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The Shadow-walker

Started by Ryan Caldarian, November 28, 2002, 12:53:39 PM

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The risk im afraid is un-acceptable in my opinion, we arent all experienced enough to handle what may lay beyond.

What r your thoughts Vorak ?

We live by our own moral code of destruction.
XO Starfleet Academy
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-geordi.jpg" border="0">

Jack mannion

I thought I was going to be CO of the FSS?
Jack Mannion
FSS Major, XO Director FSS

Ryan Caldarian

OFF:I'm going to build a board for the new divison but if it fails I'll use your board Vorak. Lets continue with the mission.
I am the Rock


** Torrima was running behind Ryan when a Borg blast came out of nowhere. Torrima turned around , pulled Ryan to the floor and shot the Borg.**
<still thinking of one>

Ryan Caldarian

Oh yeah, take this.

*Wacks Loctournus over the head. He falls back and torrima fires on him. He adapts.*

Nice try now lets get the topedo tubes. Maybe they have a hidden secret we could use.

*While Loctournus get up. Ryan and torrima dash out.*

I am the Rock

Zack Mannion

Hehe, I wont stop you this time. =P
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/id-zmannion.jpg" border="0">

Ryan Caldarian

Ryan rose out of the shuttle's chair and walked to the rear of the shuttle and to a small command console. A display of the shuttle, the  Tindara . he pressed a button and the display disspaered, instead another display cam up flashing red. It read
YOU HAVE ACCSESSED THE STARFLEET GALACTIC MEMORY BANK PLEASE SPECIFY SEARCH. Ryan sighed and raised his eyebrows momentarily before returning them down to their usual resting place. "Computer, acsess word, U.S.S Shadow-walker." He waited for a reply, it came in the usual female voice,
"U.S.S Shadow-walker key word not found."
He turned his head slightly to view the Shadow-walker.
"What the #### is going on here?"

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 1:46 pm on Nov. 27, 2002)

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 12:53 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

I am the Rock


OFF: yes I certainly do like this story and, though we usually work with the system that we assign people and give them orders and missions to do, I think we are onto something here and I would love to see this storyline continued.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Ryan Caldarian

"Listen to me Kragon, if you don't go now, then Section 31 will come back. I don't have enough data on Section 31, Station Avalon and the Lhasa will have alot of information. I don't want to order you, but I will if I have to."

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 1:56 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

I am the Rock


OFF: a team from the USS Lhasa will beam on board here.  Sorry if i may seem posting irregularly, i had a bad computer crash that needs to be fixed and i can only be online a little from work.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Ryan Caldarian

OFF: Ok this is really going to annoy Geordi but I need to ask Vorak: I want to post a message to tell everyone that the Avalon Special Forces Intellegence Divison will be up soon, all I need is a board (*cough* Vorak *cough) can you put some info on the News bit after that REALLY annoying computer voice when you first arrive at Expansion main site.
I am the Rock

Ryan Caldarian

"Admial Geordi, what are we going to do know, Admiral Vorak is no longer here, the mission could be comprimised. Mr Torrima, please accompy to Engineering. We will find the warp core."
I am the Rock

Kibran Norbram

After leaving the meeting Kibran proceeded to the bridge, where he had gained acsess before. Maybe he could find some information to suggest what the S31 ship was doing there. As he entered the bridge, something seemed odddly strange about it, he turned round to see a Borg Drone standing behind him. Before he could fire. The Borg injected him with nanoprobes. He slowly lost conciousness. The only thing that could be heard on the dark gridge, was Ryan Caldarian's voice over the commbadge,
"Mr Norbram report to Engineering...
Michael Wright (also Ryan Caldarian)

Zack Mannion

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/id-zmannion.jpg" border="0">


Torrima runs around a corner on his own and runs into a Borg facing the other way.He kills it quickly and carries on looking For Mr Caladrian
<still thinking of one>