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The Flag Admiral's Office

Started by Vorak, September 21, 2004, 09:49:29 AM

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"Beamed away?"
*Vorak frowns.*
"He may have been abducted somehow by the Loxians during the attack."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

KHa Var

"You, of all people, know that I am not some defenseless ghojmoq, to be pampered in some safe haven!  I am a SuvwI', vaj!  I am battle tested and proven.  I will joyfully embrace this danger you perceive.  I welcome it with open arms!  How can I forget what you risked at the  Vulcan High Council, I was there.  You left me before I knew that I carried a child!  Did you not find it illogical to hear nothing from your family, for 8 years?  I tried to send you word of my condition, but each transmission failed.  A transmission error was generated from Starfleet.  Your family was disgraced with the thought of a child resulting from our union.  They tried to convince me that you made a logical decision to desert me, and had renounced the existence of our marriage.  The logical reason why my transmissions were not received by you.  I did not trust them or their 'logic', I saw the disapproval of me in their eyes!  The closer it came to the child's birth, the more insistent they became in making me believe what they said.  I did not want to believe them, it was unlike your nature to do such a thing.  Things went a little far after that.  On the day of the birth, I still could not get through to you.  I was tired of hearing your family's logic, I denied help from any Vulcan by using force.  I commanded two of my crew to let no one enter the room we used in your family's house.  At first your parents accepted my decision.  Then nearly two days of hearing my screams, of which could be heard across the city, they decided my decision was unwise.  Your parents came to the room with a Vulcan doctor.  As I instructed my crewmen would not let them enter.  They told me that both of us would die if I did not let them help me.  I told them that they should let us die as it would remove their illogical problem.  Also that I would have the child and me die, before consenting to any denouncement of our marriage.  At that both of them chose not to say anything.  The doctor eventually convinced my crewmen that I was not thinking logically and my actions were irrational, even for a Klingon.  Not comfortable with the situation to begin with, they stepped down and let him enter the room.  With the doctors assistance, your son came into the light of day.  Your parents remained outside the room, having a disagreement:disagree2:.  Your mother's logic was to notify you of the birth of your son.  However your father's logic was that after all this time, you were better off not knowing.  Also he was not about to bother the Vulcan High Council, with such a trivial matter, to request Starfleet to discontinue the 'Red Code'--that limited the knowledge of your location, and transmissions to Starfleet officers."

*KHa'Var pauses for a moment.*

"Now you know about your son Vorlok, and why I did not inform you about him!  It has been over 7 years since I saw you last, during Ponn Farr.  Tell me what did you do for this last Ponn Farr?  Did your assistant Ms. Paris take care of that for you?  Or did you find someone else?  If so tell me who it was, then confine them for their own safety because I will hunt them down and feed them to the ship's resident targh, piece by piece."

*She paces back and forth in the office clenching and unclenching her fists.  The warrior's uniform making small squeaking and cracking noises, and her boots thud on the floor in a monotonous military rhythm.*

-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">


"Your wife's plan has merit, admiral. She could anticipate the coming of this Loxian fleet far sooner than our station's sensors could. Her cloak would make sure that the Loxians are not aware of us spying on them either. The only problem is, will the Klingon ship be back here in time?"
Major Embries
Chief Science Officer Avalon Station
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/id-embries.jpg" border="0">


OFF: yes im officially not on the station, but I just responded. Sorry for the delay.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


*Vorak frowns but does not respond to the question.*
"Very well. Please state the reason of your presence in my office."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


