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Mission 4: "When Science Turns to Chaos"

Started by John Moore, September 24, 2007, 09:09:10 AM

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<Ready Room>

"I'll have them finished within the hour," replied Dolan and he left quickly for where the rift generator was, but not before duplicating the recordings of his tricorder and sending several encrypted copies to his quarters.

After arriving at Cargo Bay 1, which was under heavy guard, and getting access to the rift generator after having the force field around it deactivated, Dolan began to calculate the destination point, the amount of power needed, the strength of the rift, and a whole other number of variables before inputting it into the rift generator.  The whole process took a couple hours and when Dolan finished, he began the simulations.  He frowned after running the simulations several times and all having the same result.

=^=Dolan to Captain Bode=^=
"We cannot maintain the rift for longer than 15 minutes without the rift starting to either pull us in or have anything on the other side of the rift being pulled through.  Also, the rift generator will cause major power drains and wear down shields even with full power to front shields.  However, I have managed to get the target interdimensional coordinates.  The rift generator should create a rift at the coordinates the Iroquois appeared at in the other dimension.  We just need to get this thing hooked up to the deflector dish to create a rift large enough for the Iroquois to get through and then we're set.  Unless of course you think the Iroquois can fit inside Cargo Bay 1, in which case we're ready right now."
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


Dolan was confused at Simon's hostility but decided to try and keep an expressionless face while also keeping the conversation to a minimum.

"I'll correct the errors in the calculation now," said Dolan, taking the offered PADD from Simon.  "However, I have doubts about the captain giving authorization to go back to the station.  We might just have to make do with we have now or possibly create a power transfer link with the power stations on Dantor.  Also, unless the generator is going to be making a rift about the same size as the one at the station, it won't stay constant.  Even with a power transfer link, the generator is projected to consume energy at a much faster rate than can be generated, especially one large enough for the Iroquois to fit through.  A power tranfer link might extend the time the rift will stay open by about 10 minutes, but that's about it."
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html

William Wallace

Staying close to Colonel Balkazar through the rest of the mission.

"Well Colonel So long as we get through this you can by the next round sir."

Being well under the fitness level of the Marines Wallace struggled but remained side by side with the awayteam.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588


<Ready Room>

"You can do all the Calculations you want.  But my mens safety is my primary concern and we need our rest.  So if their is nothing else, Captain.  I have men to check up on." Balkazar said relatively upset.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"Alright, I just need to know if you need to wear armor like that private over their is wearing and if you prefer to use something besides the Khala?.  Also youll hold the rank of Private.  As for your bunk, you may have to share it with other marines while your on duty.  Those off duty usually dont care if they go to their bunks as long as they find the first softest thing to fall asleep on."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"That one, im not sure on just yet.  I usually ignore that 'Meatbag' part." Balkazar told Raszagal.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*Slings his own rifle and waits anxiously for SOMEONE to tell him where to go.*

"Colonel, with your permission sir, who do I talk to to team up with someone on this mission? My help will probably be needed."
Private, Star Pheonix Base, 17th battalion
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/gordon_paul.jpg" border="0">


"Don't be surprised. You've lost your sense of Battle Precognition. You can no longer anticipate the opponent's moves. This is something you must relearn."

Techerakh drew out his Khaydarin crystal, the same stone he used to sap Raszagal's power. He held it and closed his eyes, and the stone began to shine dimly. After a moment, he opened his eyes, and the stone, now dark again, was put back into the master's robe.

"I have re-exposed you once again to the psionic weaves of the universe. You will feel only the surface of their power, but it will aid you nonetheless."
"En Taro Adun!"
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Head of the Gallifreyan Templar Caste

Jeroen Bode

* The deflector shot a blue ray into space and became the from some kind of opening....the ship was shaking heavily*

Tactical officer: "Shields are down to 80% sir!"

=/\= Ensign Dolan, is this normal?? =/\=

* The Lothlorien became the shakes even more and some their shieldsystem was failing...*

Tactical officer: "Shields are down to 40%....

"Transfer more power to the shields!"

Tactical officer: "There isn't much power left for the shields sir. Most power is transferred to the deflector"

=/\= Dolan, is the rift opening, as soon as in opens, I want to send transmission to the Iroquios.=/\=
http://www.jeybe.nl/images/jeroenbode.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus


"You worry to much." Simon said as he began ordering the engineering staff around.

"Get 4 teams seal the breaches.  The rest of you get to work on keeping the structural integrity in place." Simon ordered.

"As for those missles." Simon said as he went over and pushed a few buttons on the console and rerouted power to a Jammer he was setting up.

"You see, sometimes the best technology will not always work.  Sometimes you have to use old fashioned technology to short out the missles in essence jam them.  So what im setting up should use very little power while jamming every missile that comes our way." Simon said as he worked.

=^= "Captain, keep your shields down, im setting up a Jamming device that should jam the missiles computer chips so they should either short out or completely stop dead." =^=
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

John Moore

John closed his eyes and the muscles on his jaw tightened, visibly frustrated.

"It seems so, Sir, and he's very.....talkative." he said, obviously trying his best to not insult the creature, as he felt like doing. He got a mental kick from it for what he wanted to say, though.

Thomas Johnson

*Enter the bridge*

"Lieutenant J.G. Thomas Johnson, Chief Operations Officer reporting in"
http://www.jeybe.nl/thomasjohnson.jpg" border="0">

John Moore

John saluted. "Sir."

Turning, John headed to the turbolift, and gave the command to go to the Marine's deck.

A few minutes later, the turbolift doors opened, and he stepped out into the modified deck. "MARINES! STORE AWAY YOUR GEAR, ORDERS FROM LIEUTENANT COLONEL EASTWOOD! NO NON-MARINE OTHER THAN CAPTAIN BODE WILL BE PERMITTED ACCESS TO OUR EQUIPMENT." he yelled at the Marines, trusting the room to carry his voice, but also adding a bit of his abilities to it, just to make sure that everyone heard and paid attention to what he was saying.



Dolan had begun to wonder how the marines could what he was thinking so often and thought it might have something to do with his facial expressions.  However, after studying for so long, it was hard to keep his head up.

"I believe the nebula cloud is preventing us from getting scans past the station's outer hull.  I can't think of a way to compensate at the moment..."  Dolan's eyes continued to look over the sensor logs, though they were slowing down a lot.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html

Clyde Eastwood

"Lobo you know a hand shake wont do it Lt, im going to have to give you a cuddle you relise this. Damn man where have you been keeping yourself, and for gods sakes dont kill any of your men while we're out there"

Eastwood turned to Balkazar and nodded stupidly
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion