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Mission 3: "Rescue and Retrieval"

Started by Jeroen Bode, August 26, 2007, 03:40:27 PM

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Aron Wanner

"Firing torpedoes sir! Maximal lead!"

*The Torpedoes met with the Felian Vessel and disabled some but more were on their way!*

"Firing Phasers!"

*Pushes some buttons*

"Captain, I've brought the Forward Phasers up to 120%, Forward torpedoes are ready too. We need the turn the ship around!"
Major General Aron Wanner
Executive Officer, Dantor: Starphoenix Planetary Base

Clyde Eastwood

"Yeah actually i did but im also going out with one of them now, she took a liking to me and my assests if you know what i mean"
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion


OOC**Lets assume that Moore and his team got to the Delta Flyer and beamed out.


<Couple minutes passed as Balkazar watched several marines disarming Richard Brown and binding his hands>

"Alright, lets get back to the ship." Balkazar told the marines.

=^= "Beam up the equipment and us, then inform Avalon station that there precious Felian outpost is intact." =^=
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Richard Brown

*Richard turns slowly to see whats behind him*
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy

Patrick Brown

*turns to Bode*
Captian, Iam Sorry but whats going on in it is an Marine Matter, do'nt worry every thing will be handled.
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC

Clyde Eastwood

Eastwood turned and looked as the marine stunned Brown

"Its about bloody time someone put him out of his brain for a while, good work marine"

Eastwood turned back to looking at a spot on the wall he had noticed and wondered where the spot had come from and why it picked that certain area to mark its spot
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion


"Well Captain, the last time I saw Commander Wallace was in the Celtic Corner, some time before the blackout, since I left for the holosuites some time during the celebrations from returning successfully from the last mission...they did mention capturing a fortress of some kind, I'm not exactly sure what it was about," Dolan replied.  Dolan thought, I don't know if I want the new Sergeant getting his hands dirty, he seemed a little too enthusiatic in seeing the Marines weapons...  Dolan shrugged it off, and then asked the captain, "So who are we waiting for?"

OOC: Just wondering, is there a holodeck on this ship?  I just wanted to know if I can construct and test the experimental phaser bank my character has been developing there.  With safety protocols on of course...
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


<Ready Room>

"Well Captain, The Lothlorien was commisioned as a marine transport vessel from what I was told.  Starfleet thought it was not in the best interests of anyone if only marines piloted this vessel, so they put Starfleet to pilot the vessel instead.  So a few weeks ago we took over a Heraani fortress as our first mission and now we are being sent to rescue both Melmacians and Starfleet personel on a distand planet inside Federation Territory."

"As for what I think of this mission, I have no comment.  All I know is that what experience taught me is that nothing is easy their is always a catch.  It doesnt matter how big or small it is there is always a catch.  You know the risks of going on missions and I know them too which is why we are here.  We are sent to help fellow Starfleet and our allies the Melmacians."

"You already met one of them out on the bridge, his son is out there and hes coming with us.  My thoughts on that is if we had a son in the same situation would we do the same in his position? it doesnt matter if hes dead or alive we would want to know.  As for his resourcefulness, despite the fact they recently came out of cold stasis and despite the fact that they are primitive in some ways they are capable.  Though a lil annoying after awhile.  Its ALFs chance to show that he can be depended on under extreme pressure."

"The Felians Admiral Julian told you about are the sworn enemies of the Melmacian race, but the melmacians used to live on Dantor before the Felians revolted because so many Felians were being eaten as the meal of the day.  The Felians left Dantor and now there back to get revenge on there old Captors.  This would be the perfect opertunity to do so.  From what I gather is to not underestimate the smaller race despite the fact that their small." Balkazar stated in his rather LONG explaination.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

John Moore

"Yes, Sir." he said, finishing up the rifle and pushing the power pack into place and aiming it to test that the targeting aids were correctly aligned before deactivating the rifle and standing up with it by his side.

"I realise that a lot of species aren't as open and honest as we are on Betazed, and they believe that looking into their thoughts is a breach of their privacy. In that way, I refrain from looking at their thoughts, though sometimes I can't help reading their emotions, whether I want to or not." he said.


<Conference Room>

"My men and I have dealt with the Felians before.  They may be primitive but they are easily scared.  But if they have fighter squadrons then that isnt the issue.  They must have stolen or otherwise aquired the technology some other way." Balkazar said while at the same time thinking of what to say next.

