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Mission 1: "Refitting"

Started by Nathen Keller, February 12, 2007, 04:57:23 AM

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Tom Titan

"We have a helmsmen. No need for an assistant piloting this ship is a one man job. If the need alls for it I will consider it. You are dismissed, Colonel."

*Titan sat in his chair with a face full of content. He thought to himself how power hungery and arrogant marines can be. His LCARS beeps again and he waits for the Colonel to leave to answer it.*
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/watters_tim.jpg" border="0">
Thomas Titan
CO - U.s.s. Lothlorian NCC 12588


Mr. Ressik give me an update, how much longer before we can move the new stuff in?
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

Andrew Yates

"I see. The last Evolution was a good ship. Not that the Intrepid class is bad. Its one of the most versatile classes available but the Nova Class Suited the name. Were is that blasted turbo lift!"
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1322/yatesprofile2ah.jpg" border="0">
Admiral Andrew Yates
Avalon Division
Executive Officer
Member of the Starfleet Command


Sirs, 1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt MD reporting for duty.
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)


Mark grinned, "I bet that's it," He said, pointing toward a door.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">

William Wallace

OOC: The only time I would take direct action would have been if a Marine disrespected me or another Naval personell on the Bridge. Other wise it would have to follow normal Chain of Command. Which says that you decipline your men anyway so I would let you do that as you see fit.

IC: Very well Admiral. I can live with that. I was just showing the Colonel that he would not be able to boss around the Starfleet guys. I will happily let him deal with his personell. I would have responded to the discussion we were having to say that.

But now seeing as Lt General Powell is still unavailable for a meeting I shall go and get my medical details entered into the Computer.

Exit to Turbolift.


Entering sickbay I see that there is no one around a deside to wait till the Doctor arrived to give me a fitness medical.

About five minute later the Shift Changed and Lt Nesbitt arrived.

Ah Good Morning Lieutenant I am here for my Physical.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588


sir with all due respect well be checking those later. Nesbitt injects the Colonel with 5cc's of Masiform D and uses the Subdurmal Scalpel to repair the bones. alright sir you should be good as far as the ribs go are you ready to proceed?
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)


Nesbitt leads Ressik into the exam room and asks him to undress and that he will be back shortly to continue.
Nesbitt walks back out to see Richerd, sir if you will he leads him to exam room two. "Go ahead and strip down. i will be back shortly. "
<exam room one>
Nesbitt walks back in to see Ressik standing there stark naked....  um ok well please be seated nesbitt uses the tricorder to do part of the exam and then focus' on the genitals alright Ressik you appear to be in good condition. Keep working out looks like its working out well for you... nesbitt points to Ressiks abdominals, and walks out.
<Exam Room Two>
Nesbitt walks in to see another nude marine.
"what is with you marines do any of you believe in modesty" Nesbitt chuckles
Continuing nesbitt does most of the exam with the tricorder and does the regular genital testing. "Sir you appear to be in perfect health. Keep up the good work. And what is with you marines do you all work out? I would like to get in shape myself let me know when y'all go to the gym next. Thank you" Nesbitt walks out and leaves the files with the nurse.
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

Maguid Velotian

*Watches as Mason signals Kozlov*
Ha ha my old friend. I don't know about you, but I don't intend to sleep with one eye open for the entire journey.

What do you say we put a stop to all this ill feeling and introduce ourselves to the poor guy.

*Hears the ships doctor call out for physicals*
I don't know about you Mason, but I'm in no rush to strip naked in front of another man - the check up can wait.

*Walks over to John Simpson and introduces himself*
It's a pleasure to serve with the Marines. May this be a journey to remember.

*Forwards his hand for a handshake*
Maguid Velotian - Science Officer
USS Lothlorien

John Simpson

"Oh dont worry, youll make plenty of friends here and theres no back stabbing.  Marines teach us to be honest even tho it may cost us our lives.  It teaches us not to be scared of a superior because they were in our shoes at one point in time.  I have learned from past experience to never back stab my friends.  If I did that I wouldnt have made it into the marines, marines will teach you alot about self sacrifice, Honor, compassion, humility.  Once you recieve your first red badge of courage you will know what it means to be a marine and you wont be scared of fighting anymore.  Luckily for me, I just sit back usually and tend to the wounded.  Have you ever thought about doing a trial run with the marines?.  See how it feels and such?" John inquired.

"Ok, your done for now.  Ill head up to the bridge with you after I put this stuff away.  Oh and dont worry about the marines with there phasers at there hip, its a requirement for us.  Even if we are during peace times and such its still a requirement to be armed at all times.  Some of the marines are nice, others arent.  Others look rough and tough as a drill sergent to teach you not to be such a softy all the time.  We arent all that bad, just the superiors are the ones that are tough.  Im nice compared to Captain Keller.  He punched Nesbitt over there for not saluting cuz he came from starfleet before he joined up with us.  Col. Balkazar was Starfleet before he came here.  I believe he worked tactical.  I was a Navigation/Helmsmen on a frieghter before I joined up with the marines.  I was also the freighters doctor." He said with a chuckle.
2nd Lt.
Combat Medic
http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/UFPVCINC/Jake-Gyllenhaal1.jpg" border="0">

John Simpson

"Yes sir!" John said motioning for the Maguid and Mason to enter the turbolift.
2nd Lt.
Combat Medic
http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/UFPVCINC/Jake-Gyllenhaal1.jpg" border="0">

Andrew Yates

*...Andrew and Mark arrived at the docking port of the Lothlorian. Before they Transport over Yates admires the ship...*

"Ah. She is a beauty. One of the very first ships of Expansion."
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1322/yatesprofile2ah.jpg" border="0">
Admiral Andrew Yates
Avalon Division
Executive Officer
Member of the Starfleet Command


Mark looks up at the ship,  "Ever served on it, Admiral?" He asked.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">


"Are you questioning my ability to command, Admiral."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"GREAT!, we will have to depend on starfleet to get us out of jams, I thought it was the other way around.  Sense starfleet gets into more trouble then we do."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">