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Station Ops

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, June 25, 2004, 03:51:03 PM

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Chris Newberry

"Lieutenant, your objection is noted. I am going because Patrick is a friend of mine as well as a officer under my command."

"Computer Note objection in logs."

"Objection noted."

Turns to the Sergeant.

"Send orders to launch project Black Trojan."

** Dantor **

On the far side of the planet, an ship exits the hanger bay and cloakes as it accends into orbit. The bases sensors caught a glimes of it before it cloaked.

The ships was adverage size almost the sizes of a Sovereign Class Starship.

Richard Ransom

*Fleet Admiral Ransom Entered Operations*
*sees the lieutennent  he saw in the Brig*
Lieutennent , were is the Quarter Maser of Dantor Iam in dire need of Parts for my Ship the Windsor
*Hads the Padd to the Lieutennent *
----------------------------------------------------PADD Information----------------------
From:Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom Commanding Officer U.S.S Windsor
Suject:U.S.S Windsor
to:Quarter Master Dantor
The U.S.S Windsor needs the following Parts
25X Nessel Bracets
100x   Primary EPS Grids
24x Warp Coils
76x Hull Plateing
Signed Fleet Admiral Ransom
-----------------------------End of Informaton------------------------------
if you can give that yo the Quarter Master I would appicreite it and also could you tell Lt.General Newberry when he has Time I would like a Meeting with him and the Cheif of Division Operations.
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain


EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.

Clyde Eastwood

*Eastwood saw the bright light and all his mens weapons power down*
"Sgt cease fire when our weapons come back online switch it to stun, no more people need to die"

Sgt:"Sir yes Sir ill make sure of it"

*Eastwood heard the message inside his head but took as the voices coming back to haunt him again so he carried on what he was doing*

Balkazar: "Well we dont have worry about sniping from up there.  Get into all vehicles and lets get moving!, Johnson, Blow up the downed pelican."

*As he got into the Puma he felt a round hit him in the left upper arm he started to mumble to himself*

"Damnit not again i hate getting hit"

*As he was saying that he heard a loud bang and noticed that all pumas were heading off*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

Jase Jellico

"We`ll be safe when the riots subside and we can all go back to our normal lives." The Pelican sets down and Jase jumps out, "We need a stretcher over here!" Gangline and Hopper are helped out of the craft by two privates, and the rest of the men get out and try to stay out of the way.
2nd Lt. Jase Jellico
Bravo Company
Phoenix-Alpha Squadron XO

Patrick Brown

*ther Was a Sound of Thunder and the Lt.Colonel Looked up and Saw A Fighter at High Speed Close on his Postion


Computer midfiy Long Range Comuncations useing the Main Deflector to be used as a Speaker


COmputer Stand By to engage Impluse

==^== This is Brg,General Patrick Brown to Dantor City you are Ordered to lay Down your Weapons or Faces Actions by Starfleet Forces==^==

Computer Ship to Ship

==^== All Marine Companys if you hear my Signal Forify All Postions and Hold as Long as Possable and if Retret is needed Evacuate to H.Q==^==

Computer  Load Aft Torpetos and Standby to fire
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC


<Mind mergence>

"Of course Vil'iata come."

<Walks over to a replicator>

"This can be programmed to replicate anything you need from food to communicators, however, you will have to input what your Communicator is built out of so the replicator can make you a new one.  Then when your ready I will escort you to one of the Admiral's whos in charge of this sort of Ambassadorial thing.  Im not very diplomatic unless it requires to be blown up." <Laughs>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Event Horizon

*A distorted transmission, originating from somewhere deep in the Dark Passage, but exact origin location untracable, reaches Starphoenix Base...*
"Evolu....to....Starph... grave danger... we enc...ecies...energ...Na'ji....can tell...thrive...-ergy...anno...-feat...conv...nal...weapons...more...shoot...-erful...grow
. ...will s-...-ergy dry...escaped...because...species...Gallifreyans...from...space...we...-een warn-...-igat...your way. G-...luck."
*And the transmission ended.*


OFF: this is my last post before I go on vacation for a month. I'll ask Montrell/Hedford to finish of the story with the Gallifreyans here.
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Head of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste

Patrick Brown

Lt.Colonel Brown walks in just after the Lt.General Newberry.
and sees Colonel Powel
Sir how did you or how did you ecacpe?
*Turns to richerd*
Captian Satus report
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC


*a minutes past after Katrine sent Andros a message threw the Mindlink When Ops detects Several Unknown Vessels, and around 4k Unknown fighters drop out of warp.  Half the fighters and 4 cruisers Provide Cover, while the others engage to cover the unity*

*10 Assault cruisers came in out of know where as the fighters provided cover, several minutes later there were over 5,000 Knights swarming the base*

*20 knights appear on the station as the other 4,980 knights began to fight and secure the station, Aaron along with his guard fought there way to the front lines near the doors to ops and began fighting the robots which such strength it was beyond measure*
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

The transmission came in again, this time very brief.
=A= Dantor: Expect the arrival of a transport vessel containing myself and two other officers of starfleet. We will assume orbit of the planet in 24 hours time. =A=

Chris Newberry

To Ops.

"Newberry to Ops. Windsor is not cleared to exit this system at the moment."


=^=Balkazar to All Companies=^=
"Set your weapons for stun and prepare to subdue any rioters, I DONT! want anyone to die! got it!."

*Balkazar took A Company and went to the south side of the base, all marines were in full combat gear, made a shield wall while a each unit went along the flanks pushing all the Rioters into there homes and businesses*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


<Gets out of the Puma's as the additional reinforcements comes threw>

"General, Bravo I believe is still fully up, Delta is in reserve.  Sir."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">