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Misson 1: "Element of Surprise"

Started by Mike Powell, July 01, 2006, 02:28:41 AM

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OOC**Post it here but put in markers saying where your at.  For example, <<<<<Holodeck 1>>>>>> or <<<<<Classroom 1>>>>>, or put in ****** instead of <<<<<>>>>>> http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.  Post it here and use the markers so we know where everyone is.  Or *****Flight deck***** get it ?
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Jim Raynor

"Alright, boys, tighten up to the ship! We're gonna ride her warp field!"

Raynor and the other Pyro's moved in close to the Corellia, close enough to be enveloped in her warp field. Then, the ship shot to warp, and the fighters were dragged along with it.
Major Jim Raynor
Commanding Officer, Special Forces Division
23rd Battalion, Starfleet Marines

AK Dutton

OCC: i recogize the black knights r form indepenadnce day but i dont care it is funny and kool))
Dutton pulled into the 3 slot or the slash as they grew closer to the hull and were giving the order to pull up he did with out anythought otherwise, He pulles up horizontal to the hull they are now skirting it right out side the sheild, he turns on his night vision and he can see the sheild and a weak spot up a head,

" Sir turn on your night vision you can see the sheild"

He followed Raynor as he led the squad allong the sheilded hull of the massive Ship.

AK Dutton

(occ were the hell am i well i am just going to post flying like a bat out of hell trying to keep the fighter off the hanger bay after you whent in and me not getting killed.))
Dutton saw the two fighters fly into the bay and the ship he said
"good luck you two i am going to hold em off for now"
He did a role betwine to of the fighter they crashed into one another and blew up.
"sweet they cant stand them selfs"
Dutton did a few more manuvers to shake some dudes and to wreak them then Dutton got hit was hit.
The plasma hit his manuvering thrusters,
"damn i am hit and cant steer right, i need help i am going back to the hanger"
Dutton used his one thruster to spin him self to the righ dicretion then more plasma blasts hit his ship.
" only one choose left"
he set impluse engines to overload and got to an escape pod, he set the pod to hit the hull of our ship and blasted him self out.
after 10 secs of him shooting away from the fighter the impluse engines blew, and thw shock wave hit him and carried him a little faster, as he flew to word the ship he set his emergiancy becon and hoped he would get beamed out before he hit.


Master Techerakh jumped from the human insertion craft and immediately drew out his energy blade. Realizing that he would be needed by the humans to deal with the commander of the present group of enemies, he tossed most of the Heraani soldiers ahead of him away with a telekinetic blast. Seeing that one of the Heraan did not falter, he deducted that that was the commander, the only one of the group with the ability to resist telekinesis.

As if to confirm the Gallifreyan's suspicions, the lone enemy drew a blade of his own, much less ornate, a simple energy blade as opposed to Techerakh's curved and shaped khala. The commander was most definitely skilled, a warrior worthy of Techerakh's attention.

"You will fall, dark one," Techerakh said to the commander.

In telepathic response, the only communication the Heraan are capable of, the elite replied. "You resist the Gods, and we are their hand. All who resist will feel their wrath."

"You underestimate my power. I am a Master of the Gallifreyan Order, I have felled many before you. All spoke as you did, and they fell before my blade. I will allow you the chance to forgive your crimes against the galaxy, but you must lay down your blade."

"And defy the Gods? You are surely mad. Come, heretic, and we shall see who is the Master."
"En Taro Adun!"
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Head of the Gallifreyan Templar Caste

Jase Jellico

(OOC: The last I knew Raynor and I were flying around inside the carrier causing general havoc, but I don`t know what`s going on up here.)
2nd Lt. Jase Jellico
Bravo Company
Phoenix-Alpha Squadron XO

AK Dutton

OCC: I will not be posting untill the 18th of august, i am going to be out of the house and cannot post so see yall later.


<Balkazar doesnt show like hes to surprised when Tech materializes into the room>

"Ah, I remember you Tech, when the heraan attacked Avalon station.  I think if it wasnt for your contingents we would have lost the station, Thank you."

"Would you like something to drink?"

"On the attack of the Heraan outpost, yes, we will probly loose, however, im glad that the Gallifreyans in there great wisdom came to help.  Between you and me Mr. Tech, I think in this battle against the Heraan, you and your people will probly be our greatest ally against them, and personally, im glad your on our side.  I just called a meeting of my CO and XOs of my troops, you may stay if you wish but I'll just have them run battle drills."

"Oh, and my knowledge of the Heraan's tactics is limited, and I would appreciate any insight you could give me into there battle tactic's.  If you dont mind assisting me in this way before we reach the target?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"Welcome, Tech and I were having a discussion about the Heraan, and slowly went towards his people." <Chuckles>

"Tho, Tech im curious as to what prophecy are you talking about, im intrigued now?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


Techerakh smiles at the captain's outburst. "Captain Raynor. It is agreeable to see you again, as well."
"En Taro Adun!"
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Head of the Gallifreyan Templar Caste


"This is Tech, he will be coming with us to provide support, sense he knows more about whats going on then we do, So, as I was saying.  Nathen, start working on new tactics no matter how off the wall for the rest of the companies to study when there not on the holodecks training in the use of the fighters or the use of the armor."

"Motor Poo, thats a new one." <Chuckles>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Clyde Eastwood

*Eastwood looked around and stood up*

"Sir i understand that and i also understand its my duty as Charlie Companies CO to bring these men back alive not dead, ive gotta think about the men in my company who have families so i wish to put forward a protest against this plan, but in another sense i will start my men with the extra training"

*Clyde lookes at Nate and spoke softly to him*

"Hello Majtain can i borrow one of your oak leaves again"

*Eastwood sat down again and started to giggle to himself*
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

AK Dutton

Occ: i get it so where am i training first flight deck holodek what.


OOC**Ill beat up on Powell when he decides to not spend atleast 5 minutes with his girlfriend, but we are technically still in dock with the marine base, but I swear this doesnt happen often, just everyone please be patient.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Jim Raynor

(OFF: We're more powerful, but when they have the special shields they're invulnerable.)

"The bay has a hole in the shields for the bastards to fly out. We're using that against them."

The two fighters flew into the monstrous carrier, which was nearly hollow inside, allowing a breathtaking view of nearly the entire inner volume of the ship. This allowed for an abundance of maneuvering space for the two pilots.

"Open up on her! There's no shields in here!"

Raynor squeezed his trigger, and the phaser cannons began to spew particle bolts at the interior of the ship.
Major Jim Raynor
Commanding Officer, Special Forces Division
23rd Battalion, Starfleet Marines