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USS Lhasa travels to the Dark Passage

Started by Vorak, December 01, 2002, 05:02:36 PM

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"Bring us within transporter range, Mr. Torrima.  Mr. Geordi, keep trying to contact them and keep continuously scanning for anything unusual."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Ryan Caldarian

OFF: Hey people. If you want to email me, I have a new email adress,
I am the Rock

Ryan Caldarian

OFF: I used Tripod.com its brilliant, are you going to sign up for it. I'll make sure you get a decent postions, maybe an ADMIRAL (O u r already one.) anyway I'll definatly get you a command position.
I am the Rock

Randall Sanchez

=^= USS Evolution to USS Lhasa =^=

This is captain Sanchez of the U.S.S. Evolution, we are just on our way back to station Avalon, when we discovered your presence here.  For an Academy training ship, the USS Lhasa is quite far from home, it seems to me.  Is everything all right?

=^= End trans =^=

Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


Ya think you got a hunch that could help him there Schmidt ?
We live by our own moral code of destruction.
XO Starfleet Academy
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-geordi.jpg" border="0">


Peace is irrelevent. Negoiations are irrelevent. You must comply.

You have 15 seconds to comply.

Zack Mannion

Gentlemen gentlemen...I think we can solve this peacefully.

*turns to the admirals*

If you don´t leave this ship NOW, and forget everything about us, I will personally tie you up and leave you behind whe the ship explodes!!!! So get your ass out of gear and hit the road!

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/id-zmannion.jpg" border="0">

Zack Mannion

Do you need reinforcement from Blackfire?
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/id-zmannion.jpg" border="0">


Yes Sir.

K to Dragon. You heard the Director. Proceed with Operation Omega.

One person must remain on board. Ryan Caldarian. Secure him to the console of the ship anyway possible. I want him alive. till the end.


Helm .. lay in a course back to the Station warp 8

Let us get the heck out of here while we can.

We live by our own moral code of destruction.
XO Starfleet Academy
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-geordi.jpg" border="0">


Walks in on the Bridge and see's the Flag Admiral.

*Salutes*  Live long and Prosper Admiral

We live by our own moral code of destruction.
XO Starfleet Academy
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-geordi.jpg" border="0">


I will take up the Position of Tactical/Security Admiral.
We live by our own moral code of destruction.
XO Starfleet Academy
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-geordi.jpg" border="0">


"Permission granted, Mr. Kragon.  I welcome you on board.
Mr. Torrima, resume course as soon has Mr. Kragon has come aboard."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Sir Tactical isnt picking anything up, other then that thing exists/is there.
We live by our own moral code of destruction.
XO Starfleet Academy
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-geordi.jpg" border="0">


We shall beam over and keep the ship within transporter range.  Mr. Geordi, take a team and have a look. Mr. Torrima you go with Geordi too.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet