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Division Reports

Started by Lars, September 02, 2004, 10:47:55 AM

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Thank you for your report.

Can you give me a new status report of the division's current status, after the summer vacation?

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


thank you. it working now.
Admiral Chris
Division XO
Gamma Division

Chris Blaisdell

Division Update - Jan 21, 2381

It has been getting harder at Gamma Division since the holidays. Some of the members who where here are now gone. The Station has almost no crew and I just started a mission to keep the rest active that are still there.

During the end of our last Fleet Mission, the USS Discovery A and USS Delphia where destroyed in the misssion. Both crews have merge onto the new USS Delphia A, a prototype Gamma Class starship which we all have been working to make happened.

The USS Amsterdam,is heading to Starpheonix now to help with the rebuilding but they need more crew since there is only 3 of them on the ship.

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i'll get my first report finished by saterday
Gamma Division CO
http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/S/SeanT/1056350448_pSovereign.jpg" border="0">You are a Sovereign-class Explorer, Starfleet's biggest, badest, playboy posterchild. You exceed everyone's expectations in every department. You're the best, and you know it


To all CO's and XO's of Expansion Fleet divisions:
Please post immediately in the Admiral's Only forum on this board, the Division activity topic. If you have no access to this forum, post here to let me know which username you need access with. Thank you.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Good to hear. I await your input there. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Chris Blaisdell

Report week of December 1

The fleet has slowed down a lot. There have been minor problems but I have fix a few of them. The USS Discovery A is being repaired after there last mission with a run in on a Katorlian rebel ship a few weeks ago. There crew is partly on the KHC Alpha41 under my command temp. The USS Delphia has just finished there mission after going after a few Ferengie's that where suppling the same rebel force inside the katorlian empire. They where stop with little lossses on either side. The USS Amsterdam is about to be sent to Starphinox to help on the rebuilding of there base from what I know. The station crew have been transfer to there station ship for the next fleet mission involving a civil war.

NOTE: At the moment we are very under crewed. This is an updated site crew manifest from our division.

Task Froce Gamma Division Roster

Division CO: Ft. Adm. Chris Blaisdell
Division Co: Ft. Adm. Lars
Division XO: V. Adm. Brendan Ryan

KBS Denvor

Station CO: Captain  Alex Munnro
Station XO: Cmdr. Justin Conwell
Intelligence CO: Lt. Cmdr. Tom Jones
Intelligence XO: Open
Intelligence Officer: open
Security CO: Lieutenant Chris Morton
Security XO: open
JAG CO: Cmdr. Justin Conwell
JAG XO: open
Medical CO: open
Medical XO: Open
Engineer CO: open
Engineer XO: open
Science CO: open
Science XO: open
Fighter Squad CO: Lt. Cmdr. Jase Jellico
Fighter Squad XO: open

USS Discovery A - Flag Ship

Ship CO: Commodore Kayla Harper
Ship XO: Commander John Norton

Chief of Tactical/Security: Lt. Cmdr. Teran Oras
Chief Medical Officer: OPEN
Chief of Ops: OPEN
Chief Engineer: Commander John Norton
Chief Science Officer: Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Morris (LOA)
Chief Helm Officer: Lt. JG Tristan (AWOL)

USS Delphia

CO: V. Adm. Brendan D. Ryan
XO: Captain Brad Hain

CSO: Lt. Cmdr. John Lee
COO: Lt Jg. Jack Smith(LOA)
CHelm: Ensign Joseph H. Tiereney (LOA)
CEO: Lt. James Carter
CMO: Cmdr. Adan d'Arcsabre

USS Amsterdam NCC-77856

CO: Captain Stephen Logan
XO: Commander Toben Belan

Chief Helm Officer: Lt. JG Mike Harper
Chief of Ops: Open
Ops Officer: Open
Chief of Security/Tactical: Lt.Commander Terra (AWOL)
Tactical Officer: Open
Security Officer: Open
Chief Engineer: Lt. Cmdr. Mark Jarret (AWOL)
Engineer: Open
Chief Science Officer: OPEN
Science Officer: OPEN
Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Cloud
Medical Officer:Open

Katorlian Fleet

KHC Alpha41

CO: Ft. Adm. Chris Blaisdell
XO: Reserved

Chief Sci/Engi. Advisor: Sub Captain SG. Mike Ledwith
Chief Helm Advisor: open
Chief Medical Advisor: open
Chief Security/Tactical Advisor: Open

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http://usera.imagecave.com/trek/yearone1.gif" border="0">


Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


I am having either problems trying to get here or problems staying log in now.
Admiral Chris
Division XO
Gamma Division


Thank you for your update. It appears that the current ships that do have a mission, are going well. Keep up the good work! http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Gamma division status report:

The division is doing well so far no inactivities. The USS Amsterdam finished her first mission and just started her second. The USS Texas has also finished her first mission and is on its way back to the station

USS Amsterdam [mission 1 rebelion] Since the ending of the dominion war there were some of the Dominion mostly jem-hadar wich didnt agree whit it lately they have been attacking federation facilities and starfleet discoverd that starbase 634 wich is still under constuction and when finished she will be one of the largest sttions ever was to be their next target the amsterdam was sent to the station whit another small fleet wich was already there but they arrived to late the dominions already destroyed the constuction site together whit the fleet when they arrived 2 they were attacked by 2 ships the amsterdam stopped them and beamed all survivors onboard and went back to the station

USS Texas [mission 1 shakedown] The texas her first mission was an easy one she was sent to a astriod field near bajor when they arrived and wanted to start testing its weapons 3 ferengi ships moved out of the field claiming that it was their astriod field on its way back to the station they were attakced by a ferengi ship and took some dammage they are now on hteir way back to the station.

end report

Gamma Division CO
http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/S/SeanT/1056350448_pSovereign.jpg" border="0">You are a Sovereign-class Explorer, Starfleet's biggest, badest, playboy posterchild. You exceed everyone's expectations in every department. You're the best, and you know it


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Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Chris Blaisdell

Sir, here is a status report for TF Gamma Division.

Currently, the USS Discovery A is on amission with the Marines to captrue a terrist group of a new race Called the Katorlians. More info is on our fleet mission that is on hold at the moment. Discopvery is also on a sketelon crew at this time since we are doing some changes to the fleet.

USS Delphia is also on a mission to help out a feregie ferighter from unkow fighters. I don't know much of this mission since it was crwated by the CO of Delphia who is the Fleet Commander.

The USS Amsterdam is having problems after the Chief Engineer Officer Lt. Cmdr. Mark Jarrett ejected the warp core into space. They are in the process of recovery the core and have got some help from Cmdr. Justin Conwell, the site Chief JAG Officer who is on a Katorlian vessel.

UPDATES to Roster.

I had to decommission to ships in the fleet. The USS Alexander and USS Equinox A since the crew on the other ships and station was very thin. This has help a little but not much.

Regrads from Gamma,

Ft. Adm. CHristopher C. Blaisdell

(Edited by Chris Blaisdell at 4:00 pm on Nov. 5, 2004)

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