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Stardust Entertainment Center

Started by Torean, January 14, 2006, 04:28:58 AM

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"Good idea. May I suggest that when he leaves, we head to a quiet location and beam to the Resilience?"
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Ali'aln Tulak

Dr. Bailey, have you seen any of the crew from the Windsor around lately?
Lt. J.G. Ali'aln Tulak
                       Chief Medical Officer
                          Chief Counselor
                         U.S.S. Lothlorien

William Richerd

William Richerd walked into the bar and shook his head, and walked over to the doctor, "Please Mr. Valen.... how can you save Ensign White if you go and scare everyone on the pub? I know you are troubled, but I assure you, me and my personal team are some of the best men on this station, now please... we have a science lab to attend to." Richerd was using a voice tone that said he was treating Mr. StarChaser as a little kid and he was trying assure him that nothing was wrong, his voice also had in it a calming tone and one of hope and ease, trying to calm the doctor down.
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one

Chris Newberry

"My name is Jay Orbet, an Master trader from Outpost 23."

Takes the handed PADD back and eads it, then turns a little toward the security officers trying to hide there presence.

"I'm here to bring you some rare wine that isn't replicated." in a slighter voice so they can't be over heard. "And to give you and offer.Meet me outside Stardusk 2 minutes after I leave, after repsonding to your next question."

Taps the commbadge without anyone seeing it happen.

"Yes I can talk. I am about to return. Whats going on?"

James Madison

"Not alot. Purphaps the first task of my new duties can be to organize a senior staff meeting to review starcharts and plan some sectors to explore. I can pull up Expansion Sector Maps and look at some myself."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Weasly Cook

"a Sovergn class? Well, don't bring the Enterpirse here, That ship is a little cursed to have all sorts of fun things follow it." A man in a blue uniform said as he approched the Admiral's Table, "Commander Weasly Cook reporting on board, and awaiting orders." A Yoawl is heard and a bundle on his shoulder moves and the face of a Feline cat, Siemese in markings, yoawls agian. "And Captain Edward James Smith as well." Mr. Cook always calls the cat Captain Smith for short. "I hope I am not interupting anything, but I can't find the main science area, found a Phycatitrist but that's about it, besides... waiting for Quarters to be asigned or something like that, don't want a repeat of DS 20's science area, eh?"
For the twentith time Captain Smith, you are not to dart into the hallway.
http://archive.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/charpics/madden.jpg" border="0">


"No I did not but I did server on the Excaliber.  You seem firmiler to me as well.  Can I get you something to eat or drink?  I have about everything your heart can desire."

Frank Gordon

(build what?)
Gordon cleared his throat and spoke once more.
"I am the only Ambassador in Expansion Fleet at this time. And lead all diplomatic affairs. And my professional decision is that all relations are to be suspended pending a formal hearing under me and a JAG council. That is now in effect. Consider it a breach to conduct business with this Andros and his people until then. To the evidence as of yet i have drawn to the conclusion that Admiral Ransom did act against diplomatic regulation, however meant no harm to the Federation and had no knowledge of what the aliens were going to do. The only issue he will be brought forth to speak on will be that of the forming a short alliance or pact with the Chronasians. Penaltys will vary. The max being a demotion more likley to Admiral. and the less being a mark on the record. Again, i am no JAG Magistrate. But this is my guess. However it is no small charge either. We'll cross that bridge later."
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/1ID-Gordon.jpg" border="0">

Richard Ransom

*enters as hobson leaves*

goes to the Bar

Scotch on the Rocks
*sees the new officer*

*walk over*

Commander Cook I bevid, Iam Fleet Admiral Ransom Division Commanding Officer  I though I would toch base with you to make sure you are settleing in


==^== All Wings Stand Down from Combat stand by, All Decks are still at Yellow alert ==^==
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Mark Travis

Doctor Travis walks up to Hobson.
"Admiral, i would like to request to depart by shuttle to SS Avalon to report to the Rivendell. Admiral Ransom denied my first request however i argue i am being given unfair disadvantage to grow by not being able to begin my job."
He stands firm and awaits Hobsons reply.
http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7152/traviswu7.jpg" border="0">
Lieutenant Mark Travis
Chief Medical Officer
USS Iroquois

He nodded impatiently at the answering of the Chronasians file-taking excuse, still not trusting.
"Trade talks would be mutual I think. But I do not think it can happen. With what has taken place already, it would appear whatever they give us, they control. What we give them, they control. That is a fools bargain,and we have already seen those foolish decisions lead to a premature alliance".

Chris Newberry

"We can't leave without him notice me or you. Well have to stay until he leaves then leave and come back when Torean is here."

Valen StarChaser

"Lets go, I think im sane enough now.  *his body looks weak*, did you get those samples off those things!?, I will need a lab, yes a lab indeed."

James Madison

(Someone tell me what just happend. Are we short one crew member now? I certainly hope not. If Avalon Division did not let you come here and do this then it cannot have been done with anyones consent.)
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Richard Ransom

I have to relize that a lot of us of gone off why we are out here yes Frontier Station is an Outpost but I whant us to explore we are explorers and that cluster seems very Intresting what do we know about it
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain