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Station Ops

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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"That can be your field assignment cadet. I have faith in your abilities"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


"Congratulation, Ensign, I will be returning to the DSA soon."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Clyde Eastwood

*Eastwood stood there talking to the two marines posted at that exit waiting for his young Lt to rock up*

"So you been on board long Private"

Pvt "No sir i only shipped in a few days ago"

"Well Pvt your in for a ride of your life try to enjoy it while you can"

*The Pvt just nods stupidly and continues on with his duties while Eastwood still waits for Jelico to appear*

OOC: come on Jelico hurry up im getting bored here
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

Clyde Eastwood

"Roger that sir, ill set my company on the preimeter and make it tighter then a monkeys you know what, oh and also sir thank you for before i couldnt of gone on within medical help im one stubbon fool"

*Eastwood continued firing as the Pumas and APC's got nearer to the cut off company*

"Sir i can see them from here they look like they are in some serious #### and i think it would be recommended that we do set up a defencive preimeter and have the snipers set their rifles to kill"
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

Patrick Brown

ooc: A Pltoon is 40 Men to be exact and a Company starts at 60 Men
*Sparks Flew and Thick Smoke filled Ops*

*A Sargent Ran into Ops and Stoped in Front of General Brown*

Sargent:Sir, We have lost all Communcations as there being Jamed and there is 200 Romluans Attacking the Edge of the Compound and we being Hit By Morter

How Many Marines do we have left in the H.Q and surrounding Buildings

Sargent:37 Sir  23 Platoon from Echo COmpany  is the Base duty Platoon

Warrent Biggens:Sir Levels 1,5 and 12 have Minor Dammage

Get that Platoon to the H.Q Building we will defend this Building till almost the last man

Computer Confirm  Brigadeer General Patrick Brown Exective Officer Arm H.Q Self Destuct

Just in case we need it

*then more Sparks flew*

were are my Shields for the Compund

Cpl:Sir, the Genorators were hit in the First Strike

Well Operations  Woun't Last Long with this Morter Fire were going to need to take those out

*turns to Admiral Juillan*

Admiral, were going to Need your Strike Force to take out those Morters other wise we will be dead men

*then 2nd Lieutennent Patten entered*


Patten:Sir, 23 Platoon Reporting as Ordered

your Orders 2nd Lieutennet is your are to Fority this Deck and the Deck Above and Below as the Romluans will try to get to this Deck as they will be able to Cripple us and mabye have a good chance to take Dantor now Go

Patten:Yes Sir
*Operations Shook again as an other Mortor Hit*

Now we going to Need some way of geting soem sort of Communcations between Us and the Companys

*then the Aft Bulkheads blew sending flying Debris though out Ops*

we not going to stand much more then this

The Nightwalker thats it

Computer locate the Nightwalker

Computer:U.S.S Nightwalker is Located in Orbit of  Danor Moon 4

Damm to far and with Communcations down no Remote Access to her

any suggestions Admiral Mansion

ooc:Yes Dantor has one Ship the Nightwalker but its not used very much
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC

AK Dutton

Occ: ok so the plot that i missed is now over great o well!
oh and Jase Jarco pm me i have somethihg to ask you.

Sarah Parker

OFF: Who the #### are you?...and what's CASTLE? Why doesn't Sully warn me about these...people popping up!?
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Parker.jpg" border="0">
S. Parker.

Event Horizon

*The darkness that the energy cloud casts over the base, seems to keep growing stronger and more intense, as the Na'jigat feeds from the station's energy source almost first hand through the water. But then suddenly... there is a momentary faltering, and for a moment the cloud looks like a sky of thunderstorm clouds that are beginning to clear just a little, and leaving just one ray of the sun through... some bright white light appears to be shine through the vast darkness of the energy cloud, so bright and clear that it does not seem to come from the Na'jigat cloud itself, and neither can be undone by the Na'jigat... The bright ray of light grows slightly wider and stronger, shining brightly upon one of the buildings of Starphoenix Base... even so strong that the light almost seems to easily go THROUGH the thick walls of the building, making it look a bit brighter in its surrounding darkness... and then gently, the light fades away again... The Na'jigat cloud seems to become restless, and even more eager to feed itself from the energy as fast and as much as it can...*


" i realise that sir, i'll try to think of a countermeasure and report back to you with it if you wish? "
http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j259/forumidcards/Scotty/EnsignScotty.jpg" border="0">


"Get that uniform off right now cadet!"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Jase Jellico

=/\=On my way, sir.=/\= He turns to the corporal, go ack and make damn sure all the other exits are sealed, when you get to the last one, stay on guard there." "Yes, sir." Jase turned and jogged off towards his last exit. He rounded the corner to find Captain Eastwood already there, "Sir."

(Sorry, I`ve been out of town.)
2nd Lt. Jase Jellico
Bravo Company
Phoenix-Alpha Squadron XO


"No killing, Absolutely no killing.  We need to stop this riot, not make sure it ensues then have Powell down my neck because I disobeyed orders."

=^= "Balkazar to all teams, and vehicles, we are going to circle the cut off company, circle and set up a tight defense parimeter, no one is to be killed.  Make sure all weapons are set for stun and watch each others backs.  I dont know the condition of the group so be prepared for the worst, once in, we will get the wounded and the dead into the APC's and into the Puma's, and hope and pray we can get the walkable's out on foot, Understood.  NO! one is left behind, Standing, dead, or otherwise, UNDERSTOOD!." =^=

*All vehicles and men sent confirmation as they broke threw the rioters line and circled the site of the cut off company, the Men poured out and used the vehicles as cover as the Puma's opened fire on the civilians to drive them back*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Jim Raynor

(OFF: True. I'll work out the logistics of 17th Battalion later, and post it.)
Major Jim Raynor
Commanding Officer, Special Forces Division
23rd Battalion, Starfleet Marines

Event Horizon

*...As the Colonel asked his question the Warbird in the distance go up in flame and crash the earth of the planet and explode destroying all enemy ground forces with them two Intrepid* Class and one Prometheus Class vessles are seen flying through the smoke if the downed warbirds and land outside the city. Ina manner of minutes starfleet officers are seen through out the city and the peace is soon restored. About 3 days later the city has power and the citizens are calm but the damage is yet to be repaired. Captain Ramus, the Captain of the Prometheus Class, walks up to Fleet Admiral Madison and Vice Admiral Julian and gives a stronge salute and reports...*

"Sirs, the city has been fully retored and the Romulan threat eliminated. We won't have to worry about them again. Word has it that those were the last three birds of the whole coalition. But anyways the Navy boys that are to be stationed here at this base are ready and awaiting word to transfer over to give you guys some company so when your ready I will transfer them over. Also I got a request for a transfer from Avalon Station to come her and become your new Cheif Sciance Officer. A Lt. Jean Starwind. She is currently in DA space with Ambassador Gorden doing who knows what. From what I hear she is exactly like her father. Is there anything else you guys would like from us before we return to the Alpha Quadrent?"

5 of 9

off: what since when did the sphinx turn into a castle who are you
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-5of9.jpg" border="0">http://omegafleetrgp.proboards34.com/index.cgi