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Mission 1: Into The Shadows

Started by Leonard McCoy III, July 19, 2005, 12:25:21 AM

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Wil Riker

Admiral do you reqire any help from me for whats left of the ship to be finished also Sir can you give me some of the specs of the ship so I understand what Iam looking at for keeping the ship going?
Name:Wil, Riker

Wil Riker

Leave the Mess Hall and heads for the nearest turbolift.
Computer:Level Please
Main Bridge
Lt.Comander Riker entered the Bridge and walksm over to the Ops station and relieved the crewman.
Computer what is the satus of the main comm array
Computer:Fully Operational
COmputer Actvate All Comms Systems Ship Wide
COmputer:Comm Systems On-line
Lt.Commander Riker taps the ships intercomm
==^== This is Lt.Commander Riker to all decks all comm systems are now on-line==^==
 Wil Riker checks all ships Systems and sees that the ship is ready will  be ready for tommrow.
The view of the Bridge showed only Lt.Commander Riker at Ops and a cople of techs  doing final check on the Bridge systems.
Name:Wil, Riker

"Take it out? Is it really needed? I had hoped that it would stay docked untill departing time. We have guests coming, we can't tell them the Interceptor is out of dock, and have them unable to take a look at it".
He looked at Brodie who was standing near them.
"What is your thought on this, Captain?".

Revan Young

"Hmmm, most impressive...what are the specifications on the weapons?"

"Our cosmos class, the Nosferatu, has a new experimental weapon, but i doubt it is even close to this ship..."
Revan Delacroix Young
Nova Division CO

"Cadet Myers, now that you are here. Captain Starwind has had to depart on assignment so he will not be your overseeing officer. I am assigning you a minor command duty here on the Interceptor to aid you in your command course. You, Crewman Tyqel, and Lt. Commander McCoy here will all three begin working on the medical systems and decks. Your duty in this is to take charge in the size of each facility, how many decks for the medical centers, so on".

OOC: That'll all get worked with when your internship gets done. In Character in the CO's office when you've finished.  http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Jasmine Kellanis


"Pleasure to meet you, I have served on the Harrison as Chief of Security, Nimitz as XO, Atlas as XO, and the Polaris as Commanding Officer"

"Unfortunatley the Harrison was lost in the battle of Wolf 359."

"I specialized in Engineering, and Intell at the Acadmey, but i have a basic knowledge of all fields."
Jasmine Kellanis
U.S.S. Interceptor XO

Leonard McCoy III

*Looks over the new cadet*
"Training to be an engineer are you? I just saw Admiral Fisher here somewhere. I spoke with him about the medical decks"
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/McCoyIDNEWINTERCEPTOR.jpg" border="0">

Ian Graham

Ian grabs the larger case readily and follows behind his superior.  He looks up at the ship and remembers the time before he joined the academy when he worked on a few ships as a non-commissioned officer.  He knew a lot about engines and starships, but this one dwarfed them tremendously.

He walks a little bit and focuses his attention on what Admiral Fisher is explaining to him, wanting to soak in as much knowledge as possible.
Lieutenant JG Ian Graham
Chief Engineer
USS Interceptor

Kelso Meyers

*Kelso and Tyqel work on their project for 11 hours, then they both head to hobson, Kelso talks to hobson*

"Sir, we've got most of the decks done, and the medical section is finished, all in only 11 hours...*grins*.....requesting permission for both of us to catch some sleep."

"I do not think the specs for the ship are open at the moment, they are vast and very long to list. What might be done is for each department chief be given info needed for his or her duties, and of those working underneath as well. In your case with Ops, primarily you will work with the main communications array, and other such things. The details of your further duties are for Captain Brodie to decide, which I am sure he will discuss in several briefings with the senior staff".

Leonard McCoy III

*Walks onto the bridge also*
"I can take the science station untill a science officer reports in, when we get underway. Sickbay is supplied to the top with state of the art medical supplies. The only thing I need to do is see every crewmember and make thier medical files"
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/McCoyIDNEWINTERCEPTOR.jpg" border="0">

Gary Fisher

Admiral Fisher came from an access port running slightly.

"Admiral, Tom, If we're launching tonight we have to get her started and in space, if you didn't notice she's on clamps in the hanger, we need to get her inside the spacedock. I can open the main hanger doors and she can go out and around. I need all your cadets to help me man the bridge"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/paris_owen.jpg" border="0">
Gary Fisher
Former Starfleet Engineering CO
Nova Division

Ian Graham

"If you don't mind, I'd like to head to main engineering for this."
Lieutenant JG Ian Graham
Chief Engineer
USS Interceptor

Richard Ransom

Thats fine no hard Feeling Captian.
and Admiral Ransom turned and left.
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Jasmine Kellanis

*just before the interceptor departs Kellanis beams on board, she is carrying two large duffle bags*

"Sorry about that Mr. Riker, I was busy packing things for th journey...I will put this in my quarters, then i will return..."

*leaves, and returns a few minutes later...*

*a cadet shouts "Executive Officer on the Bridge"*

*She stands with her hands behind her back, eyes peering around the bridge*

"Mr. Riker, what is our status? Everything is maintaining correct? We wouldn't want things to come apart on the maiden voyage, by the way, where is our Cheif Engineer?"
Jasmine Kellanis
U.S.S. Interceptor XO