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Started by Hirohito, April 25, 2002, 03:04:59 PM

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"You know I don't care how old you are."


That is not the bartenders bussinues Shakira. Our job is to make him forgett...

Claire Nek Gente

"Coming Shakira, what may i do for you?"
When will people stop telling me there life story and order a bloody drink?


"Sure, in a minute" *Shakira goes to the bar table and prepares a glass of lemon juice* "Enjoy!"

Well how nice of you to remember me... I must say I am touched. I at the other hand of course, remembers you... You really should tell Tomas that he must finish his jobs little better next time... Becouse, I am not that nice now...

*Shakira is about to say something when Nagasaki grabs her shoulder*

You will just shut up! You see, I have a thing un clear with your beloved uncle, and I donĀ“t want him to get away with it... I will leave now. But mark my words, I will be back for Hirohito...



"Sure, Jing.. here's your Pepsi.. and the pizza will take a while. When it's ready, Claire will bring it to you, ok?"

*turns around to Geert* "Now WHAT? I'm tired of this! It's not a week yet and I've seen you so many times I lost count! I can handle it, ok? I really can!"
*Starts walking quickly toward the kitchen. Geert follows her. When she's in, she closes and locks the door before his nose*

"And stay OUT!"

Jing da Goar

hmm ... I think we can make a deal! let's meet in the klingon restaurant tomorrow ... OK?

(Edited by Jing da Goar at 8:24 pm on Sep. 6, 2002)


*Shakira walks over to Enoch*

"Whoa, hey, what's the rush, man? Pregnant lady here! Can't you see it? And here's your Irish coffee" *leaves it on the table carelessly*

"Ooh, your Coke.." *goes to the fridge and takes one* "Here!"

John Casden

*He had slipped up quietly during the conversation. He speaks softly.*
Don't threaten the lady, Colonel...oh yes, I know who you are. I  have my sources...and don't think you can detain me either.


*turns his phaser back towards Casden.* I said don't move Mr. Casden.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Sloan.gif" border="0">


*walks in* A Vulcan Spice Tea, please.
See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

Randall Sanchez

*Looks at his eggtod*

"And... before I drink this... what is it?"

Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


Well, I had though to run one of my programs on the holodeck later on.


I think you would apreciate meeting Shakiras husband, commander Tomas Goransson. You seem to be like him in some ways. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

(Edited by Hirohito at 11:08 pm on May 5, 2002)


I know more then you and Shakira thinks...

*Mystic smile*