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Station Ops

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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Clyde Eastwood

*Stands and looks at Keller*

"Sir i think that would be a good idea and yes when our men get out of hospital we can combine them"
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

William Richerd

"Yes Sir." Richerd said with a salute.

He taps his comm badge and walks out, already calling out names over it to gather them to get to Avalon.

((So, I go post now on Avolon now? Correct? Just making sure as to not make a mess with posting.))
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one

Sarah Parker

OFF: Oh, the anticipation is just overwhelming... :[

"Ok, people, that bought us a little time. Now obviously these things are attracted to large amounts of energy...what if we were able to create the signature of energy...White, could you create a beacon able to produce that signature? If we could send that away from the base, and they follow, it could buy us a little time."

OFF: I've just realized, we don't have any engineers or a chief of OPS. How pathetic.

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Parker.jpg" border="0">
S. Parker.

John Bostic

"Miss Parker a suggestion, it may be possible to generata an energy field above the base using the phaser arrays, a kind of blanket covering us if you will, if we can form a field large enough and then deliver a jolt of photone torpedoes we could neutrilize all power in starphoinex, it could blow out aver console and power relay we have but to that alien out there we would taste like 300 year old cheese and hopefully it will let go."
CO of Security on Starphoenix

Chris Newberry

"I sorry sir, but the General can't be disturb at this time sir."

Lt. Colonel Micheals continues to stand in Simons way.

Vincent Garhart

Garhart arrives in operations in his new uniform and turns to the acting commanding officer.

"I am General Garhart, head of Operations here under General Newberry.  I have operations and would like a status report from all stations within the hour."

A bit taken back the lieutenant replies with "Aye Sir'  then returns to his station.  
Garhart Noticing Admiral Yates walks over to him.

"Admiral, welcome to Dantor, how may we assist you?"
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

Chris Newberry

Walks onto the Ops as he gets the message from Ft.  Adm. Ransom and puts it in the back of his mind for future reference, then walks over to Lieutenant Kawolsky and Scotty.

"Congrads on the promotion, and for future reference, I not doing much promotions for the next few weeks to do evals on all crew now on Dantor."

Turns to General Garhert and Commander Balkazar.

"Commander, General, can I see both of you in my office now." Chris asked.

"Yes sir, right away sir," both replied.

Chris walks over to his office and enters with Garhert and Balkazar following in a few seconds later. The doors to the office close.

OCC: ------------------> Continue to my Office.

To all other ops officers, do not disturb under penality of demotion. hehehehehe

James Madison

*Meanwhile in Ops*
"General, i am at a loss for what is going on here. Are these Federation citizens we're going after? I find it hard to believe they would riot. Why the last riot was centuries ago on earth. First Newberry now this. I had hoped new managment would show some hope of order, am i mistaken General?"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Clyde Eastwood

*Eastwood and Jelico had come to the marines guarding the safe zone and haulted*

==/\== Eastwood to Balkazar, i have just arrived at your company and am about to move forward to your position do you need any extra men or equiptment while im here. ==/\==

*Eastwood sat and ordered his men to take up position next to Alpha company and to set their rifles to stun*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion


OOC**Have them gather in the main ops area and get Oclare to tag along weather he wants too or not. *Winks*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Event Horizon

