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ShadowFire in the Cluster

Started by Prester John, May 18, 2003, 07:00:53 PM

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aye, sir course laid in,

captain i should warn you i made a modification to our cloak just incase our visitors try anything, lets just say the results will be.....shocking (no pun intended) lol


Prester John

"Yes, we are about to enter the Cluster, now, and I need our Science Officer to start scanning these rocks. We need more primary matters to build more tools and weapons for our Fleet and our buddies and I want to know if we could not pick some, in this *show the border of the cluster* bordello :biggrin: "

(off : you are ShadowFleet Lieut. Commander)

Prester John

"You have full authorization, Mr Miklos. If you need help, work with Mr Brooks in this task. Maybe you will have to coordonate your job.
Mr Boh, I don't want a Trojan or a Worm to infest our computer. Watch out.
And.... ///Ms Brown is sleeping, I see. Time to take over her Helm Console. If I need the ShadowFire to warp emergency, I think a sleepin Helm will be of no use.../// ... I take now control of the Navigation Console. Mr Boh, if you need a seat, the Command One is at your disposal. ///When back, I will have a word with this Helm... For sure http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/evil.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':evil:'> ///"
*Begins to check coordinate and trajectories.*


*taps controlls on console*
Power is diverted from weapons systems, available at your console... Now.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.-Spock

Prester John

"Mr Trillis, use every filter you need to safe the communication and let's get it on screen, please. I'm a bit too careful, but maybe we will avoid a "surprise", that way.

Mr Boh, any effect on the target?"

Prester John

"People, I'm not in the mood to have a serious conversation with these unknown people. Our Ship is seriously damaged and I'm not sure we could endure a fight from now on.

Mr Trillis, set course to Atlantis Station at full impulse or what we can have. Also, display this "Hello" message on screen, just to know their intentions. I don't trust cloacked Ships; there are always bad surprised with them.

Mr Zenatko, do your best in regenerating our Ship. I need a good hull in some minutes. Though I don't believe in miracles, do your best, as usual. Can we have also some shields?

Mr Boh, which weapons is still remaining? I feel completely naked when the ShadowFire can't fire back.

Now, people, I want a damage and casualties report of the Ship. Don't be afraid of giving me bad news, they will be welcome. I'm used to bad news... http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> "
///If we can go back to Atlantis Station safe, I'll pay a HUUUGGGGGEEEEE turn for my people, then I'll try to beat my Drink3 Record. For sure!!! And so much with this fooi^trjrt Major!!!///

Prester John

(Off : if nothing happens tomorrow, I suggest, people, that we return to Shadow Fleet Board and make our report to the Admiral -me, the report!!-. What do you think of that?)

Jermaine Miklos

Yes sir"

*starts to scan*

"Um, sir, there is some sort of phenomenon happening in the northern sector,i'm not sure what it is,and it seems the computer doesn't know what it is either."

Jermaine Miklos

Jermaine Miklos

"aye, sir."

=A= Miklos to Grey=A=
"hey Aaron, i need your help,remember when we did that research assignment on spacial anomilies,specifically the time/dimimsion portal/anomilie,.....,well its seems they may be real,i need you to reply as soon as possible."

=A=Miklos out=A=

"umm,i need any and all readings you can get,velocity,temperature,mass,whatever it has, i need that info,okay with you captain?"

Jermaine Miklos

Jacen Nyax

*console beebs* Temporal shields at 81% Structural Integrity at 81%.  *taps console* power transefer initiated...Both temporal shields and structural integrity holding at 80%.  They seem to be adaquate for now...
"Make it so number one."


*turbo lift arrives* thats better, *sits at navigation* did i miss any thing? the doctor said the shock from the console realigned some nural pathways, he sorted it out.

Sir, in comming transmition, its from the freighter, it seems that they are sending images not words to bridge the communication gap problem, should i display on main screen?



OFF:(if captain prester acknoweledges the hail and listens, then this post has relevance)

*an alien appears on screen,looking a little angery, only to have the crew and captain realize that it is identical to how a human looks like*

"Greetings Unknown Ship, I am Zwak, captain of the  Antaran ship Dragos, i would like to know why you obliterated our homeworld, though you did destroy one of our enemies ships, along with the whole galaxy?"

"We will not take an offensive, although not all of my crew seem to think alike,....., I ask that you simply apologize and pay reparitions (ie money or similar), for the loss of so much, i also have suggested sending an ambasseder to you government."

*screen goes black*

OFF: trying to get something going here.  (Jermaine Miklos)


captain to be honest i just hope they work, think of the "tweeks" as a last resort, if they don't work i installed some fail safe's so if the "supprise" doesn't work nothing will blow, did i mention im experimenting with gadets in my quarts at the momment? nothing dangerus, just small stuff, im developing a new weapon system for ships in shadow fleet, they are just "on paper" i believe is the expression

Prester John

*raises both eyebrows*
///Okay, it seems our mission will not be as it was supposed to be.... *sigh*///
"Thanks for your warning, Mr Miklos. Let's see what it can be. Helm, set course on these coordinates. I want to have a look at that closer."

Dan Brooks

Disable the Holo-Engineer? Huh, gladly.

*Presses his console and chuckles to himself*

Lt Commander Daniel Brooks
Chief Engineer
USS. Shadowfire