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Operations Control

Started by Vincent Garhart, January 09, 2006, 04:53:48 PM

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James Madison

Madison looks at the viewscreen again.

"What sort of weapons do you have on that ship? I'm into Tactical Operations as well and i like to ponder at weapon systems."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Richard Ransom

well an Officer of ours attached to your Fighter Wing you will station at the Station
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Vincent Garhart

Andros, I am a betazod.  Normally we sense emotions of people but I am a full telipath and am capible of communicating that way. We can place devices on the weapons platforms that if you feel we are abusing them will burn out there circutry.
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

"I think that is all it is James. Its alot of trouble that is probally not worth it, meaning what we just went through with the species. But something has to be possible to change things. I am going to consult Commander Cook on using the teliscope technology we have on board to map out events in further space with the combat between Andros and his enemies".
He stood.
"Could you take a look at these defense platforms? Document what you can of the technology, weak points also...in case the need comes".


Hmmmmm, Tell me about this Cluster ?, Why do you fear to go in there ?, Are there ghosts in there they you dont wish to face ? or you dont wish to see whats in there ?
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">


Also i need a priority one transmitting device in my room.
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

Richard Ransom

the Windsor is hopfuly to be upgraded Tom, I would like you to run the numbers on the same prototype that was used in the Essex the specs were Sealed and made Classifed becuse of the Nature of the Transwarp Engine so you being in High Command will have access those specs and we are going to try to install it on the Windsor this will be a long project with losts of tests I do'nt whant to go quicky I whant to make sure every thing in in full operational satus and top notch this will be dubbed the Windsor project this will be a massave undertakeing for Froniter as Frontier has Nova Division Personal we will be able to undertake this project
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Hobson watched the ship as the computer gave an alert of a transport from the station.
"Computer, who was transported?"
The computer responded 'Ambassador Frank Gordon'
"What the..?".
His confusion lasted a moment, before he returned to focus.
=A= All hands, Red Alert =A=
He turned to the ops officer after addressing the station.
"Raise shields, launch a probe in the direction of that ship. I want to know whos ship that was!".

Vincent Garhart

Alright then.  I would like a copy of your report Admiral Hobson.   Good to have you back.
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

"For something of that size, it would take about the entire current crew of this station to go aboard the Windsor, and go along as its skeleton crew to capture Former General Newberry. I suppose the station can handle itself. I would suggest an officer be assigned to gathering our crew and briefing them on the Newberry situation. There needs to be no misinformation in a situation like this".

Vincent Garhart

=A= Garhart to Taylor =A=
Commodore, will you join me in my office as soon as possible.
=A= Garhart out =A=
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General


OOC**Im not going to say it Ransom, GARHART!, NOT! hard :P

IC**Motions a younger knight out of his body guards up*.

This one is the leader of the Fighter Wing I will be leaving here, He will be in charge of all Fire knight Crafts.  If you want to be a fireknight and go threw the initiation to gain the trust of your fellow pilots then so be it, But the training will be hard, and VERY! long, and perhaps painful.  Perhaps Garhart would like to go threw the initiation, but there has been in all fire knight history NO! none fireknight has EVER! commanded a fighter wing.
http://darcy.da.funpic.de/DasgeheimeTagebuch_Dateien/Haldir2.jpg" border="0">

=A= you are open for exit =A=

OOC: A good example for the substance. All I knew is it was the mail in LotR, thats the extent of my knowledge of it. http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

He did not answer the first question as it was better for Ransom, but searched his mind for a reasonable need.
"Perhaps...are there any Latinum Nebula in your location?"


* White light appers  and  Fire kight Appers but around his waist seems to be a belt with all types of strange tools*

Yes My Lord I promise to be nice to them also the Cruser I have boost the Engine power to 112% it will get you home in two days

Intresting Station you have here and you do'nt  have  the Decoplur Power nodes  how sad it will tell me a week just to get the power to 270% better take a look at those power reactors to there too loud and also your transporters need to be adjusted there running on a too low power level and your computer system has to be upgraded so little time so much to do were do I get started