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Operations Control

Started by Vincent Garhart, January 09, 2006, 04:53:48 PM

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Fleet Admiral How many times do we have to be reminded of the proper docking procedures Admiral Ransom Gave mr the authority to impliment rules next time a person will be coming on the station my security officers are to be notified as well as a medical officer for decontamination!! Please these rules are set up for our saftey so in the future please remember to notify my security personal.
OFC: i dont even care if you notify me but at least my personal!!
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

Hobson exited the turbolift to Ops after working in his office for a time.
"Tactical station, lower the stations shields and maintain a green condition. The Rivendell shall arrive soon, as well as no further apparent threat to security".

He nods as the Ambassador exits.
As the turbolift becomes free, he enters and heads towards the security deck.

Richard Ransom

*then the 5 Fighters and the Runabout Flew to the far Side of the Station*

==^== This is Alpha Squadren Leader to Runabout,Welcome to Fronter Sector Fleet Admiral Hobson Please Power Down your Engines and Sheilds and Standby==^==

*on a Different Channel*

==^==This is Delta 3 to Operations, its confirmed its the Admiral==^==

==^== Rodger that, we will arrange Transport==^==
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Vincent Garhart

Off:  Hold the Phone! I thought we where in the Delta quadrant?  

=A= Garhart to Baphomet =A=
Please bring your findings to my office in 10 minutes commander.
=A= Garhart out =A=
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

Vincent Garhart

Off:  I like it Ransom.  It should be fun trying to come get you.

**A meeting began in ops.  All of the Senior staff was in attendance **
"People, Admiral Ransom sent a coded communication to us in which he informed us that he was being held by Romulans and Kazon.  
Lt. Commmander Baphomet tracked the ship that took him to a planet.  We can expect that planet to be heavly fortified.  So Suggestions on how we retreve him?"
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

James Madison

an access panel pops open and Madisons head appears, 20 men behind him.

"Its rough to crawl by emergency light but we're here. Whats our condition?"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Richard Ransom

ooc: Conference Room Engering Section
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain


You want your men to pilot our fighters ?, That is completely unacceptable, you want protection, You want a fighter wing, But I wont accept your men piloting that is out of the question, 1) your men arent trained 2) it takes years to know how to operate and fly one of our fighters 3) the technology that made those fighters would pretty much give you an unfair advantage with the other race in this part of the galaxy.
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

"I do. What I think should be avoided is thier stationing here. Welcome as guests perhaps, but them stationing here is to occupation-like. I say that with the postion Station CO, my responsibilities right now are fully the station. More time might be put into it, but for Andros to bring his large ship and forces is unnerving. I think it hits it on the head that this was done in secret in the beginning. Now that it comes to the talks, such debates are raising and it is causing the bumpiness. Nonetheless, I hold my ground on not totally trusting them. In time, perhaps. Among that, if so many had it etched in thier head that there is no threat with them and thier abilities, i would point out in detail what we might be setting up. If it is easy for them to destroy us, it can only be made easier. What do you do when you see a bug or animal you think can hurt you? You leave it be".


*mind links with Sean*

"Sean for the time being you will remain here, Until Garhart is done, Watch these humans, and see how they handle our technology.  If they misuse it self destruct them all.  Make sure every peice is vaporized.  They try to get technology out of you, you have my permission to crush there minds, but dont kill them, just enough for them to drop to there knees.  Understood ?"

Admirals, One of my men will stay behind to offer his assistence to you while I take Garhart.  Hes a skilled Engineer, and will serve you well.
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

Chris Newberry

"I will get Admiral Ransom to contact you Admiral, as soon as I find him."

He nods to Garhart and reopens the audio.
"You may dock at the airlocks on the habitat section of the station".
 He backed away from the communications panel as Ransom entered.
"So there is a sovereign class ship in dock? Excellent. If starship works experience is a need on its refitting and repairing, Admiral Madison and myself are the two with it".

"I am willing to give you my report, Mr. Ransom. But I did not include in it much at all about Ambassador Riker. It did not seem that he was very much involved in talks about an alliance, it certainly did not when some of the concerns were brought up. Any concerns you have with the Ambassador (Gordon) you can direct to me, I called him here while you were away with the Windsor".


=^= Nesbitt to Ransome, Nesbitt to Ransome, Nesbitt to Ransome come in Admeral. crackle crackle=^=
=^= Nesbitt to ops, ops here go ahead your hiness, we have a problem this is not a drill i have lost contact with Ransome, I cant even reach him on subspace!!, We'll look into it sir, Hurry!!=^=
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)