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The Flag Admiral's Office

Started by Vorak, September 21, 2004, 09:49:29 AM

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marianne webber

sir i think it is most logical to say this but the delta allience ship asc revox has arrived they are meeting in the embasey
*turns around and goes back to ops*
http://www.startrek.com/imageuploads/200307/tpol01/200x150.jpg" border="0">half human half vulcan
excange officer from ss avalon


OFF: Ms. Love isn't on the station right now. Q didn't transport her back from the USS Rivendell, so she's still there technically speaking. Which means I'll be coming alone.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


*Vorak and Kha'Var leave the office, and take the turbolift toward the medical department.*

OFF: continues at medical department (Sullivan topic)

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Just a minute *Q appears*, you miht be pleased to know that captain Taurik is an exceptional offer, he had ultimate powe and still managed to control his emotions. Admittly he's probobly scarred but meh http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.

Now the same warning as I gave him.  Beware the enemy you cannot see for hte mind is an open battlefield to one such as them.

*salutes Vorak and disappears*


=A= Incoming Priority 1 Message =A=

To: Flag Admiral Vorak
From: Cortana - Shadowfleet High Command

Admiral Vorak, your presense is requested at Solaris Station at the earliest possible time. As most of the Command Staff has disappeared and I am the only one left I must make this request. I have reason to believe the my sub-processor matrix is damaged. I request your help until the matter may be resolved. The coordinates are imbedded into this message which only your priority code can unlock. I look forward to are meeting.

=A= End Priority Message =A=

Frank Gordon

The doors slid open.

"Good evening Admiral, Commander."

He walks in and sits in a seat beside of Comm One.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/1ID-Gordon.jpg" border="0">


"Mr. Sanchez, the case is closed. I will hear no more about this."
*He then almost pushes Sanchez out the door, and motions to Montrell.*
"Please enter, admiral."
*Montrell comes in, and the doors close, not leaving Sanchez a chance to say anything else.*
"Mr. Montrell, I assume you are here to brief me of the station's and fleet's status?"
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Cmdr Hodson comes in and stands at attention

"Sir sorry for the long absence but I'm back where could you use me?"

Paris Love

"Yes, Admiral, although I experienced a little difficulty with accessing your quarters, I was able to enter and pack your belongings as well. I'm ready for beaming when you are."

*gathers the two bags and prepares for beaming*

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Love.jpg" border="0">

Paris Love

*nods politely*

"Exquisite thinking, yes, it would be a great opportunity to get the details of what exactly you require for me to do daily without request. Did you have a specific time that would be most convenient to you?"

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Love.jpg" border="0">


"Certainly. Computer, lights off."
*The room goes dark, and they both beam over to the Excalibur.*

OFF: just to make it a bit quicker http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


*Vorak steps into the turbolift and the door closes and the  turbolift begins to move.*
"I hope that the Klingon Restaurant is a suitable choice for you? Or do you wish to eat elsewhere?"
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


OFF: not all that much has happened, really. Let me give you an outline.
We had our tour on station Deep Space 20, had a drink and dinner, and then went back to the ship (the Rivendell) and departed. On the way back, the ship caught a distress call from the Skytoucher and Evolution, but that wasn't planned in the storyline because the Skytoucher/Evolution story was already worked out, and nobody even sent a distress call there lol.
Well anyway, as to not upset that storyline, we had Q appear instead, and mess a bit with captain Taurik and such. Then Vorak went to speak with Q, and Q got annoyed by Vorak, and snapped his fingers and flash! Vorak was back in his office right here lol. Thing is, Vorak was the only one Q returned to Avalon Station, and Paris Love is therefore still on the USS Rivendell right now. I'm not sure where the Rivendell went to thereafter.
As for Vorak, he's going to go to Shadowfleet's base Solaris now to keep things in order there. Solaris is a secret station in the Expansion Nebula.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

marianne webber

sir may i ask you were is your assistant i havent seen here in a while
http://www.startrek.com/imageuploads/200307/tpol01/200x150.jpg" border="0">half human half vulcan
excange officer from ss avalon

marianne webber

*enters puts a pad on the admrils desk and heads out for the revox*
http://www.startrek.com/imageuploads/200307/tpol01/200x150.jpg" border="0">half human half vulcan
excange officer from ss avalon