"Unlikely, admiral. The beam-out event took place well before the attack of the Loxian fleet. At that time, there were no Loxian ships anywhere within transporter range. All I am able to conclude from sensor data, is that Vorlok was, apparently along with others, beamed away with a transporter not activated from the station itself. Thus, it must have been from a shuttle or ship within transporter range of the station. I have done a calculation to determine to which coordinates he must have been beamed, but no ship was detected there at that time. The only logical conclusion I can offer for the moment, is that Vorlok was beamed away by a cloaked ship that is somehow able to use their transporter while remaining cloaked. The cloaking device must therefore be a very advanced system, which makes it even more unlikely that the Loxians beamed him out, since they do not use any cloaking technology at all."
Hardware Extended Remote Multi-functional Embedded System
Information is useful to manage tasks. Please, clarify your demands.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hermes.gif" border="0">


Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Comm One

*comm One enters Voraks office behind him and watches as Vorak seats himself.*

"Sir, if you do not mind I have invited Ambassador Gordon to this meeting for he is the Ambassador for Starfleet and I feel his presance is required. So if you don't mind I would like to wait for him to arrive."
http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6403/commone4yz.jpg" border="0">
Grade 5 Director  Comm One
Delta Alliance Officer
CO of the ASC Revox
http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-general.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-contact.gif" border="0">


*Vorak listens to Sanchez and nods.*
"I understand this is a serious situation. However, the Prime Directive clearly commands us to stay out of these kind of situations. We will have to wait and see what the outcome of their internal war will be. Now if that will be all, I need to prepare for the briefing. Thank you for informing me, Mr. Sanchez. We will meet soon on your promotion celebration."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Ali'aln Tulak

Sir, I am returning from my LOA. It took longer than expected. Where am I to report for duty sir?

OFF: I was out of the country and sent a PM to the High Command. Didn't ever get a response.
Lt. J.G. Ali'aln Tulak
                       Chief Medical Officer
                          Chief Counselor
                         U.S.S. Lothlorien

Frank Gordon

"While the others head here may i ask you to clear up something for me? It appears Admiral Lars of Gamma feels ill on my not wishing to further in his mission. (see the docking bay post)
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/1ID-Gordon.jpg" border="0">


"Ms. Kha'Var, I believe you do not yet fully understand Vulcan logic. In fact, I believe that my parents have been most... illogical, in their decisions regarding our circumstances. It is for that reason, that I consented to our marriage, despite their opposing arguments. I have consented to marry you indeed, and it is only logical that I keep myself to the promise I made. Therefore, it would be illogical for you to assume that I rejected my wedding vows, simply because your transmissions to me were rebounced. One of the main reasons why they may have been rebounced, was because we are located in a region of the Delta Quadrant here, that is beyond the Expansion Nebula--a vast nebula that distorts all communications permanently. We are virtually without contact with Starfleet Command, in this region of space."
*Vorak thinks for a moment, then lifts one eyebrow.*
"As for my... Ponn Farr, it was exactly 8.4 years ago. My most recent Ponn Farr, however, occured 1.5 years ago while I was under the influence of a Romulan virus. The doctors that treated me at that time, also medically suppressed my Ponn Farr, and it has not surfaced since. It may be that due to the past Romulan virus, and the medical treatment, my Ponn Farr course has been irregulated, in which case I do not know when it shall surface again. Naturally, if I were to experience Ponn Farr in the natural way, I would have recreated your personality on the holodecks... or visit you, to enable you to assist me through the procedure."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

KHa Var

*Shortly after leaving the Kahless, KHa'Var walks through OPS and enters Vorak's office.  She takes a seat and makes herself comfortable, while waiting for Vorak.*
-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">


"Good day, admiral. I have done a slight bit of research, to be able to be of service. May I assume that Vorlok is the young child that came aboard from the Klingon vessel, and has biosign readings indicating he is half Klingon and half Vulcan? If so, you should be able to find him in the medical department."
Hardware Extended Remote Multi-functional Embedded System
Information is useful to manage tasks. Please, clarify your demands.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hermes.gif" border="0">


*The doors slide open and Detrell enters the office, holding several padds*

"Reporting Admiral, sorry for the mess *puts his hands in the air* but it seems I need to catch up with some work"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Detrell.jpg" border="0">