*The energy cloud is drawn to the concentration of power, and heads toward it fast, casting a dark shadow on the buildings below it... As it came within range, the inverse energy phasers were fired...*
"Energy... absorb energy..."
"What is this? Inverse energy! They try to trick us!"
"Ignore their tricks, they cannot weaken us..."
"They are annoying us!"
"We are being delayed! Gallifreyans may come soon, must hurry..."
"We will trick them back..."
"And we will take all energy at once..."
*At that moment, the dark energy cloud seems to expand as if to cover the entire landbase... but in fact it is moving toward the nearby ocean.*
"Water... water makes energy stream easier..."
"We will be able to assemble all energy and take it at once..."
*At that moment, what seems to be some sort of heavy lightning strikes into the ocean, several kilometers away from the station. The lightning seems to pierce into the depths of the oceans, and for an instant there appears to be a hole in the water... then the water begins to react and a huge wave begins to form. The large wave of water grows higher and more massive, as it sets for Starphoenix Base... In a matter of moments, the immense and high wave reaches the coastal area nearby Starphoenix Base, and the people on the base can see how the waves are taller than themselves... even taller than the highest buildings of Starphoenix base... and then the wave comes crashing down on top of the first buildings, and tons of water flows into the base, flooding the streets so much that only the highest buildings barely come above the water. The violent ocean water keeps flooding into the base, even tearing apart some of the smaller buildings and taking them with the stream, as the cloud hangs above the flooded areas, and begins to concentrate its power on an open area... The power of the energy field seems to look like a tornado coming down from it, heading for the water... and when it strikes the water, it begins to whirl with a heavy wind, as the Na'jigat cloud begins to extract all energy that is being flown through the water...*
"Energy... energy... Want more energy!"
"We still have part in space attacking ships..."
"They must make ships pay for this trick as well, and make sure they no longer delay us again!"
*And at that moment, in space, the separated part of the Na'jigat cloud turns aggressive, attacking all ships with what also seems to be a surge of energy lightning. The ships suffer a heavy shock, upsetting their systems as the ship is pulled back, away from planet Dantor.*

OFF: this is the last post I can make before I go on vacation. I won't be able to post until september again. Also sorry for the delay in posting, but I hope this long post made up for it.
Now you can continue the storyline and admins could post with Event Horizon, if they want. The idea is that the Na'jigat is about to destroy everything and everyone, when again the Gallifreyan cavalry appears. Gallifreyans are humanoid people, and the only species in the universe that is strong enough to fight the Na'jigat through mental energy. Even they can't defeat or destroy the Na'jigat, but they can force them to retreat - for now. I will ask Montrell to post as Legudon (main chief of the Gallifreyans) when he returns from his vacation soon. The Gallifreyans will use no weapons except pure concentration on telephatic energy. They are a species that does not like to interact with other species and will be short in answers, if they tell you anything at all. Little is known about them, and nobody really knows yet where they are from and who they are. But the war between the Na'jigat and the Gallifreyans has been going on from the beginning of time and will never end.
As for the Na'jigat, remember they can NOT be destroyed. You can delay them, confuse them a bit (but remember they CAN read your minds, they are the purest form of telephatic power as well) and besides trying to win some time, there's little you can do - but that doesn't mean you can make it spectacular, like I now just gave you some material to work with for some time http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

Aron Wanner

=/\= This is Major General Aron Wanner of the U.S.S. Reliance, we are on our  way to Dantor to pick up Brigadier General Brown. We'll arrive within 45 minutes =/\=
Major General Aron Wanner
Executive Officer, Dantor: Starphoenix Planetary Base


"Understood sir, but Scotty is just a cadet. If he died, I would be in BIG trouble. I might have even been reprimanded or court marshalled. He was my responsibility sir. I'm sure you understand?"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


"Yes, sir. Ops out"   the lieutenant replied

*He then walked back over to Admiral Yates*
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Jim Raynor

"Alright, I'm coming around for another--"

A shrill alarm went off in Raynor's cockpit.

"I've got a torpedo locked on! Banking hard left!"

The fighter veered to port, but the torpedo struck his engine ports and they died out.

"Mayday! Mayday! This is Raynor, I've been hit! I repeat, I've been hit and I'm going down hard!"

Raynor pulled back as hard as he could on the stick, but the Peregrine slammed into the ground and careened down the street, ripping up the pavement. Coming to a halt at a market square after demolishing the shopping kiosks, Raynor tried to get his bearings, but he could barely keep his eyes open.
Major Jim Raynor
Commanding Officer, Special Forces Division
23rd Battalion, Starfleet Marines