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Mission 3: Neyo Prime

Started by Mathew Moriarty, May 24, 2005, 04:43:39 AM

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Mathew Moriarty

OOC: God I hate using the cliche but well when it fits use it.

IC:Excuse me Mr Na'Ru 35 but it seems that the General seems to think that your adaptations of my ship will not be enough. Now you see Admiral Now I have a reason to fire upon him because now he has fired at me sir.

Mr Torean Fire at will. Fire at the General Neyots ship fire and then at anyother ships firing at us.
Former Chief Tactical Officer USS Aztec
Former XO USS Discovery
Former XO/CO Uss Excalibur

Out there Second Star to the right and straight on till morning (Star Trek Wrath of Khan.)

Tom Titan

*Titan returns to the bridge after a few days of being ill. he takes his chair and oversees the situation.*
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/watters_tim.jpg" border="0">
Thomas Titan
CO - U.s.s. Lothlorian NCC 12588


"Comander, all tactical systems standing by.  We are ready to go."

Mathew Moriarty

Comms try to clean that up. I want to know that they are trying to say to me before ther get angry and try to blow me up.
Former Chief Tactical Officer USS Aztec
Former XO USS Discovery
Former XO/CO Uss Excalibur

Out there Second Star to the right and straight on till morning (Star Trek Wrath of Khan.)

The transmission attempt was cut into from the Unity.
"USS Unity, I am Admiral Tom Hobson of Deep Space 20...you have arrived behind schedule, the USS Excalibur has been inside the Van'Gu Cluster for several weeks, the former idea of meeting at the edge of the cluster is not possible now. There is a limited chance that once inside of the cluster you can locate them, sensors are limited as much as communications inside".


Na'Ru,  I can help you adapt our deflector technolgy to your own ships.  However, there are conditions.  
1. You will let the crew go on there way
2. You will not hurt the Excalibur.

Mathew Moriarty

Turning to Na'Ru 35 Well Sir seeing as you are needing our deflector to complete your plan how about removing this thing from my bridge again.

Turning to Mr Torean I turn and say I didn't have much choice did I Commander Na'Ru 35. It is not a beach of our Prime Directive as they are more advanced than we are.  I for one would like to see Freedom station atleast once more rather than stay as prisoner for the rest of my life.
Former Chief Tactical Officer USS Aztec
Former XO USS Discovery
Former XO/CO Uss Excalibur

Out there Second Star to the right and straight on till morning (Star Trek Wrath of Khan.)

Mark Travis

Travis turned his head fast hearing the last part of what was said. Travis's voice was serious.

"There was an officer on the planet before we came? I don't understand. Is he hurt? Did his ship crash here?"
http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7152/traviswu7.jpg" border="0">
Lieutenant Mark Travis
Chief Medical Officer
USS Iroquois

Mathew Moriarty

Admiral I still have to state that I do, not see this as the best possible action sir. Dispite the fact that you have spent time on the planet sir. I think it is actually a dangerous road that you have engendered for us sir. I think it fool hardy and Dangerous, but having another officer to pad my fall sir doesn't make me feel any easier sir.

Commander Na'Ru 35 can we just get this over t=with so we Can begin to make better this relationship that is on sketch grounds.
Former Chief Tactical Officer USS Aztec
Former XO USS Discovery
Former XO/CO Uss Excalibur

Out there Second Star to the right and straight on till morning (Star Trek Wrath of Khan.)


"I agree commander Cook.  The nebula should provide a nice hiding spot.

Captain, I am going to attempt a wide beam dispersial from the deflector.  It should be enough to damage all 5 of the ships between us and the nebula."

The Excalibur lunges forward and releases a wide blue beam.  Knocking 4 out of the 5 ememy ships away.  
The remaining ship charges at the Exalibur with lightning speed ramming on of its fins into the main deflector.

Consoles spark on the bridge and the ops console manned by Na'Ru 35's explodes knocking Na'Ru 35 back against the wall.  

"Sir!!!  Deflector weapon is offline.  Recommend we put our tail between our legs and run for the nebula sir."

DS20 to Excalibur...
"You are to now direct course for the Van'Gu Cluster. Wait at its edge for the USS Unity, which will accompany you. Captain Moriarty, you Must read the starfleet database and observe the map of Delta Space around and where the Cluster is. Your assignment is to investigate and research the Planet Neyo Prime. This planet, as you will read in the fleet Database, is a mystery. Communications long range go down in the cluster, so I will speak with you again captain, before you enter. DS20 Out."

OOC: Captain..See the Database board, then it is the Anomiles(sp?) sub-board, then Van'Gu Cluster. Also the map of Expansion Space, it is very important you (and most everyone else on the ship) look at all that to understand what your going into, and what will happen to the ship when in the cluster.

Tom Titan

"He is around and bout lieutenant. He is a very busy man of latly."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/watters_tim.jpg" border="0">
Thomas Titan
CO - U.s.s. Lothlorian NCC 12588


Yes sir captain.  Weapons are in a ready state.  I am also attempting to scan the ship but cannot scan beyond the outter hull.  Which seems to be made of a compressed Tritanium polimur.  From the looks of it sir our phasers won't even come close to harming this ship.  

We are receiveing an audio signal from the vessel, patching it through.  (Its just a bunch of clicking noises.)

General Neyot

A Fleet of 20 ships leaves one of the larger bases. They go to warp to intercept the Unity.

"Neyot to Na'Ru, I have direct orders from the Chancellor to bring this new ship to the planet as well. I pity you if you cannot see they send these ships to destroy us. fleets will come if we do not end them!. Neyot Out."
General Neyot of Neyo Prime

Na'Ru 35

"There are no conditions. It will be done with or without permission. With or without force, it is your choice as to which"
Live Long Neyo Prime!