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Station Ops

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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Chris White

Taking off from a runway at highspeeds, an Broadsword fighter could be seen taking off and enter the air at high speed.

Major White had been listen to the comm channels since the first explosion in the city and about one of the fighters going down.

Chris proceed to the last location of transmission and seen a dozen or so Armored Calvery on the opposite side of a road block before seeing Starfleet Marines on the other side.

The Shadow Hawk decending altiude and brought the Micro U+ Pulse Cannons online. It was a short journey to the safe firing range.

The Shadow Hawk fired 7 blast of 4 cannons each and disabled 4 of the Armored Tanks and destroyed another 5 or 6 of them before gaining atliude.

"This is White to Ground troops. Requests of Air support is here."
Lt. Commander Chris "Shadow Hawk" White
Chief Ops/Fighter Group Omega CO
USS Windsor


*Balkazar wakes up several hours after surgery and notices Clyde was awake staring at the wall*

"Hey, Captain.  Hows your side ? I had back surgery and it hurts like hell."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


Incoming Transmission... ...
-"SS Avalon contacting Dantor Planetary Base: This is Captain Fred Lurado, contacting at the request of Vice Admiral Julian. The admiral requests in 2 days, a communication conference with the highest ranking officer on the planet. This is with regards to the moving of SS Avalon to Dantor orbit. SS Avalon Out."-
Captain Fred Lurado
U.S.S. Iroquois
Commanding Officer

http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6444/luradoxm9.jpg" border="0">
http://stborderland.proboards47.com/index.cgi" target="_blank">Star Trek: Borderland

Patrick Brown

*then the Doors of Operations Opened*
*Then a Tired Looking Patrick Entered*


as you were

*Walks over to Balkazar*

Good Afternoon,Colonel

*looks over to Richerd*

Captian Richerd, Good to See you are Back with us
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC


"Understood, sir. I have just one request however"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


"Damn Lt.  GO! Eastwood, try to stay in comm with me.  Get in, get him and his men and whatever supplies he may have left and get out of there.  Got it!"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


OOC**Sitgor what are you doing on the marine boards ?, this isnt Avalon station, its Dantor base.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Chris Newberry

Clyde Eastwood

=^= Eastwood to Jelico, Son hold tight im sending help.  =^=

"Sir request permission to send some pelicans to their position with some men on board, and also request permission to lead the Men onboard the pelican"

*Eastwood sat there and wondered how bad Jelicos men were and weather or not he could get there in time to save the men engaged in the building*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

King Sitgor

==/\== Commander Sitgor to Avalon Control We are making to make for a test flight. ==/\==


"Yes, sir, but I thought the Resilience was in bad shape?"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Richard Ransom

Thats Fine Lieutennent I understand.

*turns back to the crewman*
any luck in getting the Windsor

Crewman:Looks  like the Comm is down up there

is there a Site to Site Transport to the Windsor

Crewman:Yes sir, but there is lots of Interference we ca'nt get a Transporter Lock on the Windsor it self

well give me a Communcation Channel on Low Band Level 2

Crewman:Sir.... This range is barly Transmitting it wil, barly get to the windsor

*goes to the Communcation Station*

Computer Open Channel


==^== This is Fleet Admiral Ransom to the Windsor what is your Satus?, If need adrises get the Non-Essenal Personal Prepared for an Evacuation==^==
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Jase Jellico

=/\=Much obliged sir. How`s the rest of the city?=/\= He ducked as a rock buzzed past his head. He popped up again only long enough to return fire and note the position`s of the LAV`s. The vehicles were side by side, not good plannig on their part, but they were only civillians. And a damn lot of them too. "Ok, Markswell, go check on Gangline and Hopper. T`lac make sure the rear doors are secure. And for chrissake keep your damn heads down!"
M&T: "Yes sir."
The two men, both corporals, ran off to do as asked. Jase again peeked out the window, looking to the sky for the pelicans. He kept his head up a little longer then he should have and paid for it when a rock caught him in the chin. "Ow! Dammit." He pulled off another shot and wondered why they hadn`t started shooting the building with rockets... "Oh, hell, they still have the rockets!" They hadn`t gotten the extra ammo for the rockets, but they had the launchers, and each launcher had at least one rocket loaded." =/\=Jellico to Captain Eastwood, be advised the rioters have rockets, they may use them when they see the Pelicans. I say again watch your ass they might try to shoot you with rockets. They don`t have more then two or three though.=/\= His point became emphasized when a rocket hit the building three floors up from him, showering the ground below with rubble.
2nd Lt. Jase Jellico
Bravo Company
Phoenix-Alpha Squadron XO

Event Horizon

*...As the city begain to calm green phaser fire from space starts to bombard the city and the base. The base is hit lightly but the city is desimated civilians are scattered in panic and the city is in chaos. The barrages cease and three Romulans Seperatist Warbirds left from the old Coalition enter the atmosphere and hover over the city. Soon Romulan troops are beamed to the outskirts of the city and armor divisions and fighter squadrens moblize and form a base camp outside the city. approximatly 4000 troops, 200 Romulan battle tanks, and 75 fighters. The scattered Marine Companies soon gather up along the city boarders. A base camp has been organized by General Powell and a infirmery has been set up were they will be taking critically and fatally wounded back to the base. All of the Officers capable of walking now meet in a tent set up so they may speak privatly. In the mean time the marines move drasticly to set up perimiter defences...*


*The sergent who was on duty turns to see the female starfleet officer*

"My apologies, maam.  But our CO is a tad busy with more important matters.  But im afraid im going to have to detain you until we can get verification of your identity and to make sure your not a shapeshifter.  Once done, you can roam the base with an escort but cant leave the base.  If you wish to go to your new starfleet HQ, then so be it.  But I think you being on a marine base is a bad idea.  But, I do as ordered by my CO and no other.  Now go get tested."

<Motions to a few armed marines that were standing near-by to escort the Liason to the medical bay to get checked out>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">