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Mission 1: "Refitting"

Started by Nathen Keller, February 12, 2007, 04:57:23 AM

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Viktor Kozlov

<Security Department>

"Sgt, grab some of your men get rid of these antiques then replace them with the new equipment on the dock.  Also what are you staring at, have you never seen a Navy boy before."  Kozlov says trying to get a grasp on the Marine Sergeant.
Ensign Viktor Kozlov
Cheif Security/Tactical Officer
USS Lothlorien


"Proceed with what, Doctor?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Maguid Velotian

The ships doors open and a brooding and upright figuare walks through.

Maguid Velotian, sir. I seek to further my career as a scientist and would love the opportunity to venture on this ship.

He stood to attension wearing his starfleet uniform porudly.
Maguid Velotian - Science Officer
USS Lothlorien


"Look, look there Maguid. Balkazar is saying something in secret to his men. We're meant to be a team but there seem to be clear divisions already between the marines and navy."

"I wonder if they are planning anything. In the mean time however we'd better make our way for our check-up."

Mason notices the phasers each marine is carrying.
He turns to get Kozlov's attention
"Kozlov could you escort me and perhaps maguid also to sick bay for our appointments with the doctor. Its just that I don't know the way and i get lost easily" lies mason
Lt Mason -
*Awaiting a ship*


<After the 2 starfleet boys and Simpson left the bridge>

<Motions for Richerd to come forward from over near the turbolift>

"What is it, Richerd?"
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*Mason lies still on the biobed as Mr.Simpson begins to scan him
He looks round the room and sees Maguid opening his journal. He glances the other way to see a large pointy medical tool.*
"The only thing you should be concerned with at the moment Doctor is how I'd react if you're planning on sticking that barbaric gizmo in me.
Mason shivers in fear to the thought of it."

*Mason looks up to Simpson once more and begins to finally relax over the argument he had with Balkazar *
"I'm feeling good doctor; I've had no illnesses lately that i can remember of. The only thing bothering me is..... *Mason pauses for a second*
Ohh its hard to explain you wont understand.
You see I was always the loner growing up."

*Mason looks up to the ceiling and thinks back to his childhood*
"On late Friday afternoons you'd find me in my room over looking a field revising my Starfleet manual. Its not luck that I've risen through the ranks to become a Lieutenant I've be worthy of it through hard work and sacrifice. During those times I'd occasionally pause in my studies and look out the window. And what i would see always infuriated me. Not because i didn't like what i saw. But because i was envious of it."

"I would see Marines going through their drill exercises, helping one another, working as a team. Having fun!"

"I was envious that i did not have that full, intense life. I was stuck with Starfleet and its many books. It was too late for me to quit and join the marines. I'd already given Starfleet four years of my own worry and sleep. So i stuck with it and ended up buying blinds for my window so i would not feel that feeling. And now seeing Marines again for the first time in soo many years reminds me of back then. It reminds of my room overlooking the fields. It makes me wonder what i could have had."

"Having no friends has left me as a bit of an outcast. I'm not your typical Starfleet officer, but I've had the same training as one."

*Mason begins to think out loud*
"I'll let you in to a little secret. In Starfleet school no-one is really your friend. It's always a contest with everyone. Trying to outdo the other guy. Backstabbing people just to end up looking good in the eyes of your teachers and lecturers."
"I'm not sure if i was the only one with no real friends, but whenever I'd see my peers it was always in classes or on duty. Saying hi or trying to develop a bond with anyone at those times seemed inappropriate so i did the same as everyone else and concentrated only in my own work."
"It was a difficult time for me growing up. The only contacts that i really had where my lecturers and teachers. I saw my parents once every six months. Their duties had them both stationed on a starbase few hundred light years away."

"My childhood was brief. It probably only lasted a few years. I soon considered myself as an ordinary adult at the age of 12."
"I was self sufficient, self supporting and very able with the every day responsibility's of life."

*Mason suddenly stops talking and puts back on his serious face*
"That's enough about my past for now. I trust that you'll keep my feelings confidential doctor."

*Mason looks away from Mr Simpson in an attempt to make him hurry up with his job*
"Whenever you're ready Doctor, I'd like to report back to the bridge. I'm still unaware of my job on this vessel"
Lt Mason -
*Awaiting a ship*


"Tricorder, Admiral?" He said, offering him his tricorder which was holstered beside his phaser. He was exaimming the ship as he talked.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">


A curious look came over Mark's face, "What class is it, sir?" He asked, taking note of what the Admiral said but not recongonzing the class of the ship.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">


Mark furrowed his brow, "I think Evolution is going to depart soon," He said.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">

Andrew Yates

"If you are referring to any of those Sovereign, Galaxy, Excalibur, and Excelsior class ships you see out there then I am afraid not. Not for a long time. Its a shame seeing such prestigious ships just sitting there. But when we get re-crewed they we will be out there again someday."
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1322/yatesprofile2ah.jpg" border="0">
Admiral Andrew Yates
Avalon Division
Executive Officer
Member of the Starfleet Command

Mike Powell

OFF: Yep =] i love that movie.
http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/7162/spmikepowell20zc.jpg" border="0">


*Julian 's annoucment activates over the communications channel half way through Mason's introduction with the captain*
"He sounds envious that his leaving and we're staying. Sir, why don't you ask him to serve aboard this ship. We still have counsellor, ambassador and ships cook available. And a few more positions I'm sure.

Is there anything in the Starfleet manual stating that Members of High Command can not serve aboard star ships?" queries mason
Lt Mason -
*Awaiting a ship*

John Simpson

"Hi, Im John Simpson.  Combat medic for the marines." he said extending his hand to shake Maguid.

"You seem more jovial then most Romulans.  Why is that?.  Arent we supposed to be at war ? last I checked.  Yet, your here part of starfleet.  Very strange indeed, you dont plan on betraying the Federation of planets do you?" he said to Maguid.
2nd Lt.
Combat Medic
http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/UFPVCINC/Jake-Gyllenhaal1.jpg" border="0">


Just one moment please Mr. Simpson

Mason gazes upon Balkazar with a fixed mad stare
"Ensigns Balkazar? Are you addressing me as a junior cadet?
You may address me as either Lieutenant, Chief or Mason. I believe I've earned it!

"Is that understood Colonel?"
Mason says forcefully then quiets down realising that his just shouted at a superior ranking officer
Lt Mason -
*Awaiting a ship*

William Richerd

William Richerd nodded his head in a thanks. "Thank you for the invite sir... just, I have been in security and Marine leader for a while, could you give me a quick overview of what the Chief of Operations does? I am a fast learner, and I am honored for the invite, but I am not too sure of what that does." He knew he was making a risky move, but he felt that he should tell what he did and didn't know to allow the ship to work as efficiently as possible. But he wanted to have a challenge and this was something that he knew he could do if given the time and chance.
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one