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Operations Control

Started by Vincent Garhart, January 09, 2006, 04:53:48 PM

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Richard Ransom


Richard flyes in a patrol around Frontier

Computer:Sensours Detect Weapons Fire 28.9 Lightyears

==^== Alpha-2 move into Postion 2==^==

==^== This is Alpha Leader Change Coruse to 242 By 12 mark 2 and slow to 1/4 Impluse==^==
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

"As I said, I have and still do consider it part of my work. I have organized plans of my own to study it further, and to study the conditions which haze scans inside and from the outside in. Though as many scientists would say, it might perhaps be typical nebula cluster behavior. There is not much in there to interest you".
He paused, as if he were to continue, but did not.

James Madison

"I aggree, We can all relax for some time though when the Rivendell arrives. a calm really. Its been rather hectic, alot going on. Investigations, just alot of things. I think we're rid of any troubles for awhile though. We can focus on the windsor and making this place a booming place of commerce and bustling with people."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Marcus Brodie

*Communication from Avalon Station*

=A="Captain Marcus Brodie to Admiral Ransom, i applied for a position and have gotten no response, Request response and seek transfer to Frontier Station from DSA."=A=
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/keogh.jpg" border="0">
Captain Marcus Brodie
Avalon Station Operations

Weasly Cook

Commander Cook enters the Ops a forloned look on his face but brightens up at seeing Admiral Hobson and Madson back on the station, "Oh... well... I guess my projections were inacurate... because I thought you were heading the Borg territory... so... What has happened? I mean, all this kidnapping... and gel pack malfunctions.... frankly... can someone just bluntly tell me what they can? I mean, I don't want any classified info... but just what is going on?" Cook had a padd in his left hand, apperantly info from the telescope for the admirals, info now not needed. He was standing at attention now, but now was staring at Andros with wonder... mainly studing the armor of the knights along with any decorations that may be attached to the armor.
For the twentith time Captain Smith, you are not to dart into the hallway.
http://archive.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/charpics/madden.jpg" border="0">

Richard Ransom

on her first flight i will like to take her out
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain


i would like to Request a security detail and seen as though i'm no longer a member of starfleet i will need a comm badge and security protocals assigned to me please, as soon as Convient, also Is there an ambassidore onboard the station? Sorry to inconvience you.
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

Vincent Garhart

Off: here is the readout

---------Compter Readout-------

Warp trail detected 2,000 kms formFrontier  Station on Course 144 by 72 speed of warp trail Warp 8
Warp feild Frenenaey of  0.91141.24  Non-Federation

Course track heading toward Sector J-24 uexplored section of space

Exact Loction is possible if Manuel  Scan is contucted
--------End of Read out-------

On: Sorry commander need to know at this point.  See whats out there.
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

Richard Brown

Sirs I can shut down the Planets Defence System with the Secuitey program I used to get into Frontier Station I can modfily is to access the Planets defence network and actvate a simulation mode as the COntrol center for the Defence Network for the Planet is done on Remote all we need is an Runabout and were in and out in 2 hours
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy

OOC: Aww, not that easy is it? http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>

"Admiral Ransom will need to be transported to sickbay".
Hobson spoke as he leaned over the unconcious body. He checked what he could on his own, with some past experience in the medical field on the USS Hurricane he was able to determine some.
"He is stable in pulse, but he is exhausted, dehydrated. If he is not treated soon it may become critical".


Hobson, If your asking if I will order the alexander to turn its weapons on you, the answer is no.  Ive read the minds of everyone on this station, Rumors, about how we are your enemy, how we will destroy you, the answer is no, We are tired of war, but if war to be fought you can surely count on an entire Battlion of knights, and an armada of ships to be here to defend this station till there is no one to draw breath.  That you can count on.  We use our weapons only if its no other choice in the end, and if someone wants to destroy us, then you can be assured that we will be there in a matter of hours.  

We may have the fire power to knock out an entire civilization, but we would never do that, not even if you were our enemy we would never Power up our weapons against you.

Like you we want peace, but there are some races out there, some life forms in general, all they want is war, and if they want a fight we will give them one.  It all comes down to the saying, ""With Great power, comes an even GREATER! responsibility"" We knights were taught when we were younger never to rise our hand in anger, never fire a weapon in anger, and never to kill in anger, that is the law we live bye, we rather live in peace then have a galactic war.

Dont you agree ?
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

Vincent Garhart

I beleive it will be alright with Admiral Ransom.  Perhaps you would like a drink in our Prominade level?
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

Vincent Garhart

OOC:  O a procaution.  I get it now. Smart expecially sense Andro's 2 races have been dumbed down a little we stand a chance.  Thanks for the clarity.

IC: Tom, I better go watch Ransom's 6. Do me a favor and keep a transporter lock on him.  Also see if James can get access to those weapons platforms so that we can control them.

*Garhart beams to the figher bay and gets into a Pergine fighter.*

=A= Alpha 2 to operations request permission to depart. =A=
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

Richard Ransom

Well Andros the reason you have to wait a week is Garhart is my Exective Officer and he has to make sure thinks are in motion and we have to have breifings before he goes.

Tom, you Explain about the Cluster you know about it more
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Hobson returned to Ops.
"Admiral Garhart had a good theory about it I think. That this might not be an accident. But we do not need to lose our heads over it. There is a lot going on that also needs to be weighed in".