistance is Optional-


"d*mn, what the *****. Since when do you people suddenly appear in front of me? Over there *Jarron points at the door* that's where we enter!"
Believe those who are seeking the truth, but doubt those who find it.

KHa Var

"So there are actually several people missing?  Vorak, you should make a list of all missing persons.  As there may be an underground movement against the Federation.  The kidnaping of our son, Vorlok, could be a threat or a barganing chip to get the Federation to pull out of this quadrant of space.  Why else would so many dissapear without telling anyone."
-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">