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Station Ops

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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Chris Newberry

"The engineers on this base are fast at repairing damage crafts. They have got most of the systems operational."


"Unfortunately, I have no idea when the General will be finished. I need him myself. I have just left a message on his computer. In fact, I think I'll wait in the bar while I'm waiting. Goodbye Admiral."

*Kawolsky leaves Ops for the Starphoenix Bar*
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Clyde Eastwood

*Eastwood nodded and had some pelicans running sniper cover come down and pick up some of his men*

=^= Eastwood to Jelico, Prepare you men for immediate extraction im coming with reinforcements to get you and your men out do you understand me. =^=

*Throught the whole journey to his position all he could think about was how much his arm hurted and how badly wounded Jelicos men were, and weather or not he will have got there in time to stop the slaughter of the men down there*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

Mike Powell

*Powell was paising back and forth rubbing his chin... finally he stops and leans against the table.*

"Ok people first things first... what is the casualty count, the dead first."
http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/7162/spmikepowell20zc.jpg" border="0">


OCC: lol

*a female starfleet Captain walks into the marine ops and see's a sergent on duty*

Excuse me kind sir, could you curretly direct me as to where Col. Balkazar's location please? I am Captain Janeway, the new starfleet liason for the planet. I have instructions to report here, so that they know i am here, and so i can go and help out with the construction of the starfleet base.

Thankyou http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>
Captain Janeway
Starfleet Liason on Dantor

Chris Newberry

"Sure, come into my office"

Chris re enters his office, with Kawolsky walking in right behind him. The doors close behind them.

"What would you like to talk to me about?"

OCC: Sorry for the delay in post. I been working all day today.


"Thank you sir"

*With that, Kawolsky heads out of Ops*
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


*At Balkazar's position there wasnt much time before the rioters and Romulan unsurgents came at there position.  Balkazar's company opened fire on stun setting knocking several of the rioters and romulans out cold as they slumped to the ground*

=^= "Balkazar to Clyde you have no cover fire from Shadow one, he returned to base for resupply.  I repeat you have NO! air support.  Ill try to get an APC caravan to your position but you may have to move out on foot.  If possible get the wounded out bye pelican then hike out on foot and go to Safe zone.  Copy?" =^=
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


=^= Excuse me Lt. Colonel Balkazar but who do you think you are i am Supreme Emperor of the Vulcan Star Empire and will not be treated like a criminal i have decided to stay in orbit and will be in contact. Nesbitt out=^=
OOC: i can not belive the rudeness of this post!
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)


*OOC: No problem. I understand*

"Sir, I know that I haven't been here for long and, please say no if you don't think it is appropriate, but I would like to ask if I could contact Commander Balkazar and organise some 'work experience' if you will, for the best cadet or two. I know that when I was a cadet, I wanted to get some first hand experience and luckily for me I got some, however unfortunate the circumstances were. What do you think, sir?"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


*A federation delta flyer of the same configuration an intelligence delta flyer exits out of warp and several transporter signatures start to happen on ops as Balkazar and several cadets transport down into ops*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*A sergent was on watch when the message comes threw, he rolls his eyes for hearing the bad reports about nesbitt*

=^= "You will land on pad A, then you will be escorted and confined to quarters till the Col. or general has times to see you.  If you with to leave you will be restricted to the prominade only.  If you attempt to come to ops your stay will be in the brig." =^=
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Clyde Eastwood

=^= Eastwood to Jelico Thanks for the heads up, do what you can to secure the LZ even if it means throwing the rocks back at them twice as hard. Also im going to need all of you to make as much noise as you can in 5 minutes so i can give the effect of nothing coming but your rifles still firing. =^=

*Eastwood knew he was in for another good battle and relised he now became a key factor in keeping calm between the marines*

=^= Eastwood to Balkazar Im about 4 minutes from Jelicos Position it seems that he is in it deep, Request Fighter cover from Shadow one. =^=
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion


"Can I have the Tactical Position this time?"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Clyde Eastwood

*Eastwood could hear the explosions and thought it was time to get the men outta there*

=^= Eastwood to Jase i can see your men on the rooftop, im coming from your six so dont fire in that direction whatever you do =^=

*Eastwood came down and landed on the rooftop and stepped out of the pelican, when all of a sudden he felt a sharp pain in his lower torso*

"Damnit im hit again, but it only looks like a flesh wound, im so going to get someone after i return, Alright Jase get your men in the pelicans MOVE MOVE MOVE, and remember noone gets left behind and i mean NOONE"
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion