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Mission 3 : The Na'jigat research...

Started by Ardwyad, October 21, 2004, 11:10:54 AM

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*Ardwyad turns to Ms. Webber.*
"Since you are a Starfleet officer, and you know their procedures, it may be best if you try to find out what is going on."
Chief of Command Ardwyad
A.S.C. Revox Security Vessel
Delta Alliance
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/nigillian.jpg" border="0">


"Chief, they continue to break our speed limits and ignore our presence. Shall I send them a warning?"


Rikan stands from the command chair.

"Welcome back, Chief. Several Romulan ships entered the area minutes ago, but I couldn't contact you. There was interference from the ship's drive systems."


*Ardwyad hesitates for a moment, then is about to draw his weapon to aim it at Rikan, and have him ordered to the brig. But then he stops at his tracks, and looks from Rikan to Mentora.*
"No, I can't do it to him. He's been a loyal officer all this time, and now he is only extending his loyalty to his own people."
*Then he turns to Rikan.*
"Go. Go now, before I change my mind."
Chief of Command Ardwyad
A.S.C. Revox Security Vessel
Delta Alliance
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/nigillian.jpg" border="0">


*Quarval complains about the events that lead her to be currently sitting in a holding cell of a D.A. Security ship.*
What is mine is mine, and what is yours is also mine.


"No! As long as there are Nigillians left to offer resistance, they can cause us trouble and surround us from the back! Destroy all the ships! NOW!"
Torran Representative
9th Member of the Delta Alliance
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/torran2.jpg" border="0">

Bed Hirade

OOC: I am not sure if we will even continue this thread but I shall play along just incase we decide to finish it.

Ah hello Mr Narash and welcome to the ASC Revox. I am second incommand and while chief of command iss away I will be looking after the bridge. Please take your station.

OOC 2: Yes your improv was masterful.

Bed Hirade

==^== Okay General but first if I might ask what is the nature of the visit sir. We are only returning to Nygea Prime and would like to do so at best pace possible sir.==^==


"Perhaps, but the High Queen is a busy woman, having to regulate everything that is going on in the vast space of the Delta Alliance."
Chief of Command Ardwyad
A.S.C. Revox Security Vessel
Delta Alliance
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/nigillian.jpg" border="0">


(OFF: The mission has been dormant a month now. Is anyone still here?)


>-< Ardwyad to Tash >-<
Thank you for your response, sir. We could set course to the capital planet and escort the Starfleet vessel to there. Then you could either come aboard the Starfleet vessel, which I'm sure captain Sanchez will not mind, or we could transport HK47 to the planet. The decision is yours, of course.
>-< Ardwyad out >-<

OFF: Rikan, I'll let you know the Dralian information you're supposed to find asap http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Chief of Command Ardwyad
A.S.C. Revox Security Vessel
Delta Alliance
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/nigillian.jpg" border="0">


*With the newly acquired cargo, Quarval was about to leave the area, when the Transport vessel  began to attack.  The Transport vessel's attack caused several, yet minor, damage to the Dralian ship.  While dodging and exchanging fire with the Transport ship, two other vessels show up.  One of the new arrival ships is unfamiliar where the other is unmistakably the A.S.C. Revox.*

"Oh, s^çt!!!  I should have been long gone by now."

*She grumbles a bit more under her breath.*

"Why thanks a lot you &§ç?#ing Transport ship!!!!  You have blown out my communications!!!!!!"

*The Revox and the accompanying vessel open fire on the lightly damaged Dralian vessel.  Soon an explosion is heard and red emergency lights are flashing.  Quarval looks at one of the screens by her.*

"Just great! They decimated my port engine!!  It took me years to find one that would fit!!!!  I could not out-run half of a Borg cube in this state!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*Reaches over and deactivates weapons and shields.*

"Can't talk with anyone, so may as well show them I want to talk."

What is mine is mine, and what is yours is also mine.


"Yes, capture the person that is in control over that ship. And assemble a repair team to go over to the ship that was attacked, and take a doctor as well for in case there are injured people on board."

>-< Ardwyad to Evolution >-<
We are taking captive the person that attacked the other ship and will send repair teams to assist the victim's ship.  Thank you for your kind help, captain.
>-< Ardwyad out >-<

Chief of Command Ardwyad
A.S.C. Revox Security Vessel
Delta Alliance
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/nigillian.jpg" border="0">


*Ardwyad looks up in surprise, when he hears this explanation, and taps a button to respond to the transmission.*

>-< Ardwyad to Evolution >-<
I'm afraid that explanation will not do. I wish to speak with your captain, Mr. Sanchez. You are in Delta Alliance space, and you have to abide by our regulations and decisions.
>-< Ardwyad out >-<

Chief of Command Ardwyad
A.S.C. Revox Security Vessel
Delta Alliance
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/nigillian.jpg" border="0">

Bed Hirade

Even if we could Commander they are too far away for it too make any difference.