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Operations Control

Started by Vincent Garhart, January 09, 2006, 04:53:48 PM

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Chris Newberry

Within a few seconds, Tolas appears on Ops after it is cleared out. Chris looks very different and his voiced changed a lot.

Vincent Garhart

Garhart arrives at the nerve center of the station to see technicians working on updating station systems and repairing damaged equipment.  

"Technician = Admiral on deck.

As you where lt. Status Report.

Technician = Station operations should be updated and repairs complete within the hour sir.  A

Very well lt. Carry on."

Garhart takes the center ops station and begins running through station rosters.
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General


OOC: *Founders*

"Aye sir."

Baphomet looks at the readings, transfers Subspace telescope telemetry to Science Station 3 and begins her analysis.

To Computer: "Computer show analysis of Bajoran wormhole and compare to the Subspace telemetry."


"Computer; Extrapolate heading of Run-a-bout Rio Grand to J-24 and overlay that to the unidentified shuttle..."
"Triangulate, course vector, do thay match."


=A=Baphomet to Admiral Garhart=A=
"Admiral, come to science station three, sir, I believe I know who has taken the Admiral."


Admiral (Dr.) Lucas Bailey (Retired)

"Where will it be held?"

Richard Ransom


Andros, if you see we are abuseing the Techolagy you have the right to tske it back.
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Vincent Garhart

So we avoid stationing there personel here.  I might be able to arrange for the fighters without there pilots.  After all, they are limited in personel from what I know of there race.  
Also my goal is to protect this station.  I must admit it is unnerving to have the Alexander nearby at the moment.  Not to mention its intimidating.  

However, do you think it would be a smart idea to tell them to just hit the road? If we where the superior race in this situation what would we be doing and how far would we go to help future allies.   He honestly does want an allance with us.
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General


*mindlinks with garhart*

"We shall wait for you here garhart"
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

James Madison

"I'll check it out. I don't have any crew to speak of so it will be a low drag. I will enlist the help of Commander Cook in the Science Department. He was part of the USS Excalibur construction crew so he had experience in the area. Any other hands will be accepted. I'll contact the academy and see if their are any cadets to send as interns. Get work done and spark an interest for their future to be here."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Frank Gordon

"Give me your full report then Mr. Ransom. I will pass it to Admiral Montrell for his opinion. Intelligence does not send ambassadors to negotiations. That job is reserved by the embassy. Of which i have always been present. It was never closed. If you were led to believe that, you were lied to."
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/1ID-Gordon.jpg" border="0">


=^= This is Nesbitt to Docking Bay Get me a Runnabout Ready right away., Yes sir but you are not in starfleet sir,i dont care ransome is my friend and i'm going to find him!!, Yes sir ok.=^=
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

His brow raised at the information, but he shook his head quickly and responded.
"I see. I would like to speak with Mr. Ransom if it can be arranged. That being my reason of contact. I know of a couple of officers who were on board the Windsor when it left, I do not think they are any capable of criminal activities, or at least, criminal activities from a competent judge advocate. But forgetting that, since it is a waste. Can you put me through to the good admiral".

Dean Starwind

"Who are you? You can't be Newberry!"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/ross_william.jpg" border="0">
Commander Dean Starwind
Executive Officer
Uss Rivendell- NCC-84540-B

Richard Ransom

==^== Frontier Station this is the U.S.S Rivendell Requesting prmission to Dock==^==
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Vincent Garhart

"Admiral Hobson,
Admiral Ransom and I where meeting to discuss station business and he was beamed off of the station.  The subspace Teliscope that this station posseses did detect a signature of a fleeing vessel but was unable to automatically identify it.  Commander Baphomet from the U.S.S. Rivendell has found the location of the ship that took Ransom.
Schedule a meeting with all the senor staff to discuss options on how to retreve the Admiral."
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General