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Station Ops

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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Chris Newberry

OCC: Back I see Patrick. How was your trip to Avalon?


"That force heading there is bent on attacking."

=/\= Sir, incoming transmission for you.=/\=

=/\= Send it through =/\=

Commbadge comes inactive after Chris taps it again. Soon one of rhe screens comes online and an Major is on there.

"General Newberry, I am afaird to report bad news. Part f the attack fleet we've been following is heading to Dantor sir. We'll try and slow them down as best we can."

"Negative Major, get back to Dantor at max warp speed on the double. we will make our stand here against them."

"Aye sir."

The channel closes and Chris turns to General Brown.

"Patrick, bring the base to full alert now. Have all fighters and Pelicans standing by and when there detected in orbit, activate the citys shield generators."

Chris Newberry

"It is understandable and I will aggree. Cadets do need live work experience other then holodeck training. Go ahead and contact Commander Balkazar."

OCC: Here is a good post of mine, and thanks for understanding.


"Thats good, Hows the base doing ? so far with all the excitement its been and will have ?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Nathen Keller

*NAte and his men enter the bay as Jim did and Nate grumbles and sighs and replies.*

"No... it would seem he was alone in this and he must have been planning this for weeks. We should report in to Battalion CO."
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6562/starpheonixidkellercopy4uo.jpg" border="0">
http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/9340/kellerpo3.jpg" border="0">


"Yes, sir. There is one thing that I need to take care of first and then I will be straight there."

*Kawolsky turns away and taps his comm badge*

=/\= Kawolsky to Balkazar =/\=

"I am going to be away on a rescue mission, for a unknown period of time and I was wondering if you wanted to come along with Cadet Scott or if you would like to stay on the station? It will most likely be a dangerous mission. If you decide to stay, would you please assume command of station security until I return? "

=/\= Kawolsky out =/\=
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Jim Raynor

Jim awoke to the acrid smell of smoke. His aircraft was on fire. He released the safety belt, and thumbed the cockpit release button. It didn't work. Raynor jammed his hands upward as hard as he could, and to his surprise, he jarred the canopy free. Pushing it aside and off the fighter, Raynor stood, grabbing his combat pistol and survival pack from the emergency compartment, and jumped down from the crippled fighter.
Major Jim Raynor
Commanding Officer, Special Forces Division
23rd Battalion, Starfleet Marines

Mike Powell

OCC: Brown... you conflict with my plot... Please do not post ahead and make your own plots up... I am posting with Event Horizon so when an event occurs that I expect someone to respond to you can then post. But until that please do not make something up. Just please be patiant. Also a platoon is 40 men and a company has between 60-200 men. Just for organization purposes I am having it be 200 ea for every company.


"Raynor, take your best pilots and return to the base. we just preped our last 40 fighters and they are short pilots. Report there and ready your men and await further orders. Colonel. We have to set up small range communications, their jammers cannot detect there fore cannot jam them. They should reach us from this position to the base. Any one have a status report on our perimeter defences?"

OCC: I am gonna sketch a quick image to show you all our position.
http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/7162/spmikepowell20zc.jpg" border="0">


=^= Vulcan imperial starcrusier Alpha 1-A to Starphoenix Base, This is Prince Nesbitt of Vulcan i will be arriving and staying at Starphoenix Base for a couple of months i expect that i will have my usual accomodations as well as extra security personal.=^=
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

William Richerd

Richerd turned around and nodded his head. "Same here sir. I see you got a promotion sometime ago by the new pips." He then returned to facing Balkazar and the new cadet, unsure of what would happen next, But he knew not to get in the way at the moment.
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one

Patrick Brown

<Dantor Marine Operations>

==^==This is Marine Transport Ontairo With an Ultra VIP waiting Prmision to Tranport the VIP Down==^==

NCO on Duty:==^=Prmission Granted==^==

*Patrick Demiltrized*

Officer on Duty:GENERAL ON DECK

as you were
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC


"Thank you Admiral, I will serve to the best of my ability until a suitable replacement is found"
Emergency Medical Hologram

Sarah Parker

OFF: Are Bostic and I the only active members on the station? (onboard vessels do not count)...Feel free to post on the matter; we could use posts from people simply modifying the phaser towers (the ones we do have left)...

"I've pondered that possibility. Commodore, to make such modifications from here, we'd need power. Escort Lieutenant Doe (our invisible engineer) down to the defense system core on level 5, section E-7. He can make the neccessary alternations we need manually. If the phasers we have left then do give us the effect we desire, we might stand a chance."

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Parker.jpg" border="0">
S. Parker.

Patrick Brown

*then a Transporter beam actvated  and the Lt.Colonel goes to stops and and stops*

Lt.Colonel: Sir, its nice to have you back

*walks over*

Chris, sorry for being late it took me awaile to get a suttle cleared to leave Avalon.

ahh Simon its good to see you again. has it been really  six months seince I last  seen you.
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC

Mike Powell

*Mike Powell enters ops and immediatly heads for General newberry's Office.*

"Colonel Mike Powell, reporting in for duty, Sir."
http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/7162/spmikepowell20zc.jpg" border="0">

Patrick Brown

Computer: Code 47

*alarms when off*

COmputer: Incoming Marine Code 47 message

*the view screen came to life it show Patrick whos face was black and had cuts behind him there was a Red Hue and what looks like a Heavly Damage Bridge of an Intripid Class Starship*


Starphoniex Base, This is Brigadar General Patrick Brown on board the U.S.S Reliance  we were on a Mission to attack the Na'jat from its core  the Na;jat now has new allies which cornered us most of the Seniour officers and Crew of the Reliance is Dead I manage to run from the new allies and Iam now at the edge of System J-25 and the Reliance has lost Warp drive and most of our Systems it is unknown if we are rid of them *background Computer:Warp Core Breech in 10 Minites* the Core of the Reliance is now going to Breech please sent help some how we will try to get to any Federation Outpost we detect an Starfleet Signal but can;nt contact them this Message is on a Time delay of 3 Months we will be traveling at 4,200 Kph on a heading of 163 by 73 Mark 1 on a direcvt course for Avalon Station and our E.T.A at our current speed is 120 Years so please sent Help *background Unknown Person:General, we got to leave the Core is going to blow* Repete this is Brigadare General Patrick Brown==^==
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC