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Jarkenan Assualt

Started by Balkazar, October 11, 2006, 04:47:16 AM

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"How often do they send out patrols out ? and do they have any heavy fighting gear to protect them from phaser and close quarter fighting?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*The sun rose over the horizon as the Marines started to wake up, Balkazar walked out decked in full combat gear, with his phaser rifle was slung at an angle over his head and back, allowing free movement of his hands*

"Alright, Bravo company hop into the 4 pelicans I want to have a trump card if things goes south, also to guard the camp.  Charlie and Alpha companies your with me.  Alright lets move out."

*Balkazar and Alpha and Charlie companies packed up what gear and weapons they needed as they were decked out in full combat gear as well, they moved out under the glare of the rising sun*
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Jacob Ressik

Sgt Ressik and his men then drop down into the canyon to the patrol crushed by the boulder.

"Grab what weapons you can, then we need to hold up this other load."

Ressik, and the ULA troops scavenge the enemy weapons before moving out.
http://ironrangecap.com/CIVIL_AIR_PATROL_133_small.jpg" border="0">

Jacob Ressik

Ressik and his GLA troops Trudged up the ridge into the next valley, nearing the top, Ressik's keen ears detetacted the sound of voices it sounded distant so he motioned to his men to move over the ridge.

Over the ridge, Ressik dropped his gun to the ground and unslung his rifle of his shoulder.  peering over the ridge he adjusting his scope he watches the enemy enter the canyon, pulling himself back over, he turns to his men.

"Move out and around the canyon in 5 minutes i want all you weapons trained on the enemy, do'nt fire until i do, move out."

Over the next 5 minutes the 20 ULA troops move into postion and fix their weapons onto the Jarkenan's.  Ressik watches intenly on the patrol as they walk into the ambush.  moving the rifle he pactises moving between the radioman and the highest ranking officer, certain he has it right he fires.

The radioman moves through the canyon, ready to report anynews on the downed aircraft, he scans the hills and looks to the guys ahead of him, the round slams through the radio and hits him the chest, rendering him incapasitated.
The leader of the patrol turns around only to have another round slam through the side of his helmet and through his head, the hill erupts as the rest of the ridges opens up, and within a minute with the odds against them no leadership and no radio the surviours surrender.

The squad moves into the canyon taking the weapons and binding them the squad waits for Ressiks orders.

<<Ressik to Balkazar>>
Sir, we have captured an enemy squad, what should we do with them?"
http://ironrangecap.com/CIVIL_AIR_PATROL_133_small.jpg" border="0">


"What do you know of my past, Eastwood?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"You can be over protective period.  Your over protective of ME! at times.  I think your my mother half the time."

<Turns to see how the new recruits were doing, they seems to be sluggish but trying there best to keep up, then turns back to watching ahead>

"The new recruits seem to be having a hard time of it.  I guess they didnt expect to be marching threw rough terrain on there first mission out.  Remember when you were that young, you couldnt keep up with the majority of the patrol's, according to the logs I read.  You kept fumbling your rifle and tripped the entire column.  You made them fall like domino's, I found that most entertaining.  What was bad was you were in the front line of the column and they had to trip over you which caused everyone else to trip because you tripped yourself!" <laughs quietly>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Jacob Ressik

"Well i don't think it's the mad hatters tea party" Ressik said, and moved over to the CO and ripped off his dogtags.

Officer Cadet Shimtik
Squad CO

"Yes, confirmation, this is a officer training camp" Ressik says holding up the dogtags.
http://ironrangecap.com/CIVIL_AIR_PATROL_133_small.jpg" border="0">


"Prove it.  Prove to us who you say you are.  Because right now theres no proof and for all I know your a Dominion spy or a android sent to assassinate the HC." he told the supposed Bdr.

"Marines stay put, he may be a collaborator with the Dominion." he told the nearby marines who pointed there rifles at the man.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Patrick Brown

*Patrick Looked at the Colonel*

I do Remember My Training Colonel when Captured, But from what I was Asked there is to Many Things that Do'nt Add Up.

in the Past 8 Months Starfleet Has'nt Sent a Fleet Out here Right?, Becuse they Only asked me a Few Questions and whent on and on and on the Same Ones, Who is the Commander of your Fleet>, How Many Ships?,Why did you Attack the Coloney?, Were is Avalon?

From what I could Tell some How they are Getting Inteligence that is Misgided
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC


<As the sun sets a friendly force of ULA troops comes in>

"Good, how many more troops can you get by tomorrow morning ? and then how many more on the move ?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Jacob Ressik

"Patrols, every half hour.  Yes the gear is stored in the amoury, just before we cut the power i'll order our guy inside to isoalte the amoury before we cut the power.  they will have weapons, but not there best, except the patrol of course."
http://ironrangecap.com/CIVIL_AIR_PATROL_133_small.jpg" border="0">

Vil'iata Najadum

*Meanwhile above the planet a small ship dropped out of warp and headed directly towards the planet.*

Vil'iata was hoping that this planet would have what she needed. She was well ahead of schedule and if she was successful here would make it back to her homeworld well ahead of any of the other candidates. It was crucial that she find a supply of water on this planet as she was running dangerously low.

Most skimmers were equiped with replication technology but the ones outfitted for the Tests were stripped down to bare minimum and you were required to find an outside source of water.

She was completely unaware of what was happening on the surface of the planet so focused was she on her task.

((OOC: hope my timing with this post is correct. I'm going to assume the hostile is still in orbit as I've not seen any post mentioning it's being disabled/shot down. Let me know if I need to change anything.))


"Lets make our way around to the North side, Ressik says theres a weakness in the wall on the north side, the rest of the wall is 10 meters thick, but this small patch is 1 meter thick.  We go there." Balkazar told Eastwood.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


<Still coherent of the things around him and while maintaining the mind mergence he responds to Ressik>

=^= "Hold them alive and unharmed.  Ill deal with them later.  Tie them up and gag them but they better not make a sound and alert there friends of our presense here." =^=
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Clyde Eastwood

*while walking the couple of miles*

"Sir im curious about a couple of things, one is how do you know the species and two how the hell do you know her name as well, she cant speak to us and maybe yes she might be telepathic but i doubt at all you are telepathic as well, so explian how you know about her"
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion