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U.S.S. Windsor

Started by TomNasmith, February 12, 2006, 05:37:02 AM

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Dean Starwind

*Dean attacjes his helmet and then he signals the team to move forward into the airlock.*

"Well lets get this show on the road, as the 20th century preformers would said. We got a long walk ahead of us. On our way out we can tak a look see at the ventral phaser array."

*The air lock doors shut and decompressed and then the airlock doors to let them out opend. Dean looks to the team and signals to move out.*

"Lead the way boys, I am sure you know your way around. This is a first for me."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/ross_william.jpg" border="0">
Commander Dean Starwind
Executive Officer
Uss Rivendell- NCC-84540-B

Indiana Jones

Jones smiles and with out even looking up anything spoke, "I believe that I could get her ready for everything, jirry rigs depending, in twenty four hours." Jones then without saying another word begins to shot orders agian and began to show who he was, an engineer true, but one that was willing to push his engins past any zone specified by the tecnicians and designers. As his saying goes, 'only those in engineering knows what this baby can do.' Jones now is working even harder, getting his own hands dirty to get the ship ready for being sent out.
Ready to go anywhere

Lt. Indiana Jones
Chef Engineer
U.S.S. Windsor

Dean Starwind

=/\=Starwind to Cook=/\=

"I have sent a team of engineers to manually disable the Engines and warp nacells. We do not have much for security but its enough I will send Lt. Commander O' Rielly out to search for the intruder. Stand by"

*Dean taps his badge and contacts O' Rielly*

=/\= Starwind to O' Rielly =/\=

"We have an intruder on the ship and is attempting to steal her. I am not sure how mnay there are  but they are locking down the computer and if we loose acess we are screwed. Search the ship and find the intruder, Starwind out."

Lieutenant Commander O'Reilly: "Roger that admiral."

"Lt. Bradly, Lt. J.G. Conner, Lt. J.G. Pristen fall in! You each have 7 men to hunt down this intuder and if he fires on you then use what ever force necessary to obtain him. Move out."

The teams leave Engineering and scatter all throught the ship.*
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/ross_william.jpg" border="0">
Commander Dean Starwind
Executive Officer
Uss Rivendell- NCC-84540-B

Andrew Yates

(( That is besides the point. You know the regulations and the way you replied removes all doubt that this has been permitted by Karelia. Now tell me do you have clearance?))
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1322/yatesprofile2ah.jpg" border="0">
Admiral Andrew Yates
Avalon Division
Executive Officer
Member of the Starfleet Command

Ali'aln Tulak

=A= Ensign Tulak to Admiral Ransom =A=
Where should I go or what should I do, sir?
Lt. J.G. Ali'aln Tulak
                       Chief Medical Officer
                          Chief Counselor
                         U.S.S. Lothlorien

James Madison

"What report again? What is this about a virus? We've got the Rivendell coming and the crew to take some downtime on the station. I want this place running to full capacity. I would rather not have to tell Captain Taurik to wait."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Weasly Cook

"Already checked, we have all engineering teams so far in engineering working on getting this set up as our base of operations." He then checks his monotior, "Sir, you should take a loud of this... seems the station is suffering from some type of malfuntion... I have gotten twice a 12 year old on attempting the ops and this is a little befuddling.... I am going to try something else to try and contact the Ops station." he then works on his pannel before speaking something and then he waits.
For the twentith time Captain Smith, you are not to dart into the hallway.
http://archive.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/charpics/madden.jpg" border="0">

Weasly Cook

"Aye sir, the dish is this way, just keep your eyes on the deck and don't look at any landmarks, we are upside down after all." He laughed and began to walk forward towards a ridge in the plating, "Beyond that ridge is the dish... I don't know what it will look like, but it must look semi normal for us to have brought into the bay without quarintining the ship to make sure nothing would be dangourous on the ship." Cook after saying that began walking forward with magintized boots enabled so as to keep attached to the outside hull of the ship.
For the twentith time Captain Smith, you are not to dart into the hallway.
http://archive.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/charpics/madden.jpg" border="0">

Richard Ransom

*Richard Enters Engering as ther were crewman running here and running there*

Lieutennent Jones, Give me a satues Report on how long it will take for the Ship to get space worthy and on an other note get us only Primary Systems and a top speed of warp 8 and full Combat

*turns to Cook at the Science Station*

Commander Cook, I need you to check the  Cargo bays how many Torpetos do we have left becuse what was left in the tube were out in the cargo bay and we get get reloaded as the Windsor will not be on any Offical Mission so we will unable to do it.

