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Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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*covers his eyes from the sudden bright light in the sky* what the hell? Janeway, the hell is that thing?
EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.

James Madison

ooc:ok, but a word to anyone else, please, i beg you, don't bring any more entities or light things or anything new into this mission. Its already rough, we just need to get in a line and go with it. Thats not alot to ask for http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'> )

"I don't know if Vice Admiral Julian brought medical teams. I know he has some security teams. I would like a report from someone as to what our casualty number is up to."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

John Bostic

OCCL: I have sent out security teams but for now I thing its best if I post in here untill needed.

*Bostic several minutes later runs back into ops, he heads towards tactical but is stopped in his tracks when he sees the rest of the crew stairing at the view screen.It sshowed a mass cloud with a blacker then #### heqrt in the center*

"My good god what the ####, oh Miss Parker all security teams are posted at key areas, I would suggest using the new torpedoe canaons I installed when I first arrived here but given what effect our weapons are having I would say were stuck for options."

*The cloud continued to grow sending a shadow acroos the whole station, in the streets citiziens and officers ran in fear while Bostics men attemptede to restore peace.*

"God help us all."

OCC: Im getting an independence day feeling.

CO of Security on Starphoenix


OFF**Parker I cant access messanger...The only way i can get messages is threw email...Or msn/ICQ/aim....OR get ahold of Sullivan and he can pass it along...Otherwise i cant get your messages...I am not ignoring you....I wouldnt do it okie ?


Refrain from calling me robot Ms parker...Im a droid  and I have a name...So please call me bye such Admiral...Now if you would be so kind and have your men put up those mobile force fields Ill work on getting your crewmen outta here.....I alredy called for 2 of your ships to move into position to recieve these ppl of yours.....

*pushes a few buttons on HK47s arm and he disappears and reappears outside and starts to get to work to beam off everyone from the outside buildings....And get those who are drowning off the base..........A couple of hours later HK47  reappears in the command center*

Your men have been transported to those ships above....Now do you wish to leave as well ?.....I have enough power to get your entire command staff off this rock.....And as for me..Dont worry....I cant be destroyed bye water......So its your call now....You want off ?

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">


*Kawolsky rematerializes on the deck of the ship*

"Sirs, are we returning to the Academy?"  Kawolsky asks
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


"Very well sir, but please allow me to accompany you. As Security Chief I cannot allow you to go into a knowingly hostile situation without a proper security escort. I wouldn't be doing my job properly if I did. Please sir?"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


*OOC: Are you talking to me? If you are, I am a Lieutenant unless you feel like promoting me! lol!*
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Chris Newberry

OOC: Janeway, that is a non-Corporeal entity hovering over the city and base.

The entity becomes brighter as it moves down towards the city, to the location of the Gamma Company.

~~ Doctor. I am bring a human back with me. Prepare quarters for him. ~~

The entity finds his target and swoops around him, becoming partly matter to keep oxygen inside before moving toward the atmosphere again. As the Marines look, there CO Major Kawolsky is gone.

Before entering the atmosphere, the entity disappears to another dimension plane and retruns to the TARDIS.

Patrick Brown

*looks at his Screen*

Its looks like we got 20% Losses of our Forces, we had on the List before the Attack 4,000 Marines that whent into Battle and 1,500 in Sickbay  Plus 175 Missing in the City we have only stechy reports  of Marines that are down in the City most Communcation Lines are down.its just trying to get the right informaiton is the problem at the moment as we lost contact with Alpha and Bravo Companys and Charlie Company last report we got is there were heading North to Help Alpha and Bravo Companys.
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC

Clyde Eastwood

Medic: "Yes sir we're coming"

*Eastwood watches as he is put onto a strecher and taken to the operating room and goes under the knife to patch up the holes he has sustained during the fighting.*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion


"DONT YOU DARE! even attempt that, and thats an order.  I dont care if I have to get up out of this bed to make it so, it will NOT! be done!.  We will let them lick there wounds, and hopefully they will leave and not mess with us marines again!, AM I UNDERSTOOD!" Balkazar said in a serious authoritic manner.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Vil'iata Najadum

Vil'iata had decided to stay close to Balkazar as she hadn't had time to replicate a new translator/vodar so she still couldn't understand what people were saying outloud and she didn't want to impose her telepathy on an unwary person.

The sheer alienness of the base was making her slightly uncomfortable with all the angles where she was used to nice smooth curves. She was also having to fight to keep from shivering as the temperature was so much lower than her home planet. As soon as feasible she needed to find a way to adjust the enviromental settings in whatever quarters she was assigned to.

Smiling brightly at Balkazar, "Thank you." Hesitantly, "Is there a station where I can replicate one of my people's translator/vodar devices? That way I can program it with the languages spoken here so I can then understand your vocal communication. I will also then be able to speak to others who might be uncomfortable with my telepathy as this device converts our mental speech into audible sounds."

5 of 9

=/\= this is the  Sphinx were on route to help eta 5 minutes=/\=
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-5of9.jpg" border="0">http://omegafleetrgp.proboards34.com/index.cgi

Sarah Parker

"We have no power, all that available is what you're able to offer, but it seems as though the Galifreyans are keeping the Na'jigat at bay for the time being. Now would be the opportune moment! My men are drowning, robot. I need them beamed off the planet prior to those simply stuck in their quarters."
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Parker.jpg" border="0">
S. Parker.


OOC**When we get back, Pretty much when I post on Avalon station Ops deck, You go to the DSA to relax, and Talk and such, While I get into trouble, and face montrell http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">