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ShadowFire in the Cluster

Started by Prester John, May 18, 2003, 07:00:53 PM

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sir, what course would you like me to lay in? because from the looks of it we should go to the nearest star base or out post for repairs


Yes, Sir.
*examines console*
I don't believe there is any cause to worry, the console does not appear to be connected to the power anymore, it seems to have just... melted. Perhaps a byproduct of the power surge. even if it were connected to the computor core, it wouldn't be able to do anything about it. The damage is extensive, even with regenerating capabilities, I would suggest replacing it completely.
*holds hand to head*
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.-Spock


No, our weapons won't work against it, they'll just be reflected back to us, access the Deflecter Dish and anti-matter container, I'll set up the link between the Warp core and the Dish.

TRINITY!! Get over here and help Jacen!

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.-Spock


* zwak appears *

" it seems you don't believe us , then i will show you."

*an image of an obliterated planet appears on the screen*

," does that look familiar?,......, again i ask you to heed our requests, in exchange we will assist you with your repairs, and share with you some of our technology."

and yes mr. prester our species is telepathic, that is why i new you did not trust us.............

(Edited by Zwak at 11:13 pm on June 30, 2003)

Jacen Nyax

*Ship rumbles and several crew members are thrown off their feet on the Bridge*

=^= Jacen Nyax to Captain Prester
Sir we just had an explosion down here.  It looks  to me as if a power condiut exploded!  *He coughs* There is a lot of smoke down here and  I can not see if the Cloaking Device is undamged.  *pauses* Sir there is a fire down here and it is blocking all access to the cloaking device.  I have several crew members down here injured as well *coughs*.  Send help for them quickly!  I'm gonna try to make it past the fire and fix the cloaking device.  Jacen out. =^=

"Make it so number one."


she's ready sir, ok you beautful ship, let those f****ers have it *taps sum buttons on the console *trillis hands shakes partially in excitment and half in a psycopathic edge* captain i should warn you that u'v trigger my psycopathic edge, also they need to hit us first before anythig happens, we can't fire at them it has to be from them making the first move, its a self defence.....err...last resort,

guys i hope you like fireworks, there's gonna be alot of em when this sucker goes off!


Kyle Boh

Aye, sir...Descrambling...Onscreen
{Kirk} Computer, stick that back up the Admiral's...database.{Computer} INSTRUCTIONS NOT CLEAR. PLEASE REPEAT.
{Kirk} Reappend that file! Delete my request to view it! Delete that request, and delete my access to all data from this terminal.

Jacen Nyax

Trinary shields may be good but we can not be too careful when dealing with temporal anomalies.  Temporal shielding could be useful...

(Edited by Jacen Nyax at 10:03 pm on May 19, 2003)

"Make it so number one."



lieutenant trillis reporting for duty sir, im still waiting for my orders

(Edited by Trillis at 12:20 am on May 21, 2003)


Prester John

"Ms Brown, nice to have you again at the position. Please, take your seat and be ready for everything. You will have maybe some job to do, later. You like piloting at view? I suppose it will be the case, in some minutes. I will say nothing more about your lil defection, do your job, now...
*returns to his seat.*

Mr Trillis, we have already enough people on the Bridge. It's a bit already crowdy, if you see what I mean... I you want to help, there is only one seat available, beside Ms Brown. If you have some navigation experiment, you may come.

Ms Boh, I'm not really used to so much people on the Bridge so I rely on you to maintain disciplin. If I must ground someone, that could be worse than you.

Now, Engineers, I want A FULL REPORT. Tempus Fugit, if you see what I mean....."

///Grrrrrr! I need action, NOWWWW...... If there are people over here...... And we have still this Patrol mission.///
*taps fingers LOUDLY on his command chair.*

Jacen Nyax

we don't currently have those armor emitters or those special topedos that Voyager had.  they given to Voyager from someone in the future.  We don't have access to those technologies right now.  *looks at Zenakto* Zenakto if your ready to take your station back i will gladly return to my console.  The shields could use some monitering.  
"Make it so number one."

Kyle Boh

{Kirk} Computer, stick that back up the Admiral's...database.{Computer} INSTRUCTIONS NOT CLEAR. PLEASE REPEAT.
{Kirk} Reappend that file! Delete my request to view it! Delete that request, and delete my access to all data from this terminal.


(OFF: We have something called "Cybersitter", that blocks poppups, but if it doesn't have a close button... than perhaps it's "Hitting" the download button instead... I'll have to see if that makes sense to my parents. Also, I hope you don't mind, I'm going to say that the ship clears the "Hole" now.(I think we've had enough trouble with that now))
*Suddenly, the ship leaves the anomaly, though the end was not percieved. As it exits, everyone feels relieved, but in a physical sense, if not a mental one too. but their worries are far from over, for they still have yet to dicover what is wrong with the 5th level of the computor core...*
OFF: I'll leave it up to someone else to describe this "Other Universe". I'll most likely be able to get on for the next three days, after that, it doesn't look too good...
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.-Spock

Prester John

*Analysing all the events of the Bridge, Captain Prester discovers there is no chance to operate on consoles before being grabbed by the Evil Being. The only idea he suddendly has is to operate in manual and combine some weapons to try an escaping manoeuvre after a diversion.

He gestures silently to Mr Boh, Mr Zenatko and all remaning officers of the Bridge. And whispers.*
"Mr Boh, combine Screen Cutting beam, poloron beam and transphasic torpedoes on the freighter. Destroy it! I think it is the key, if you want the link, to this Being. Try to use manual derivation to avoid using consoles.

Mr Zenatko, so much with our computer core, try to run our auxiliary and our Shields. Combine regeneration capabilities with trinary shieldings and phase cloack. Maybe it's our last chance to survive this Being and have a chance to discover HOW to destroy it. Try to use manual also.

DOCTOR on the Bridge, NOW! I need Mr Nyaxx to be saved and Mr Trillis to be "disconnected" from the Being. I want his mental faculties to be restored.

Mr Trillis, when you will have recovered your normal state, try to use an Auxiliary Computer and gain the log file of our course. We need to get out of here."
///I hope this idea will work... Otherwise, we will have our Memorial in Shadow Fleet museum.///


aye sir, channel open, give me the word i can get us out of here at warp three but it will take about 4 days to get us to atlantis station, channel open, they are responding