"If there is a Delta flyer involved they either stripped it down or they intend to use it to infiltrate the Federation.  If infact they were captured then we must get them back soon.  From what I know the Felians are a catlike bipedal race that were eaten by the Melmacians.  In otherwords the Melmacians ate the Felians as food, till the Felians revolted.  Anyways, The Melmacians involved may not be alive to say much of anything.  But if they are we will get them back, Dead, alive or otherwise.  Marines dont leave anyone behind even if its starfleet.  We may have to split up the forces to retrieve the Delta Flyer AND rescue the Melmacians and starfleet officers." Balkazar continued on.

"Why on earth does starfleet want the base intact?.  I cant promise it will remain in one peice when we are done.  Do you know how many is in this Felian strike force ?.  Their version of a small strike force could be thousands and if thats the case then I definately wont promise that we can save the outpost." Balkazar finished.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


<Balkazar was shocked at the fact that 2 superiors wanted to go out in the field but at the same time he didnt show it for the benefit of Starfleet so they know that nothing surprised marines>

"Generals, you are NOT! going on that planet.  You will stay onboard this ship even if I have to order half the battalion to stay to ensure you do.  Moore you and Lt. Brown will take 20 men and secure the crash site.  Take a couple Puma's with you.  Ill take the remaining marines and assault the outpost." Balkazar said knowing full well the General's will probly fight Balkazar on this but felt it was his duty to ensure their safety.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Aron Wanner

*Looks envious at Lt Johnson and thinks: I want some action too!*

"Captain, I'll picking up some fighters"
Major General Aron Wanner
Executive Officer, Dantor: Starphoenix Planetary Base


"Assets, huh.  Marines dont have assets." Balkazar said with a slight grin.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Ali'aln Tulak

Ali'aln looking through Mr. Brown's head hears screaming and gunfire and bodies flying all over the place.
"What in the world is this place?" She looked over to her left and saw Brown looking lost and confused. "Brown? Are you okay?"
"WHO ARE YOU?!", screamed Brown. "Where am I?! I want to get home..."
"Calm down, I am Lt. Ali'aln Tulak. I'm here to help you. I promise I won't hurt you or harm you. You just need to stay low and follow me." Tulak takes Brown's hand and grins in a maternal order. "Come on, let's go."
As they crouch to the ground, Brown starts panicking a little. "Where are we going? I'm not sure I can trust you."
"Brown, if you really want to stay here and die and never find your way home, then fine go ahead...But I am your only way out. Now deal with it!" Brown nods and follows in a crawling position.
As they crawl over rocks and bodies, gunfire going over their heads, they get to where Tulak entered this military mirage. As Brown got there he gave Tulak a hug....
*GASPS* "Wh..what?! Where am I?! Why am I in the Brig?! HELP ME?!"
"Calm down...you'll be fine. Do you remember anything that you couldn't before?" , comforts Tulak. Tulak takes her hands off of Brown's forhead.
"Yes, I can. What did u do to me?", asked Brown
"Well Mr. Brown, I found your inner memory and brought it home per say."
"Thank you, I think."
=/\= Tulak to Lt. Gen. Brown and Colonel Balkazar=/\=
Our friend is back in one piece and one mind. If you need me, I'll be in my office filing a report on my findings. Tulak Out.
Lt. J.G. Ali'aln Tulak
                       Chief Medical Officer
                          Chief Counselor
                         U.S.S. Lothlorien

Patrick Brown

Ooc: technical, it was the Impulse Wake

*Patrick Looked at the View Screen at the Feline Vessels*

I wasn't trying to Knock their Weapons off-line, but Blind, which was Temporally  Fix

Major General, Increase Torpedo Yield to the highest Available, these guys are getting on my Nerves.

*Patrick walked over to the Engineering Station*

*Patrick Entered a few Commands increasing Power to the Shield Generators*

Okay, now to look like a Lame Duck, Helm Bring us about

*Patrick looked at Bode for Confirmation who nodded*

Major General Fire Full Spread on my Command

Helm Slow to 1,300 KpH

*Patrick Brought up the Shield Grid and modified it to Increase Strength*

*The Proximity Alarms When off as the Feline Fighters came closer*

Fire Torpedoes, Helm Hard About Full Impulse, Aft Phasers  Fire

Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC