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Mission 1

Started by Peter Svensson, March 10, 2003, 04:55:07 PM

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Alexei Chekov

OFF: By the way... Wasn't Max Chief of Communications on Starphoenix? Hum... Perhaps he has a twin brother or a clone... lol... Oh you just created Data there, didn't you? Well if you do not recognize me then you'll have to guess... http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> Keeping the mistery is fun, especialy for us, intel officers... http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
Alexei Chekov
XO - USS Phoenix


What? I havent heard of a mine that using slaves since the Dominion war, and that ended ages ago.

But ok, I´ll go with you, if not just to teach them a lesson. If there is slaves held by the Union in this quadrant, I wanna command them! Beam me aboard!!

Peter Svensson

"Welcome aboard, Admiral Rugal.  As you can see, we are not an ordinary ship at all, although for security reasons we made it seem so at first.  We are Intelligence officers, but I assure you that it is our mission to solve problems and issues in the universe quietly and diplomatically when possible."
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*over the comm*

yea, poor savages you'd have to feel sorry for them going up against me...

oh, umm sorry admiral, its not your race, its just the slaves make me angry!

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


Mason quickly moves over to the grate and closes after he reassures the aliens.

Sir, we can't have a mass panic of aliens running around, they'll give away our position. It may seem cruel but I recommend we leave them here with rations, until we return.

Good to see you too Hew, I see you've been busy indeed. I am glad to see that we have a skilled tactician in our ranks.

The injured alien begins to regain consensus, as the freed alien begins to talk.

Sir, from what 'Jacob' (his name) has told me.... Forgive me if you understood differently, I am not used to their grammar.

He said that the "Bonny people" came here by big air cars. He must mean the Cardassians.

He goes on to say that he was captured along with his family, to mine special rock. Some he said resisted the labour camps but they where killed by light guns.

Sir... Jacob is 10 years old now. We want get anything we don't already know from him. But now it is confirmed that these Cardassian are up to no good.

Lt Mason -
*Awaiting a ship*

Peter Svensson

"Certainly, you both are free to go to the gym, Mr. Mason and Mr. Huw.  But remember, don't let yourself be driven by hate... remember we are civilized.  So go ahead and release your frustration.  And mr. Mason... this ship has a transdimensional warp, and technology that not even the Flagship of Starfleet has heard of. And you wonder if there might be a holodeck on here? Choose one of the holodecks on deck 6 http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>
Very well, Mr. Chekov, admiral Rugal, let's get to the office and discuss the sitation before we arrive at the planet."
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ok, computer go into my personal file, and  locate my feudal japan files, could you please add in the following items to this program, 2 sets of shell armour, 2 katana blades, and a small dojo.

*the klingon land turns into a small room with paper walls (off: the matrix sparring room...) also, two sets of armour appear and two long black poles*

perfect :smile:

*huw picks up a set of armour and slips iton,  he takes a black pole and pulls out a long metal sword*

now dont worry the safety protocols are on...

DIE http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/hammerfight.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':hammerfight:'>

(Edited by Huw at 12:51 pm on July 9, 2003)

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army

Peter Svensson

OFF: what did really happen now actually? Did we rid the planet of the Cardassians? Did they flee? Did we take them prisoner? lol I'm a bit confused. And where is Rugal? lol
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Peter Svensson


"Beam up admiral Rugal. Mr. Tpolish you can talk with him, but only in our presence."

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setting a puruist course sir


*huw walks quietly to the door whistling*

Sir i dont think its shermin,

*gets in the turbolift*
My Quarters NOW!!!

*huw enters the quarters*
Computer lock my door with a level 10 lock

"Please enter command code"


*Door locks*

*hits the table with his fist* Nailo you idiot...

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


Thank you Captain...

I am looking forward to you defending me,

OFF: :biggrin:

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


'Captain Motokatsu, we have arrived on time at the M class planet, which is still in Federation space'.
'I am entering orbit now and powering down engines,' Says Mason.
Lt Mason -
*Awaiting a ship*

Maguid Velotian

Unknowingly to the crew of the USS Phoenix another life form had crept onto the ship before take-off. He was a Romulan of natural birth, bred in the fields of war, knowing of no other emotion than his deep and lustful hate for all that doesn't bear his heritage.

He and his family were once Romulas' most prized, yet most secret possessions. They were what humans would call 'super-elites', and commandoes, but they preferred to be classed as Gods not only to the Humans and Cardassian alike, but also within their own people.
Bred for the purpose of battle and tactical warfare they struck fear in the hearts of all who heard their name and even the mighty generals and the famed 'Romulan Star Empire', who were the creators of these battle bred titans now feared their children, keeping their identity's secrets and accusing all accounts of all who had seen them, mad and delusional. They were classed as children's stories and not to be taken seriously.

Eight in all made up the group of Titans, and one by one they fell, in what was to be known in children's stories, as the betrayal by their own kind.

Maguid Velotian doesn't remember much of what happened on that dark night, but now a new emotion fuels within his veins, rivalling that of his hate for non-Romulans was ironically his hate for his own kind...The Romulan Star Empire!

He survived that tragic day, thought dead and discarded in the fields of deceit, he now tries to keep his composure while peering out of a Jeffery's Tube. He had not eaten in weeks, par the few rations he had brought with him, now fully digested. His current goal was firstly to find something to eat in his unfamiliar surroundings, before he collapses from a lack of nutrition.  

As he makes his way to a map of the ship, which lies directly in front him, which is the norm in many federation ships, he views his reflection in the glass;
He bore the marks of war, which he wore proudly across his face and arms. His body was muscular, yet finely tuned, and his complexion was dark, uncommon to Rumulans. He wore a tight star-fleet uniform, quite obviously not meant for his physic and torn in places, especially around the shoulders...
A sudden evil grin emerges from his ever-emotionless face as he views the galley in the reflection behind him...

(Edited by Maguid Velotian at 9:44 pm on Jan. 24, 2003)

Maguid Velotian - Science Officer
USS Lothlorien

Peter Svensson

OFF: you are right, I realized it much later after I made that post, sorry.

"Hmm, I was wrong about the ship splitting up in different sections, that was the previous ship I was on. I think I have lingered there too long to remember what it is like on any other ship http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'> But I must admit, this ship is fine and certainly not worth less than the S.I.V. Dragon!"

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