*turns around*

Lieutenent Jones, the Windsor is being prepared for a full Re-fit of all its Systems so a lot of the systems were taken apart and now we are quicly getting it prepared for Launch.

Computer  Who is in Command of this Vessel

Computer:This Vessel is DeCommisioned
Computer Recommision Aurization Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom Frintier Division Commanding Officer Commision Code B-46

COmputer:This Vessel is now Commisioned

COmputer:the Following Officer s the Commanding Officer Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom

Computer:Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom is now in Command of this Vessel
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Richard Ransom

*then the ViewScreen Came to Life and a Bad Image of Fleet Admiral Ransom Apperd*
==^== This is Fleet Admiral Ransom to the Windsor what is your Satus?, If need adrises get the Non-Essenal Personal Prepared for an Evacuation==^==

Crewman: Sir, the Message is on a Low Band Level 2 I can get a reponce sent but it will be 3 minites before the Array whats left if it will fry completely
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain


*Sean Sees that there were using the Main-COmputer Overrides*

*Sean Cuts Power to All Computer Termanals execpt his*

Computer:Thuster Control Released

Computer Set Course  125 By 24 Postive 5  Full Thusters

Computer:Yes Commander Cook

*the Ship Shuddered and and Shook as it left dock*

Computer E.T.A to Space

Computer: 12 Minites

Computer Access Tatical Controls

Computer:Tatical Controls Secured

*picks up his Computer and Looks at the Command Codes he Download from the Secuitey Systems*

*types in a Secuitey Override*

Computer:Access Denied, Alpha-Two Access Needed

Well Iam going to Need Shields

*thinks if I can Manuly Arm the Combat Systems*

*takes off the Panel to the Tactical Station and changes some Control Chips*

COmputer:Access Granted

Computer Battle Stations

*Sean Sits in the Command Chair*


*klakons when off*

Computer reverce Shields to .836%

Computer:Shields Revereced

Computer  Stand By to Actvate Warp Engines

Computer: Warp Engines Manuely Disabled

*Kicks the Chair*

*takes out his Scaner*

--------------------Scaner Information-----------------

             3 Humans in Main Engering Sub Level 2  Starbord Warp  Nessel  Service Tube

             1 human Deck 2 Section 3 Trbolift 2
-----------------------------------End of Information-------------
Mmmmm there are manuely trying to disable the Engines

Richard Ransom

*a Crewman Turns*

Crewman:Sir all Crew are Accounted for

Helm Break Orbit get us in Safe Warp Rage and Lay in a corse for the Black Hole Warp 3 and Engage

*incoming Transmission*

==^== U.S.S Windsor this is Dantor Operations you are not cleared to leave this Sector==^==

Operatons Report

Operations: Sir, they have 6 Ion Cannon for deence of Dantor and there can use them to disable us

Open a Communcation Channel to Dantor Piroitey 1

Operations:Channel Open Sir

==^== This is Fleet Admiral Ransom from the U.S.S Windsor why am being Denied leaving this Sector==^==

*turns to Cook*

Mister Cook how long until those Cannons can fully charge and fire at us
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Richard Ransom

*5 minites later*

Commander Cook , you have 15 Minites to contact Captian Decker be  sure not to tell him who we really are

Enginer make an Emermcey shut Down of the core by dumping coolent into the Warp reaction and set into a Program to be actvated from the Bridge

*the Lights on the Bridge are dimm but there was a hue from the Alert lights*

*the sound of fire and sparks is heard though out the Ship*

Operations Officer:Sir, I just came from Sickbay we lost 25 Pepole on deck 13 when one of those Weaponds blew the deck apart

My God.....we better find a defence or try to survive the Transport
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Wil Riker

*turns to the Captian*

Captain, We Should get working on the Ship we do have 48 Hours to get her ready for Commisioning
Name:Wil, Riker

Vincent Garhart

=A= Garhart to Madison =A=

How are  things shaking out down at the Windsor Admiral.  I still need that report.   Also Dr. Starchaser had a little accedent in one of his labs and needs repair.  

=A= Garhart out =A=
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General