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Operations Control

Started by Vincent Garhart, January 09, 2006, 04:53:48 PM

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"I am comforted by your understanding at least. It is almost an epic thing sitting near the station, my reaction goes with that".
He smiles.
"Our conversation is a sidetrack I suppose, but it has been a good thing to happen considering this is first contact..." He paused. "Isn't it?".

Vincent Garhart

=A= Runabout, this is station operations, you are cleared to land in the main landing bay.  An officer will meet you there.  Operations out. =A=
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

Richard Ransom

*the Operations Doors open and Richard steps in his Unaform covered by black shut and dust*

Ok gelelment I brought by the Windsor which I will start to work on a new design for a new ship that I will put in the works  useing the Windsor so the Windsor Project as it will be call is a low Piroitey as we have the Rivendell
for any major Missions as Iam still not ready to return to duty as now I have suffered a fulkl break down and will not be able to be on full active duty but I have drawn up a mission  Breif for the Rivendell

*hands padds to Hobson and Garhart*

also the Division is under full Command of Vincent so he has the say in all matters.

*********PADD INFORMATION*****

From: Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom Frontier Division Commanding Officer
To: Commanding Officer U.S.S RivenDell


The U.S.S Rivendell is to resupply at Frontier Station will supplys for a long term Mission and the Rivendell will take on 1200 Torpetos to be stored in its cargobays for this sustained combat mission as you know there is an Allience with the Romluans and the Kazon this Mission is to deal a bow to that treat this Mission will be in Stages also an Admiral Rank Officer will be along for this Mission.

Stage I:
Rivendell is to take on Supplys the Three Month Long term Mission
Crew is to get prepared

Stage II:
RivenDell is to head for Kazon Space under Stealth and the head to sector J-23,J-24,J-25

and distroy Supply Bases

Stage III:

The Rivendell is to spent Two to Three Months Patroling the Area and to be on the Look out  and Distroy 3 Hybred Romluan Vessels

Stage IV:

Head back to Frontier Station For Repairs and R&R

Orders Signed
Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom
****************End Of Information*****

Vincent, you make sure these Orderes are carried out to the Letter

Tom, both you and James were at Nova and you will have the information on the Windsors Orginal Specs uses those and on your off Time put on my Desk a full Damage report and estamed time for repair also I heard you were have problems with Mr.Nessbitt you have my Aurotiey of override any Secuitey Procol as you are in Command of this Statioin and a Member of High Command
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

James Madison

"I thought the fighters would be the fighters alone, with our men flying them. I don't like having things on the station that are out of our control. I've been in more than my fair share of negotiations over the years in service but i must say i don't know of a species so picky."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Richard Ransom

*Klazons were going off*

Scramble the Station Fighters

Crewman: Sir we only have 25 Ploits stationed


Crewman: Thats all Starfleet Could spare, Becuse starfleet only gave us 45% of personal needed to run the station

Scamble them'


*25 Federation Fighter Lanunched and when in defence Postion*

Richard goes to the Operations Station and midufly a Phaser Cannon

There you go tom you have 4 Phaser Cannons

Crewman: Fleet Admiral Hobson we only have 75 Torpetos in Stock the rest is been shiped from Earth and whont be here until Tommrow with the Low Torpoteo Stocks in Expantion we had to get more from Earth

Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Chris Newberry

"I was General Newberry. I am now Tolas."

Doctor Who

The Gallifreyan Vessel dropped to normal space just off Frontier Station, the stations sensors picked up the ship and informed the crew.
Name: the Doctor
Title: Chronarch
Position: Gallifreyan Order Master
Home world: Gallifrey


Ahh, Garhart, Just waiting till you get your things in order for your training.

Hobson, I know your not telling me everything.  I am a telepath probly more powerful of one then Garhart, and im sensing from you that your not telling me everything.  If there is something in that nebula that will be harmful to us you best tell us now, and warn us ahead of time, We need Trilirium and if this Latium can be transmuted into Trilirium then we must find a deposit in there.  and if the deposit is in there and we find out that there is something in that nebula that alredy claims that area of space you best tell us!
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">


*Andros stood quite still for a few minutes then looking at his men, and then Looking over his shoulder at Katrine, reverted his attention to the Admiral's*

My Homeworld needs me, my cruiser will be launching soon, and I would like to take Garhart with me now.  I know he has other things, but consider it part of his training.  Please Garhart gather your things Its of quite an urgency we leave this station now.
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

Richard Ransom

Thank you Tom I will Do that.

I say there has been a major Miscommuncation between all Party involved when this Inqiry Starts we will have to full coroperate also *turns to Gordon* if you can delay the inqiry a couple of weeks I have to undergo a major Medical percuure so I will be out for a couple of weeks and I will be unable to take part in the Inqiry

COmputer COmfirm Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom Division Commanding Officer

Computer: confirmed

Computer State Vice Admiral Vincent Garhart Division Commanding Officer Transfer Code 6 Alpha2foxtrot

Computer: Vice Admiral Vincent Garhart is Now Division COmmanding Officer

Computer: Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom is now under Medical Leave
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Hobson tapped his commbadge
=A= Mr. Nesbitt, disengage the lockdown. Admiral Ransom is not on this station. We will begin what scans we can, the Rivendell must be prepared to do sweeps. There is no doubt whatever has taken the Admiral is cloaked in some way. There are no records of it in the basic sensors =A=

Richard Brown

Well I have seen the Report of an Certian Admiral Missing what is going on. Remember I have

Intelligence Secuitey Clearence Level 7
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy


*chuckles*, We are as frail as you are, Without this armor, one blast from your phaser would kill us, Without this armor we thurst from a Blade will kill us, We dont claim to be immortal or superhuman...Its just after our homeworld was put to the torch bye our own people who do not see our veiws we safe guard what we have, and sense im the last of a any ranking superior, these men protect me and my wife.  The alexander shouldnt be your worry sir, your worry should be if our enemies find there way to this sector of the galaxy to find us, thats what your worry should be, they are the exact opposite of us.  They will burn, murder, use there minds to torture other peoples minds, and they will run free unchecked unchallenged, Thats why we came to this sector of the galaxy to rebuild our forces, so should the Chronastines come here looking for us, and they go threw your federation, then we would have the fire power to defend you..........

I usually dont have that many ships with me, I usually have more *chuckles*

"Alexander recall all fighters, and send the cruisers back to the base, Have half the fighters leave as well, These people are getting somewhat hostile with that many ships near there station, and back the alexander off another 500 meters"

*a crewmen comes up and tells the admirals that the cruisers and half the fighters are going into warp, and the Alexander backs off another 500 meters*
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

Wil Riker

*a TransWarp Conduit opens*

==^== Frontier Station this is the Shuttle Lexir on final requesting primission to doack this is Commander Wil Riker==^==
Name:Wil, Riker

Vincent Garhart

The Federation will not betray you.  I will have to ask my commanding officer.  Or perhaps you should.  Then if he agree's I will gladly accept your proposal.  It is a great honor Andros.
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General