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Station Ops

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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"Yes, sir, of course. 15 seconds it is then"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Chris Newberry

"General Newberry to Dantor Control. Requesting immediate medical attention and to warn of an medical emergency from an ally vessel about to reach Dantor in a few minutes."

OOC: Will, read the pm I sent you.


"MEDIC!, get your ass over here and tend to Clyde."

"I knew we were hit but I didnt know it was that bad."

"I agree, form the parimeter, and try to hook up with ops.  If we have too we will use the Pelicans as a messanger service."

*Balkazar then kneels down behind the Puma he was on and took something out of his pack, and split it in 2 and gave the other half to Clyde, Balkazar then pulled out a canteen of water and gave him some as the medic tended to clyde's arm*

"Here eat this and get a drink." <Balkazar let out a sigh of weariness>

"To think we were going to be in a nice comfortable space battle today and here we are trying to turn a bad situation from escalating, and I just sent Raynor and 40 marines to try and get the leadership of this damn Romulan insurgent team to try and stop this riot before it gets out of hand!"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Clyde Eastwood

"Lt Jelico i want you to get 2 and 4 platoon and seal of all southern exits and ill take 1 and 5 platoon and take all exits north understood, and remember to arm them with everything they can carry NOONE gets out no matter how high their rank understood"

*Eastwoods watches as Jelico gives a sharp slaute and scrumbles the 2 platoons and goes running of with them*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

Clyde Eastwood

"Sir i think Jase is going to be a good up and coming Officer and i sure as hell will thank him for keeping me alive and not telling me go, for without him i believe i would of been in one of those bodybags over there and not on this bed"

*Eastwood let out a loud scream and motioned for the nurses to give him more pain killers*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

Mike Powell

"Indeed it is good Admiral. Here take this PADD it will have all the info you need. I must be off to my Office now I have much work to do to prepair for the upcoming mission."

*Powell salutes and walks off to his office.*
http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/7162/spmikepowell20zc.jpg" border="0">

M O'Clare

Cadet O'Clare walked into Operations, having been cleared by the marines posted outside. He'd been ordered to report to a Lt. Col Balkazar for academy training on-planet and the computer trace of the Colonel's commbadge led here.

The inside was well lit with the quiet buzz of a well run ops and the chirps of LCARS displays filling the air. Michael could hear something else, no not hear something, think-hear something. The humdrum thoughts of non-telepaths were dull beside this new presence. Knowing it was against Starfleet regulations to scan anyone against their will, Michael just sent a burst of thought towards the mind.

"Hello. Who are you?"
http://perso.wanadoo.es/giftrek/Films/DefiantBorg0.gif" border="0">

Marine Cadet, Deep Space Academy, Avalon Station

5 of 9

=/\=sir we prepared the ship for station evacuation we are ready to beam in civilians=/\=
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-5of9.jpg" border="0">http://omegafleetrgp.proboards34.com/index.cgi


OOC**Kawolsky:  You dont know about the shield matrix yet, Only Newberry, and Andros, and Aaron Knows about the shield matrix you dont.  Also it will take I think 4 weeks for you to Graduate.

IC**Balkazar to Manach*, Get the wounded to the medical bay and join us on ops.

*Balkazar to Kawolsky* Join us on ops if your in presentable Condition, In otherwords if you can walk.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*scotty gets ready for transport, he gets his weapon ready
http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j259/forumidcards/Scotty/EnsignScotty.jpg" border="0">


*Suddenly two bright lights appeared followed by Kawolsky and Scotty. Kawolsky motions for Scotty to hide behind a console. Kawolsky does the same, scanning for anything out of the ordinary*

"SIR!"    Kawolsky shouts to Balkazar

"WHERE ARE THE INTRUDERS SIR?"  he shouts from behind a science console
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


*Kawolsky walked into Ops*

"Commander Balkazar, request permission to go and get this cut sorted out? Actually Commander, I'll be fine"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


"This looks good. Would there be anything I can do?"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics2/garak-small.gif" border="0">
Ensign Ghemor / Operations Officer / USS Evolution
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f132/Startrekdude1992/RedEnsign.png" border="0">


*It didnt take long before 20 marines (who are the scout group) came into view and saw that Raynor was somewhat in decent condition, then a few moments after that, Balkazar and his men and APC came into view, the 200 marines circled the downed Fighter and Balkazar went up to the wounded Captain*

"I see your no worse then wear, 300 marines have set up a safety Zone to the south end of the base.  So are you set to move towards Kellers position, I dont think he has enough time.  If your set we should get you into the APC so the Medic's can check you out to make sure your not to badly hit."

"Thats an order Captain."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"All troops MOVE OUT!.  We heading for Nathen."

*The troops revved threw the debris and over it as the rubble smashed under the weight of the APC's and Puma vehicles, the long caravan continued on there way threw the streets as they could see Nathen's position ahead*

=^= "Balkazar to Shadow Leader, Scout ahead." =^=
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">